11 Countries with Highest Female Population

The list of 11 countries with highest female population, as enumerated here, is a statistical analysis of the countries that show the largest concentration of the female demographic.

According to the United Nations World Population Prospects, men slightly outnumber women in world population at 50.4% compared to 49.6% for the female. Take a look at the list of 11 countries with highest male population. In the past, women were considered mostly docile and withdrawn. Most of them were assigned to menial and mundane household chores. Today, women are given much more equal opportunity and importance throughout most of the world, though there’s still a long way to go. With these figures, we can see the big picture and have a new perspective in realizing once again the social significance of the female population.

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Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.com

Supported by the United Nations World Population Prospects, The World Bank, The Advocates for Human Rights, Center for Disease Control, GeoHive, Wikipedia, World Population Review, and Country Meters, the list of the 11 Countries with the Highest Female Population is presented here.

11. Mexico

Female population: 63,898,053 (50.7%)
Total population: 126,073,425

Due to the increased fertility rate of women in Mexico, the country’s overall population is on the rise. Soon, it will eclipse Japan and take over 10th place as the most populous nation on Earth.

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10. Japan

Female population: 64,728,627 (51.3%)
Total population: 126,185,869

Japan’s population is in decline. Yet it holds the 10th place in world population. An increasing trend of women choosing their career instead of raising children is considered a factor for the country’s decrease in birth rate. Increased death rate and the high cost of raising children are also part of the blame.

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9. Russia

Female population: 78,569,684 (53.7%)
Total population: 146,359,607

Russian’s overall population is in decline with males even more so, including a drop in life expectancy for men. Women have a higher life expectancy of 76 years that of a man’s 65 years.

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8. Bangladesh

Female population: 81,121,964 (49.4%)
Total population: 164,227,363

Even in the modern era, Bangladesh’s female population is still experiencing age-old abuses. Rape, child marriage, and domestic violence are still prevalent in the country. Bangladesh has a fairly high fertility rate and a very young population with 34% aged 15 and younger and just 5% aged 65 and older.

bangladesh, woman, clothing, familiy, people, muslims, men, colorful, asians, workers, typical, clothes, bangaldesh, indians, smile, laborers, buddhists 11 Countries with Highest Female Population

Eduardo Lopez / Shutterstock.com

7. Nigeria

Female population: 89,713,630 (49.4%)
Total population: 181,745,504

The life expectancy in Nigeria is the lowest in West Africa. The life expectancy is around 47 years for both men and women, according to the Nigeria Center for Disease Control. This very low number can be attributed to the country’s health issues. Nigeria’s AIDS epidemic is a major player in the country’s low life expectancy. Also, Nigeria has a high child and maternal mortality rate and widespread polio.

Poorest Countries in the World by 2015 GDP 11 Countries with Highest Female Population

6. Pakistan

Female population: 93,632,607 (49.2%)
Total population: 190,356,965

In this list of the 11 countries with highest female population, Pakistan is placed here at the sixth place having deep roots in the Islamic religion. The country’s female population enjoys gender equality and equal opportunity in all aspect of society. Life expectancy for both male and female is roughly the same at 63 years of age.

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5. Brazil

Female population: 105,422,707 (50.8%)
Total population: 207,506,679

Brazil is Latin America’s largest country. However, the country’s population growth is hindered by a large portion of Brazilian women entering the workforce and choosing to wait longer before having offspring. Its birthrate has dropped significantly since the 1970’s, when women had an average of over 4 children. Nowadays, the birth rate is 1.77 births per woman.

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4. Indonesia

Female population: 129,039,471 (50.1%)
Total population: 257,348,583

Indonesia’s family planning and population control are among the least successful in the world. The birth rate is among the highest and therefore the female population along with the rest of the country is among the highest.

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3. United States of America

Female population: 165,090,462 (50.6%)
Total population: 326,055,316

The female population in America enjoy much more freedom and opportunities than many other women in the world. They are mostly respected and trusted, even the immigrants who make a large part of the population.

Everett Collection / Shutterstock.com 11 Countries with Highest Female Population

Everett Collection / Shutterstock.com

2. India

Female population: 629,576,050 (48.4%)
Total population: 1.3 billion

India has the second largest female population in the world. Through the years, the women of India are being given more opportunities and freedom. Sadly, crimes against women are still widespread among the population. Incidences of acid throwing, trafficking, domestic violence, honor killing, and rape are reported regularly to law enforcement agencies. Various laws are enacted to counter such acts and are helping the women in India.

Olena Zaskochenko/Shutterstock.com 11 Countries with Highest Female Population

Olena Zaskochenko/Shutterstock.com

1. China

Female population: 661,962,503 (48.1%)
Total population: 1.38 billion

The most populous nation on Earth, China is famous for its longtime but recently changed “one child policy.” This scheme awards cash bonuses and better housing benefits to its adherents. Due to this, China’s population is largely maintained. The women is China are treated close to equally and with respect in most areas of the country.

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As stated here, the 11 countries with the highest female population gives us a glimpse of the places where women resides the most. We are also presented with some social background of each country and how the female population are represented.