12 Popular Science Myths Debunked

In this day and age, one would think that many popular science myths that are debunked are long behind us. But some of them still persist, despite being exposed like false over and over again.

From dead people needing mani-pedi to black holes, there are plenty of science myths that we hear almost on daily basis. Some of them are passed in the family, as undisputable truths, while some we pick up along the way. Some have even been taught in schools. But even though our knowledge of the world increases every day, these myths keep popping up. To make matters worse, we even managed to create a few new ones.

Facts, Myths, blackboard

Gustavo Frazao/Shutterstock.com

Some say that human field of knowledge has become so vast that it is impossible for an individual to comprehend it entirely. For instance, how many people living in these best countries in nanotechnology can actually explain what nanotechnology really is? While this is true, it doesn’t justify intellectual laziness so prevalent in our population. With every imaginable information readily available on the Internet, it is hard to believe that people would rather spread myths than check the fact for themselves.

These 12 popular science myths debunked are just the tip of the iceberg. There are plenty more from where these came from. Hopefully, in the future, we would be able to look at them and have a laugh.

12.Cemetery hairstylist

Hair and nails grow after death myth is caused by drying up of the skin of dead people, making it appear as if their nails have grown. In fact, nothing grows once you are dead.



Don’t crack your knuckles, it will give you arthritis. Donald Unger was so sick of this myth that he started cracking knuckles on his left hand while leaving his right one alone. He’s been doing it for 60 years and published a paper confirming that there was no difference in the health of his joints. There’s some dedication for you.

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10.Flu season

This one is not only false but potentially dangerous as well. As soon as people start exhibiting flu symptoms, they start loading up on antibiotics. But antibiotics don’t do anything against viruses, they are only effective against bacteria. The only thing that is happening is that bacteria in your body is becoming more resistant to the medicine, so once you really need them, antibiotics won’t work.



How often have you heard that humans are only using 10% of our brain? And if we could unlock just a few percent more of the brainpower, we would all be geniuses? Unfortunately, this is wrong. We are using our brain to the maximum level possible.


8.Brainpower II

Brain cells don’t regenerate. The amount of little gray cells is finite and your body can’t create any more of them. Well, actually, we can, especially in the part of the brain responsible for memory.


7.Evolution is just a theory

A scientific theory doesn’t mean something isn’t proven. It means that there is sufficient evidence that a natural phenomenon can be explained. Next time one of your friends says this, suggest to them that a theory of gravity is also just a theory and he or she should test it.


6.Stay warm

Opening windows in winter will lead to catching a cold, so don’t do it. In fact, germs love to breed in warm, crowded environment, so opening windows and venting the house few times a day will reduce their concentration and reduce the risk of getting sick.


5.The Great Wall of China

Number five among popular science myths debunked is about the Great Wall of China, often hailed as the only man-made object that can be seen from space. While it is a tremendous construction achievement, this is not true. Unless you are using some very powerful optic equipment, there’s no way you can see it even from orbit.

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4.Sixth sense

The sixth sense is something extraordinary since humans only have five, right? Wrong. We have plenty of senses. Besides the traditional ones, we can also sense acceleration, pain, temperature, hunger and a few more. Sorry, Bruce Willis.

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3.Early bird catches a worm

This one originated when a study was published stating that people who get up early are more productive. So, in order to achieve all your life goals, you should wake up at the crack of dawn and start catching them worms. In truth, people in this study didn’t accomplish more because they are getting up early, they are getting up early because they are more productive persons. If you aren’t one of those, getting up early will only make you cranky for the rest of the day and actually diminish your productivity.


2.Black holes

Contrary to the popular belief, black holes don’t act like giant space vacuum cleaners, sucking up everything around them. In fact, if our Sun was replaced by one of them, planets’ orbits would be largely unaffected. We would all be dead, of course, but that’s not the point.


1.Gluten is bad for you

And number one on our list of popular science myths debunked is that gluten is bad for you and should be avoided at all cost. In reality, unless you are suffering from celiac disease, which causes an inability to digest gluten, you can safely consume it, just like our ancestors have been doing for thousands of years.

gluten sign

Andy Dean Photography/Shutterstock.com