15 Most Sexually Open Countries in the World

These 15 most sexually open countries in the world may surprise you or even make you want to relocate in the future.

The world had changed significantly from the time when everyone believed women did not experience sexual desire or pleasure. This misconception lasted until the 20th century, and American and European women suffered from hysteria or what we now call sexual frustration. It sounds almost unbelievable that it took a doctor to sexually satisfy a woman using a device (today known as the vibrator). It sounds funny, really, but those poor women had to endure their entire lives without sexual relief while their men were blissfully living in ignorance.

15 Most Sexually Open Countries in the World

Kiselev Andrey Valerevich/Shutterstock.com

Fortunately, the world is a much better place now, and women are equally sexually liberal as men. Well, at least in the most parts of the world. There are still countries where strict religious rules apply and dominate, but today’s focus will not be on them. We will discuss most sexually open minded countries instead. Sexual freedoms we know today are the result of sexual revolution (1960-1980), and this series of changes shaped America, Europe, as well as some parts of Asia. The revolution was initiated by those who wished to explore the body and the mind, free of moral and legal sexual confines mostly imposed by religious traditions. Modern America embraced experimentation and distanced itself from the 1940s and 1950s morals in general. If you want to know what America feels about sex today, take a look at 11 Most Sexually Active States in America.

Mass media, as well as modern medicine, had a great impact on the new attitude towards sexuality and sexual freedoms that spread around the world. Some modern societies today, even go so far that they teach their children how to be promiscuous and how to satisfy their partners. We will discuss one such society on our list today. We have already covered this topic before in The 10 Most Sexually Active Countries in the World, as well as in 10 Most Sexually Active Countries in Africa. So, it will be interesting to make some comparisons with our today’s list.

However, despite the revolution that spread around the world, the level of sexual freedom is not the same everywhere. Certain places remain more sexually active compared to others, and so Paris, Rio de Janeiro, and New York City are among the most sexually active cities in the world, and they are probably one of the easiest cities to get laid in the world, too.

As opposed to most sexually liberal cities, there are places where people just aren’t into sex that much such as Cape Elizabeth, Essex or Bedford. I guess these aren’t the places you are eager to visit if you consider sexual freedom to be important. That is why today we decided to do research on most sexually liberated countries and provide you with a list you will be interested in. Coming up with most sexually liberal countries was not very easy, and there are a lot of factors to be considered. According to the WHO report, African countries dominate the list of countries where people start having sex before the age of 15, but of course, people do get married at an earlier age in these countries, so this doesn’t mean that they are sexually open. On the other hand, statistics about the number of average sexual partners was helpful, but it was not the only source we relied on. We also considered Reddit and Quora and studies conducted on sexuality in different countries, which we will mention later on the list, and once we gathered the data, we ranked them placing most sexually open country of all on top of the list. So, let’s see the 15 most sexually open countries in the world.

15. Japan

According to our research, it turns out that people are pretty sexually open-minded in Japan. Apparently, there are bars in this country, where everyone is naked and people can have sex right in front of the everyone. It’s nothing to be ashamed of in Japan, so if you are into this kind of thing, you may even consider relocating to Japan.

14. The Netherlands

Another country that deserves to be among most sexually open countries in the world is the Netherlands. The Netherlands appear in every dialogue concerning sexual liberties and people there are really into casual sex. We know that Amsterdam is known as a very liberal city, but this discussion may provide more insight into the views on sexuality in the Netherlands.

15 Most Sexually Open Countries in the World

Marina Svetlova/Shutterstock.com

13. France

We all hear stories about French people being promiscuous, so it’s only natural to conclude that this country is sexually liberal. And it is. French people are open about their sexuality, and according to the TIME and a study conducted in France, both the number of partners and the diversity of sexual activity has increased in this country over the last decade. Women may even be more into casual sex than men.

15 Most Sexually Open Countries in the World


12. Germany

It’s no secret that Germany is a very open-minded country and when it comes to sex and sexual behavior, Germans are definitely liberal. There are few sexual taboos in Germany, as opposed to other countries. There are many sex clubs in Berlin and people are prone to cheating, at least about 17-32% of women are according to this article.

15 Most Sexually Open Countries in the World

Kaspars Grinvalds/Shutterstock.com

11. Britain

According to an article, teens and young adults in the UK are significantly more sexually open than the previous generation. It appears that the British men start having sex very early and have many sexual partners over time. It is not a coincidence that Britain ranks high on top most unfaithful countries as well, and we must conclude that their view on sexuality is pretty liberal.

15 Most Sexually Open Countries in the World


And now, let’s see the top 10 most sexually open countries in the world.

10. Canada

Canada is another country where people are mostly sexually liberated and are not ashamed of their desires. Although big cities everywhere tend to be more sexually open than smaller places, we may say Canada is a sexually open country in general. Apparently, Quebec boasts a very sexually liberal environment as this article explains.

15 Most Sexually Open Countries in the World

India Picture/Shutterstock.com

9. Switzerland

Like many European countries, Switzerland, the next one on our list of most sexually open countries in the world, can be observed as an open-minded country. There is a common belief that the Swiss are not very shy when it comes to sexuality and some may even perceive it as a land of sex and love. According to a survey, people in Switzerland have sex about 123 times per ear, while the global average is about 103.

15 Most Sexually Open Countries in the World

Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock.com

8. Ireland

A survey in which 15 countries were included revealed that Irish people are most sexually active which means they deserve a place on our list of most sexually open countries in the world. Irish people are honest about their desires as this survey showed. In fact, it turns out that Irish women are more likely to have a one-night stand and sleep with their lovers than men. The Irish Mirror discussed the survey so you can read it if you want some more details.

15 Most Sexually Open Countries in the World


7. Sweden

You may have heard about the stereotypes that Swedish people tend to appreciate nudity and enjoy casual sex. While many stereotypes can prove to be untrue, this one, however, is pretty close to the truth. Swedish people, women, in particular, have a very liberal view of sex and they often engage in casual sex, at least according to this article.

15 Most Sexually Open Countries in the World


6. Norway

Another Scandinavian country that made it to the list of most sexually open countries in the world is Norway. Norway is also one of the countries we can often see ranking high in similar lists, and this is because most people share an open-minded view on sexuality. The Nordic countries, in general, are known to be more sexually liberal compared to other countries.

15 Most Sexually Open Countries in the World

Kaspars Grinvalds/Shutterstock.com

5. Finland

According to a study conducted in 2008, European countries were sexually the most active, and Finland came on top of the list. Due to gender equality, both women and men start having sex at a younger age in this country. You can take a look at this article to learn a bit more.

15 Most Sexually Open Countries in the World


4. Iceland

Iceland ranks 4th on our list of most sexually open countries in the world. It has a reputation of being a sort for a sexual oasis. Apparently, people in Iceland have very liberal views on casual sex and according to Rooster, this may be linked to smallpox, a contagious disease which seriously depopulated Iceland in 1707. The king then declared it lawful for every woman to give birth to six children even if she is not married in an effort to repopulate the country. An interesting account indeed.

15 Most Sexually Open Countries in the World


3. New Zealand

If you are looking for a sexually open country, then look no further. According to a study, women in New Zealand are very promiscuous and tend to have many more sexual partners than females in other countries. This video explains it in more details so you can take a look to learn more about the matter.

15 Most Sexually Open Countries in the World


2. Australia

Australia ranks pretty high on most lists regarding the average number of sexual partners, but it is also perceived as one of the most sexually open-minded countries in the world. Australia, the number two on our list of most sexually open countries in the world,  is a generally an open-minded country, so it’s only natural that they view casual sex to be… well, casual. At least the majority of the population. This doesn’t mean that all Australian are sexually liberal as not all people share the same beliefs and values.

15 Most Sexually Open Countries in the World

Rocketclips, Inc./Shutterstock.com

1. Cook Islands

The title of most sexually open country in the world goes to Cooks Islands or to be more precise, the Mangaia island, which is the most southerly of the Cook Islands located in the Pacific Ocean. Mangaian people have a very liberal approach to sex and sexual education. In their society, young boys aged 10 are encouraged to masturbate and once they reach 13, they are even isolated for 2 weeks during which they learn all about sex, and how to pleasure their partners. They are even taught on positions and techniques they can use to satisfy their partners. Boys, as well as girls, are encouraged to have more sexual partners, to explore their sexuality, and even to have an orgasm two or three times a night. If this isn’t a sexually open-minded place I don’t know what is. Perhaps the most shocking fact of all is that young adults engage in observing older couples having sex and discuss sexual intercourse with their families. You can learn more by watching this YouTube video.

That wraps it up for our list of most sexually open countries in the world.