5 Easiest Daedric Artifacts To Get in Skyrim

It’s been four years since The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim has seen the light of day and not counting The Elder Scrolls Online, it is the latest installment in The Elder Scrolls series, and this is why we are honoring the game 4 years after the initial release by compiling the list of 5 easiest Daedric artifacts to get in Skyrim.

You can also read about another iconic series here on Insider Monkey. Total War series holds a special place in many gamer’s hearts, and 6 easiest countries to play as in Empire Total War is as fine list as any to pay it the respect it deserves.

Adam Ziaja / Shutterstock.com

Adam Ziaja / Shutterstock.com

First of all, let us determine which of the artifacts qualify for Daedric artifacts list. Daedric weaponry and armory which you can create by yourself using Daedric heart and a considerable amount of ebony ingots clearly doesn’t qualify. Yes, it is hard to obtain the ingredients and even harder to reach the smithing level that actually allows you to craft Daedric weapons and armor, but the fact that you can craft them by yourself clearly makes them easier to obtain eventually. Daedric artifacts inside the game are actually very few and far in between. In order to obtain them, you have to complete a Daedric quest which is a specific, often difficult task. Sixteen Daedric princes (of seventeen in total) have a Daedric artifact attributed to them inside Skyrim. Jyggalag is the only Daedric prince in Skyrim without proper manifestation in the world through an artifact.

Even though some of Daedric artifacts are easier to find than other, obtaining either one of these won’t be a stroll in the park. We’ll compile the list of 5 easiest Daedric artifacts to get in Skyrim by determining the lowest recommended level as well as looking at how many opponents you’re about to face while completing the quest. These parameters can easily pinpoint how much time-consuming a quest can be, as well as how hard it ultimately is. Finally, bear in mind that playing the game on easiest difficulties will make every single quest easy as well. In order to fully grasp the difficulty of obtaining a Daedric artifact, try finishing the quests with Master or Legendary difficulty sliders.

5. Mephala’s Ebony Blade

There’s only one catch that makes Ebony Blade relatively hard to obtain. It’s time. You need to reach level 20 before getting “The Whispering Door” quest line opened. After that, Ebony Blade is as good as yours as obtaining it doesn’t require any fighting skills. You only need to acquire the key to unlock the aforementioned door which you can obtain by pickpocketing Farengar Secret-Fire or Jarl Balgruuf, which both have a copy of their own. After you unlock the door, Ebony Blade is yours. However, it is still not yet at full potential. In order to restore the blade to its true form, you’ll have to use it (in other words to kill) on a person that trusts you. This should be done 10 times before the blade reaches its full potential. Because of this twist in the quest and prerequisite previously mentioned, Mephala’s Ebony Blade takes the fifth spot.


4. Sanguine Rose

Sanguine Rose is obtained through a tedious “A Night to Remember” quest which isn’t that hard but can be annoying and long at the same time. Furthermore, it has a prerequisite which is player’s level 14. This quest will start bouncing you around from one place to another while you keep on trying to recollect the events of one hazy, drunken night with Sam Guevenne; Sanguine’s aspect on the mortal plane. Sanguine Rose which comes as a reward, summons a Dremora companion to player’s side, thus helping against strong opponents.


3. Mace of Molag Bal

Another fairly easy weapon to collect, Mace of Molag Bal takes the spot number 3 on our list of 5 easiest Daedric artifacts to get in Skyrim. “The House of Horrors” quest requires you to cleanse one random Forsworn camp; that much is true. However, the quest can be taken straightaway without any prerequisites, and it has a shortcut which can be quite helpful as well. If you have already cleared the Forsworn camp before beginning the quest or completed “No One Escapes Cidhna Mine” quest, you likely won’t have to fight for the artifact at all during the actual Daedric quest – save killing the unlucky Tyranus at quest’s beginning.


2. Savior’s Hide/Hircine’s Ring

One of the two Daedric Quests which lets you choose the reward, “Ill Met by Moonlight” also has no level prerequisite. Depending on the path you take, you might end up either with Savior’s Hide or Hircine’s Ring in your inventory. If you follow the instructions on the given Skyrim Wikia page, you might just end up with both artifacts. In any case, you’ll only have a handful of hunters to kill, and they are relatively easy to defeat regardless of difficulty level, given their low armor rates.


1. Wabbajack

As pretty much any quest related to Sheogorath across The Elder Scrolls series, “The Mind of Madness” offers unparalleled levels of fun and delusion, interwoven together with utterly crazy dialogues (and monologs) only Prince of Madness can come up with. The only trick in this quest is to recognize the signs from the dialogues and decipher them. If you do that quickly enough, you will avoid fighting altogether. If not, a quicksave feature is always at your disposal. Wabbajack is ultimately disappointing as a weapon since, just as its master, acts randomly and unpredictably. However, it can still turn the tide of battle in player’s favor, if luck should have it.



These 5 easiest Daedric artifacts to get in Skyrim are actually the only relatively easily obtainable Daedric artifacts in the game. Nocturnal’s Skeleton Key is obtained at the end of Thieves Guild quest line which is quite a long way, and other artifacts will spring a surprise or two before being obtained. In other words, all other Daedric artifacts in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim are much more challenging to obtain.