6 Easiest Genres to Write

If you have always wanted to write a book but you are not certain which genre would be the best option for you then read our list of 6 easiest genres to write.

Writing is not easy regardless of what one might think. Even if you are an extremely gifted writer and you have been writing for years, it can still get quite difficult at times. Professional and creative writing differ greatly, so if you wish to write your first book, you might need to explore all options a little bit. By the way, if you are seeking for reliable writing gigs, take a look at our list of  7 Best Freelance Websites for Writers. Writing takes skills and it takes a lot of discipline as well. Once you realize that you want to write a novel you need to actually sit down and write and not give up after the first rough patch.

6 Easiest Genres to Write


 Whether you are a first-time writer or an established one, there are some things you need to define before you start writing which will help you stick to the plan and go through with your book. Naturally, you need to decide what you are going to write about. It is desirable to determine the genre you wish to write in before you start but not necessarily. Many authors simply start writing and then figure out the genre somewhere along the process. Some of them even don’t bother with it at all until their publishers suggest that their work suggests a specific genre while creating a marketing plan for your book. You can take a look at the list of genres and subgenres on Quizlet to learn more.

Nevertheless, you need to make a plan and stick to it. Your book needs structure, and no matter which genre you choose, bear in mind that all genres have rules and require a lot of work, and don’t forget the plot which is probably the most important. How you profile your characters, how the story develops, that’s what’s relevant. For example, you might have a great idea for a romance novel and you have it all figured out but if you don’t pay attention to details, to the plot, and your characters are poorly described then the book will certainly not be a good one. So when choosing a genre, the old good saying that you need to choose the one you enjoy writing in is really the best piece of advice you can get. Because if you wish to write a sci-fi novel but you are not passionate about it, your readers will feel that and that might affect the way they feel about your book. While if you are always able to make a joke out of everything and you are genuinely funny, then you will probably feel most comfortable writing comedy.

So let’s be clear on one thing, no books are easy to write, except maybe bad books, and this is what all authors probably agree on. Some might argue that certain type of books are easier to write such as YA (Young Adult Fiction), but YA is not a genre, it’s a category, and we don’t think it’s very easy to write such a book. Young Adult Fiction always has a young protagonist and it can belong to any genre. YA novel can be a mystery, romance, thriller or even fantasy. While we realize that considering a genre easy or hard is completely subjective as it depends on your personal characteristics and abilities, we acknowledge that some genres might not demand the same hard work as others, therefore they might appear easier to write such as genre fiction novels, which are written and published widely for popular appeal, as Writer’s Relief states. But we may perceive this as choosing the easiest genres for us personally. We searched for a second opinion on Reddit and  Message Board on this matter, and we also looked for a professional opinion on Huffington Post and Now Novel. And after hearing what other people think of this, we compiled a list of 6 easiest genres to write.

6. Erotica

Erotica, the last on our list of easiest genres to write, belongs to fiction and it is a subgenre of romance but focused on sexual scenes much more than on the characters and the plot. Unlike romance novel, erotica might be easier to write since it does not include complex characters as much as other genres. Everything revolves around erotic. But as with other genres, if you don’t feel comfortable writing erotica then it won’t get much easier for you.

6 Easiest Genres to Write


5. Fantasy

Based on the public opinion, fantasy genre novels might be slightly easier to write if you are creative and you have some great ideas that you can build your story around so we decided to include it in our list of 6 easiest genres to write. Since it’s fantasy, you must create all the relevant factors in advance, such as the place (where is your fantastic story taking place), the characters (which creatures will you use in your book), magic, etc. Although fictional, your characters and everything else needs to make sense, so make sure that you are not just copying other famous works. Once again, if you are not enthusiastic about it but you chose fantasy because it’s an „easy“ genre, then this is not the one for you.

6 Easiest Genres to Write

Who is Danny/Shutterstock.com

4. Romance

Romance novels basically involve a couple who, after some ups and downs, eventually end up living happily ever after. And this is what the readers want. They are invited to care for the characters and the romance hoping they will end up together all the time. If we take a moment to think about it, yes, it sounds as not so difficult. Yet again, if it isn’t your thing then you might need more time and effort to complete the work.

6 Easiest Genres to Write


3. Mystery

In a mystery novel, the most important thing is how you present the crime somewhere in the beginning of the book, and then research the methods of committing the crime giving your readers clues to solve it themselves. It is supposed to be fun and easy to read, but not too easy or it will cause the reader to lose interest. If you have some good ideas for a mystery story, then why not? It might not be so difficult to write it after all.

6 Easiest Genres to Write

Yuganov Konstantin/Shutterstock.com

2. Sci-Fi

We are continuing our list of easiest genres to write with science fiction that is a mixture of technology and science meant to play with our imagination. Often, sci-fi books focus on alternative possibilities so you don’t need to focus entirely on the plot. But although you don’t absolutely have to use exact information and scientific facts in order to create your fantasy world, you still need to research a lot to find relevant information and put all that together so we wouldn’t say it’s easy for any writer.

6 Easiest Genres to Write


1. Thrillers

Thriller is the last genre on our list of 6 easiest genres to write and it might be somewhat confusing to be certain of whether one writes mystery or thrillers because they do tend to overlap. The difference is that in thrillers the focus is on the tension and keeping it high throughout the book such as in spy thrillers. It’s easy to write only if you have the ability to keep that tension going on.

6 Easiest Genres to Write
