12 Largest Hydroelectric Dams and Power Plants in the World

Prepare to feel utter amazement after reading about 12 largest hydroelectric dams and power plants in the world. These constructions are of such gigantic proportions and so powerful you’ll feel nothing but respect for their builders and designers.

People have become real masters of harnessing the nature’s elements to serve their purpose, but rarely does any look so impressive like hydroelectric dams and plants. Just think about it. Water is powerful, unpredictable and often uncontrollable. Now you should imagine a large, deep basin obstructed by a human-made obstacle. The water giant is actually being used continuously to make our everyday lives easier. You’re probably reading this thanks to one of the hydroelectric power plants in your country. Should you wish to know what country is the largest producer of hydroelectricity, check out 8 Countries that Produce the Most Hydroelectric Power in the World and see which countries are absolute champions in generating hydroelectric power.

12 Largest Hydroelectric Dams and Power Plants in the World

Lynn Y/Shutterstock.com

Talking about hydroelectric power, that was the major criteria in our search for the largest hydroelectric dam in the world. Even though we have already found the answer to what is the largest hydroelectric dam in the United States, and wrote about largest hydroelectric dams in USA, we used a different methodology in it. Here we were primarily guided by the definition by the US Department of Energy that large hydroelectric power plants are those that possess a capacity of more than 30 megawatts (MW). Just to make you intrigued, let us tell you we’ll be talking gigawatts in this article.

Now that we have answered what the largest hydroelectric dams are let’s talk about their locations. Do you already have a few countries in mind? Lately, there has been a lot of talk about largest hydroelectric dams in Africa. Admittedly, the Grand Renaissance Dam in Ethiopia is a real beauty, but with its annual production of 6,000 megawatts, it is hardly a match for our giants. Among some other most productive hydroelectric power stations in Africa there are less catchy names: the Katse Arch Dam, The Aswan High Dam, the Cahora Bassa Dam and so on. If India is your second guess about the largest hydroelectric dams in the world, then guess again! The Tehri Dam Hydro Electric with its 2,400 MW is the largest hydroelectric power plant in India, but again, too tiny for this list.

Our sources in this search were WorldAtlasEnergy Business Review and Power-Technology. We noted down the plants and their annual generating capacity and ranked them according to it. Before you continue reading, it has to be emphasized that the given power ability is what the plants are able of producing in ideal conditions. In real life, however, the situation may vary due to water’s unpredictable nature, as we have already mentioned. By the way, in addition to their power and location, you’ll also encounter some interesting facts about these colossal buildings.

Now let’s take a look at 12 largest hydroelectric dams and power plants in the world. Prepare to be wowed!

12. Churchill Falls Generating Station

Power: 5.4 GW

Country: Canada

Oh, Canada, you surely are a mighty country, but the Churchill Falls is only the last on our list of largest hydroelectric dams and power plants in the world. Last and the least powerful. Its whereabouts are on the Churchill River in Newfoundland and Labrador. This is the only power plant without a dam on our list. Instead of making one, they preferred to make a water reservoir that would be contained in 88 rock-filled dikes.

Fun Fact: the Churchill River got its name to honor you know who – British Prime Minister during WW2, Sir Winston Churchill.

12 Largest Hydroelectric Dams and Power Plants in the World


11. Robert-Bourassa Dam

Power: 5.6 GW

Country: Canada

Once again, here is Canada, and this is the last generating facility from this country on our list of largest hydroelectric dams and power plants in the world. However, don’t doubt that this is a small construction. The embankment dam is almost 2 miles long, and it’s 162m high (531 feet). Also, it should be able to generate more power by 2020 since it’s currently being upgraded. We’ll see what the future brings.

10. Krasnoyarsk Dam

Power: 6.0 GW

Country: Russia

The Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Plant on the Yenisei River was completed in 1972. It took almost twenty years to finish the initial project from 1956, but it has certainly paid off.  This concrete gravity dam has 12 Francis generating units to help it achieve its maximum.

12 Largest Hydroelectric Dams and Power Plants in the World

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9. Sayanogorsk Hydro Power Plant, or the Sayano–Shushenskaya Dam

Power: 6.4 GW

Country: Russia

The Sayano-Shushenskaya Dam ranks 9th on our list of largest hydroelectric dams and power plants in the world. It is also located on the Yenisei River. The construction works were going on from 1963 to 1978. Here’s an interesting and unfortunate fact: it was shut down in 2009 due to a horrible accident. One of the turbines burst apart, and 75 lives were lost. The dam was reopened in 2010 and continued with its normal operations. Unfortunately, this is just a minor incident compared to the one mentioned in 11 Largest Hydroelectric Dams in USA. It was so disturbing and appalling that its consequences were hidden for decades.

Sayanogorsk Hydro Power Plan

Pixabay/Public Domain

8. Longtan Dam

Power: 6.43 GW

Country: China

The Longtan Dam ranks 8th on our list of largest hydroelectric dams and power plants in the world. It is relatively new since it was completed in May 2007, and was able to work with full capacity in 2009. However, the idea is almost ancient compared to the date of its completion — the first thoughts of building a dam on the Hongshui River were conceived in the 1950s.

Longtan Dam

Pixabay/Public Domain

7. Xiangjiaba Dam

Power: 6.45 GW

Country: China

The Xiangjiaba  Dam is another power plant in one of the countries with the biggest production of hydropower in the world. Actually, it is the third largest hydroelectric power plant in China. Now look at its place on our list and start guessing.

6. Grand Coulee Dam

Power: 6.81 GW

Country: the USA

The Grand Coulee Dam would be the construction that produces the most electricity in the US and in that respect, it is considered to be the largest hydroelectric dam in the USA. Built over the Columbia River in Washington state, it does the magic with its 24 generators. Basically, the plant is a major power source for the surrounding region in the U.S. Pacific Northwest.

5. Tucurui Dam

Power: 8.37 GW

Country: Brazil

Nevertheless, the largest hydroelectric dam in the US isn’t as powerful as a dam in a much less developed country — Brazil. The Tucurui Dam Hydroelectric Power Project was the first such project to be undertaken within the renowned Amazon Rainforest. As expected, it has had both positive and negative effects. On the plus side, some 13 million people are indulging its electricity. Also, the region bloomed with new industries. However, forced migrations, deforestation and loss of biodiversity were the inevitable part of such development.

4. Guri Dam

Power: 10.2 GW

Country: Venezuela

Venezuela also can brag with its representative among 12 largest hydroelectric dams and power plants in the world. The Guri Dam was built on the Caroní River, in the state of Bolívar. The construction had three stages. The first phase was completed in 1969, and the rest in 1976 and 1986.

Pixabay / Public Domain

Pixabay / Public Domain

3. Xiloudu Dam

Power: 13.9 GW

Country: China

The Xiloudu Dam in China’s Jinsha River Valley is 287 meters high. With its power of 13.9 GW, it is a major source of electricity for the region. Furthermore, it helps the area in other aspects, too, such as silt detention, flood control, and irrigation.



2. Itaipu Dam

Power: 14 GW

Country: Brazil and Paraguay

For a long time, the Itaipu Dam which ranks secon on our list of largest hydroelectric dams and power plants in the world, was on the throne as the world’s largest hydroelectric dam. The joint venture of Brazil and Paraguay was finally completed in 1982 (the first attempts were made in 1975). Eventually, it started generating electricity in 1984. Naturally, it is situated on the Parana River, at the border between the countries. As for its builders, the US and an Italian company were the constructors of the plant, and the whole complicated business cost $19.6bn. Was it worth it? Definitely. In 2013 the Itaipu power plant provided nearly 75% of the electricity consumed by Paraguay, and 17% of it was consumed by Brazil.

Pixabay/ Public Domain

Pixabay/ Public Domain

1. Three Gorges Dam

Power: 22.5 GW

Country: China

It’s time to finish our list of 12 largest hydroelectric dams and power plants in the world with the dam which is usually described as the largest hydroelectric power project in the world. When it comes to building large dams, it appears that China hasn’t got real competition. The Three Gorges Dam is located on the  Yangtze River. The idea was first conceived at the beginning of the 20th century, but it had to wait for 1993 for the first buildings to appear.  Apparently, Mao Zedong is said to have written the poem which inspired the Three Gorges’ Dam construction! The building process was long and difficult, and it finally ended in 2012 with the last power generator installed to create those astonishing 22.5 gigawatts. Still, its power is just one of its amazing qualities. The surrounding area is completely dominated by this monumental building with its height of 2,300 meters. Due to that fact, this dam is actually one of the great tourist attractions and thousands of tourists come here every year to admire the magnificent building.

12 Largest Hydroelectric Dams and Power Plants in the World

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