Top 10 Most Remote Places in the World

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No.5. Pitcairn Island, South Pacific

Island is a tiny piece of land located in the middle of the southern Pacific Ocean. It is an extremely remote island given that the closest land to it is even a hundred miles away and the island itself consists of only 50 people, most of whom are descendants of crew members of the HMS bounty.

No.4. Easter Island, Chile
Easter Island is widely known for its famous rock statues called Moai, carved in the early 1500’s by the inhabitants. The island is located about some 2000 miles west of Chile and has a living population of 5000 people most of whom are descendants.
Most Remote Places

No.3.Tristan Cunha, South Atlantic Ocean
To begin our countdown at In No.10 of our top 10 most remote places is The Tristan DA Chunha situated in the southern Atlantic ocean, which is an isolated group of small islands with its nearest land about 1700 miles away. The island consists of volcanoes which is why the Tristan DA Cunha is also considered dangerous, though the last eruption was known to occur in 1962. The island is home to roughly 270 people with the boat being its only means of travel to and from the island.

No.2. Alert, Nunavut, Canada
500 miles below the North Pole lying on the Arctic Ocean is the location of the Nunavut terrains and on it lies the small village alert. Its harsh temperature falling up to -40 degrees makes it impossible for people to live.

No.1. Deception Island, Antarctica

Deception Island is at the top most in our 10 most remote places in the World list. The Island holds almost 200,000 birds at Chinstrap Penguin colony and has 0 human populations. The island was named after an incident where a pilot crashed with his aircraft by miscalculating distance from the island appears whole from the distance but is in fact hollow from within.

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