12 Easiest Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life Right Away

I am sure that these 12 easiest healthy habits to improve your life right away will be more than useful to read and remember. This list will enrich you with some pieces of advice on how to improve your life and be happy.

The pace of life we have today is not actually something to be proud of. No matter how hard one tries, sometimes it is just impossible to eat something healthy, to go out for a walk or simply sit straight and enjoy a glass of natural water. All these things seem really ordinary and not very important, but they are the core of something that we call a “healthy life”. I myself try a lot to live a healthy life, to eat healthy food, train a little bit, but in cases when I need to work long hours, study a lot, or when I am simply exhausted, I eat whatever and whenever. On the other side, according to one James Clear’s article, it takes 66 days on average to transform a habit into an automatic behavior. So, if you decide to change something in your life and you manage to do it for 66 days, it is very likely that you will do it automatically after that, without forcing it and without being bothered while doing it. So, even if you start with one tip from this list, it will be more than an amazing start.

Easiest Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life Right Away

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The easiest healthy habits to improve your life right away are very useful, but on the other side, adopting a healthy lifestyle may depend on so many things. Generally speaking, your lifestyle may as well depend on the country you live in since people from different countries have different performances and different habits. While for example, according to the United Nations, the World Bank and the World Health Organisation, the healthiest countries are Singapore, Italy, Japan and Switzerland, there is also a list of 25 Countries with the Worst Eating Habits in The World. But, no matter where you live and no matter what is your annual income, there are still some very easy and free things you can do every day in order to improve your health and life in general. Once you do it, you will realize that the benefits of adopting a healthy lifestyle are numerous; you will notice the changes in your mood, you will see that you have a lot more energy than usual, you will establish sharpness and clarity of mind and you will be more productive than ever. Additionally, you will see the changes in your digestive system and your skin will be better than ever.

To make the list, I did an extensive Google search and read some experiences from different people. Luckily, most of the people are concerned with getting healthy and fit, and I really liked the article by Alive,  where the emphasis is put on walking, hiking, swimming and riding a bike. There are also articles on 100 ways to improve your life, and Masters of Healthcare included not only general suggestions but those related to mental health, social life, technology, productivity, satisfaction and the little things in life. Some of the most useful websites for this purpose were Feel Happiness, Health and Eat This. Additionally, personal experiences from Reddit were also very much important. However, it was almost impossible to make the strict ranking in this case. There is not something like the easiest of the easiest things to do and there is no only one answer on the question what is a healthy habit. The definition from the Medical dictionary defines a healthy habit as a “behavior that is beneficial to one’s physical or mental health, often linked to a high level of discipline and self-control.” Generally, every tip from the list is equally important and you may choose one for the beginning and start with it. For many people, being healthy simply means having a healthy body, but that is wrong on so many levels. Having a healthy mind is crucial for everything, and we should definitely take care of our psychological health the same way we care about our body.

So, let’s find out what are 12 easiest healthy habits to improve your life right away, and they will treat both; your body and your mind.

12. Walk every day

Nothing can be an excuse to avoid walking every day, even for 10 minutes. If you can walk longer, that is even better. But, don’t miss it, even if you have a busy schedule or you feel tired and exhausted. Remember, a simple routine of walking every day can bring a lot of benefits to your health, and I strongly recommend this article by Tesco Living, after which you will definitely want to go out and walk!

Easiest Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life Right Away

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11. Drink more water

We are continuing our list of easiest healthy habits to improve your life right away with one that is well-known. If you are one of those people who drink water only when they are thirsty, you already have a problem. It has been scientifically proven that when you experience the thirst, it means you are already dehydrated, which should never be allowed. Drinking water should be the first thing to do in the morning, and if you establish this habit, you will do something amazing for your health. Breaking Muscle has some additional information about the benefits of drinking water, so make sure to read them carefully.

Easiest Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life Right Away

Wor Sang Jun/Shutterstock.com

10. Eat a healthy breakfast

You are probably familiar with the fact that you should have at least one healthy meal a day, and I strongly recommend it to be in the morning. Number ten on our list of the easiest healthy habits to improve your life right away is eathing a healthy breakfast because it will carry you through the first half of the day when you need to be most productive. So, make it diverse and healthy. Your breakfast may include whole-grain rolls, bagels, hot or cold whole-grain cereals, milk, eggs, fruit and vegetables and many other healthy meals that are also easily prepared. However, this does not mean that you can eat whatever for your lunch and dinner but try hard with your breakfast and you will see the difference after a while. Delish brings incredible recipes, so you don’t need to worry about thinking what to prepare.

Easiest Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life Right Away

Matthew Ennis/Shutterstock.com

9. Eat more fruits and vegetables

You cannot have a healthy diet unless you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. I really had a hard time realizing that it is much better for me to eat a carrot instead of snickers, but when I realized it, veggies replaced my unhealthy snacks and I noticed a lot of things. I started losing weight and gaining a lot of energy. I learned how to make healthy fruit cakes and ice creams, and now I cannot imagine eating something else. Maybe you will need some more time to get used to this one among the other easiest healthy habits to improve your life right away, but believe me, it is totally worth it!

Easiest Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life Right Away

Aleksandar Mijatovic/Shutterstock.com

8. Avoid toxic people

And when I say avoid, I really mean it. Stop meeting them, stop talking to them, stop answering their calls. No matter whether they are your childhood friends, relatives or coworkers, they should not be your company. In his book Change Your Habits, Change Your Life: Strategies that Transformed 177 Average People into Self-Made Millionaire, Tom Corely explains what is one of the most distinctive features of successful and rich people; they avoid pessimists. You don’t need their negative energy and stress since this can have a very bad impact on your health.

7. Spend time with the people you love

While avoiding toxic people, don’t forget that there are still some other people that can do good for your well-being and health. Those are usually people you love and people who honestly care about you. If you have at least one such person, you can consider yourself being rich. Even a hug can bring a lot of benefits to your health, so don’t forget to go and hug your beloved ones, since this is one of the easiest healthy habits to improve your life right away.

Easiest Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life Right Away


6. Go to sleep earlier

There are many benefits in going to sleep earlier, and this is definitely one of the main habits of people who take care of their health. Especially during the working days, you should try and go to bed early, since this will definitely help you look better, feel better and be more productive. It can also improve your memory and reduce the nightmares, as well as help you have more energy during your day. Believe it or not, going to bed earlier can boost your immune system, and you won’t get sick that often.

Easiest Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life Right Away

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5. Get up early in the morning

You have probably heard of the saying “Early to bed, and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”, and this hasn’t been said just so. Additionally, people also say “You snooze, you lose”. In both cases, you see that only good things can come up from waking up early, and those things are strongly related to your health. If you start to practise this one out of other easiest healthy habits to improve your life right away from our list, you will have time to prepare your healthy breakfast, to make yourself a natural juice, and to get fully ready for your daily obligations. If nothing else, this is good for your mental health, since you won’t be stressed for being late and not being able to fulfill your duties.

4. Quit smoking

Do I really need to mention the benefits for your health in quitting smoking? Mirror gives an incredibly detailed presentation of what happens to your body when you stop smoking, so check it out and you will see! You may notice a huge difference just in one day, let alone six months or even a year.

Easiest Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life Right Away

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3. Have time for yourself

If you are constantly in a hurry, surrounded by people, without a quality time to spend with your own self, you have a huge problem. Sometimes everything you need to feel better and stronger is to have a cup of tea, good book, and a couple of hours on your own. Psychology Today brings you the reasons why you should spend more time alone, and all of them are related to your mental health, which is essential in establishing the health of your body as well. Let’s see which are the top two easiest healthy habits to improve your life right away.

Easiest Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life Right Away

Olga Osadchaya/Shutterstock.com

2. Stop eating sugar

Of course, I don’t mean the natural sugar that can be found in fruits, but artificial sugar that does not have even one benefit on your health, but completely opposite. I had a period of six months without this sugar, and I cannot count the number of good things that happened to me. I replaced chocolate and sweets with dates and figs. I had more energy, my skin was amazing, and I was losing weight easier than ever. It was hard in the beginning, but after a while, I did not even think about it. Try and you will see!

1. Be grateful

I know this may sound a little bit odd to some people, but for me, this is an essential thing in establish your overall health and deal with problems. No matter what we don’t have at the moment, there are still so many things that we do have and should be grateful for every morning when waking up. In this manner, we establish our inner peace, which brings to establishing good mental health, eventually affecting our body as well. It has been even scientifically proven that gratitude is good for health, and what do you need for it? Nothing. So it is not strange that this is one of the easiest healthy habits to improve your life right away.

Easiest Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life Right Away

Tyler Olson/Shutterstock.com