14 Celebrities and Famous People Who are Rumored to Be Illuminati Members

The Illuminati is the word used when referencing groups, both real and made up, that are part of a secret society of sorts and whose members can also be high profile, which is why we’re going to look at celebrities and famous people who are rumored to be Illuminati members.

Historically, it is said that the secret society of the Illuminati was founded in the 1700s. Their goals were to oppose religious influence over public life, the state’s abuse of power and to generally oppose superstition. Despite it being outlawed at different stages in history, the secretive group has stayed strong and continued on as if nothing happened. After all, they were secret and if no one snitched on the members, nobody could prove they were actually Illuminati.

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Their strength is said to have grown more and more over the centuries until they became so influential that they actually control all aspects of today’s life on Earth, including finance, government, religion and culture. The capstone of the pyramid on the U.S. dollar, featuring an eye, is said to be a sign of the Illuminati’s influence. If you doubt all this, you might be interested to read our article on 6 reasons why Illuminati is fake.

So, who’s a member? Anyone that’s someone, apparently, or at least that’s what some people believe. The all seeing eye is added to triangular figures and superimposed on various famous people’s images as if to indicate that they’re members of the secret Illuminati. Whether those coming up with these theories need some kind of medication or they’re really on to something we’ll likely never know. Nonetheless, here are 14 celebrities and famous people who are rumored to be Illuminati members.

14.Willow Smith

Will Smith and Jada Pinkett’s daughter is only 15 years old, but it seems like she’s already a member of the Illuminati, or at least that’s what some individuals are saying. Basically, she’s been wearing a lot of triangular shapes on her clothes and even her music videos hold secretly stashed clues like the “devil hand sign”… you know, the one used by rockers everywhere.

13. Jim Carrey

Famous actor and comedian Jim Carrey is also apparently a member of the Illuminati. His making the pyramid sign with his hands while making fun of the Illuminati during Jimmy Kimmel’s show apparently obviously makes him a member of the secretive group. There you have it! Solid evidence.

12. Lady Gaga

If you’ve ever watched a Lady Gaga video you’ll know that they’re usually full of symbolism, just as her music (some of it, at least) is. Of course, artists have used symbolism for centuries, but that doesn’t seem to matter because some see her as an “Illuminati puppet”. Since she’s all about the show and she makes all kinds of hand gestures, Gaga is rumored to be a member of the Illuminati. I bet she doesn’t even know it.

11. Bob Dylan

Everyone knows Bob Dylan. He’s been around for a long time (he is 74 years old, after all) and his career has lasted for a great part of his life. His music is legendary, but it seems that there may have been greater powers at play. Whether he’s Illuminati or not, it looks like his music has somehow him into a Satanist over the years and so he became a tool for the Illuminati. The proof these people have is an interview the artist gave a few years back and they’re taking his words and twisting them to suit their needs.

10. Kanye West

The world’s most biggest megalomaniac rapper is apparently a part of the Illuminati too. Singing about how he “sold his soul to the devil” seems to be proof enough for those who can spot these things and put on labels.

9. Rihanna

This beautiful singer from Barbados has apparently gone to the dark side, too. Her change into a “bad girl” a few years after her entrance into the music world has made a lot of people take notice of her and question what happened to push her to make the switch and to, apparently, become a puppet of Illuminati.

8. Beyonce

Queen B is apparently also a member of this secretive group. Proof? Ah, who needs it?! Making a few triangle-like shapes with her hands seem to indicate that she’s a member of the Illuminati. It couldn’t possibly be in support of her husband’s record label, Roc Symbol, but we’ll get to that in a minute.

7. Jay Z

Rumors that Jay Z was a member of the Illuminati have been going on for years. This has been said so often that the artist has even felt the need to address it. Even Beyonce talked about the famous hand sign he’s been making to represent his record label. Explanations about it indicate that back in the early days they said that one of the albums they made would sell ten million records or “go diamond”, which led to the diamond hand sign. This makes him one of the 14 celebrities and famous people who are rumored to be Illuminati members.

6. Ben Bernanke

Bernanke is an American economist and he’s been the chairman of the Federal Reserve, the US central bank, from 2006 to 2014. Naturally, a man with such power over the financial issues of the United States must be a part of the Illuminati, or at least that’s what some people are saying.

5. George Soros

Soros is a rather controversial magnate with a huge fortune, so of course he must have turned to the dark side at one point or another and become a member of the Illuminati. He’s been known to get involved in politics time and time again, to express his views over one issue or another, which means he must be trying to publicly influence the lawmakers’ decision. Or so they say.

4. George W. Bush

Former US President George W. Bush is apparently a member of the Illuminati, along with his entire family. It seems that back when he was in office and he participated in the Olympic ceremony, receiving the torch from an Olympic runner he was actually performing some sort of ritual where the torch signified the illumination of the ancient mysteries. He even picked what some consider to be traditional Masonic colors – black and white – to make things even more obvious. Who would have thought?

3. Barack Obama

He’s the current president of the United States so that surely makes him a member of this secretive group, doesn’t it? Well, it seems like that’s so and the evidence is all there, conspiracy theory fans say. Apparently being a supporter of the globalization trend is proof enough, while ill-timed photos showing him with “horns” are just extra.

2. Queen Elizabeth II

Not only has Queen Elizabeth II been ruling the United Kingdom for over sixty years, but she’s also the head of the local Illuminati group. The conspiracy theorists say that the entire Illuminati is actually run from London, guided by the Bank of England, which is somehow run by the “Crown” which is Queen Elizabeth II. There. Mystery solved.

1. The Pope

What do you mean what Pope? All Popes, probably, since they lead the Catholic Church. Never mind that that the original purpose of the Illuminati was to oppose religious influence. Plus, Francis was named Pope and his curtains made a triangle shape behind him. Case closed. That definitely puts him at the top of the list of the 14 celebrities and famous people who are rumored to be Illuminati members.