8 Easiest Olympic Sports to Qualify For

If you hadn’t been practicing any sports since you were a child (i.e., not have much experience in sports), maybe you would be interested to find out which easiest Olympic sports to qualify for are. And if you are not that competitive and not interested in preparing for the Olympics these could also be good and easiest sports to start late.

It is never late to start with a physical activity. It is also highly recommended for maintaining good health, of course. And here we are not talking about the professional sport. Preparing for the Olympics, on the other hand, requires more preparation, and should be taken more seriously, even if you are looking for the least physically demanding Olympic sport.

Easiest Olympic Sports to Qualify For


There are around 30 sports that are included in the Olympic games, and the number varies from season to season. The first Olympics included only nine. The next Tokyo Olympics 2020 will have 33 sports included (with newly added sports – climbing, surfing, and skateboarding). But since we are here to see some of the easiest Olympic sports to qualify for, we will not take in mind some of the most physically demanding Olympic sports such as decathlon, marathon or boxing. We will simply reconsider what is the easiest sport to go pro in.

If you already gave some non-professional sports preferences, like playing basketball or football in the free time, take in mind that group sports might be a good opportunity if you sneak into an easy position (and for some ideas you might check the 5 Easiest Football Positions to Get a College Scholarship).

Anyway, we have done some research here to give you some ideas about the easiest Olympic sports to qualify for. Taking in mind both summer and winter Olympics, we have sought our answers in many places, mostly looking for opinions of sportsmen and general experiences. So we got some info from Quora, Splinter news, Reddit, Gawker, Letsrun and Stuff. We did try to look for the easiest ones, but it did not include the search for the cheapest Olympic sports on one hand and the stupid stuff like four-man synchronized horseshoes.

But anyway, if you decide to qualify for the Olympics, at least be decent. Don’t mess up with the dopings and stuff like that would put you on the blacklist of the 11 Biggest Olympic Scandals of All Time. For qualifying for the Olympics you will need patience, devotion, and time no matter how easy a sport might appear, work for it as if you would be working for the hardest Olympic sport. So, let’s check these easiest Olympic sports to qualify for:

8. Rowing

Since rowing is a team sport it is kind of easier to qualify for this Olympic sport. You will need a lot of cardio sessions in the gym, and a lot of practice as well, but if you are devoted enough, or already have physical predispositions it is a good choice.

Easiest Olympic Sports to Qualify For

Valerie Johnson / Shutterstock.com

7. Cycling

Many people that are even just a little bit into any kind of sport probably cycle from time to time. With a little bit of preparation, you could take part in some of the cycling events at the Olympics.

Easiest Olympic Sports to Qualify For

Pixabay/Public Domain

6. Equestrian

We have warned you, that even though we were looking for some of the easiest Olympic sports to qualify for we did not look at the price, sorry. That is why equestrian is here. Well, if you can afford to have a horse, you will also have enough to pay for decent classes, which opens the gates to the Olympics for you.

Easiest Olympic Sports to Qualify For

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5. Archery

For qualifying for the archery in the Olympics you will need some practice, patience and a good eye. But it is not among the most popular sports out there, so it seems to be a good choice for the easiest Olympic sport to qualify for.

Easiest Olympic Sports to Qualify For

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4. Badminton

Many people would not reconsider this choice of sport. Ever. But nevertheless, if you are one of these, swallow your pride and get your priorities in order, because it really is among the easiest Olympic sports to qualify for.

Easiest Olympic Sports to Qualify For

Pixabay/Public Domain

3. Shooting

Shooting is a perfect sport if you are not in a top form, athletic or even interested in working on these properties. But, for this, you will need a sharp eye and full self-control. Take in mind that this is also not among the cheapest sports, but literally, anyone can try themselves out.

Easiest Olympic Sports to Qualify For

Pixabay/Public Domain

2. Bobsled

Here we come to the fun part. Everyone who enjoyed sledding as a kid (and who didn’t) would probably pick this one among the easiest Olympic sports on our list. And it is even more fun having other one or three teammates with you sleighing down the tracks.

Easiest Olympic Sports to Qualify For

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1. Curling

Probably everyone agrees that curling is the easiest Olympic sport to qualify for. It is a team sport, so not everything depends on you, and it is, well, fun, for both the players and the audience as well. But now seriously, as a traditional game, dating back to the 16th-century curling really deserves all the attention and the place at the Olympics it has.

Easiest Olympic Sports to Qualify For

Pixabay/Public Domain