10 Biggest HR Conferences In The World

Professional seminars are sometimes pretty boring, but the biggest HR conferences in the world sound like they’d be pretty entertaining.

One of the most important resources a business organization has is probably its human resource. People tend to be more efficient and productive when there’s a neutral party helping with menial paperwork or smoothing over conflict. I know there have been a lot of young startups that have been under fire lately for some issues that likely could have been solved if they had an HR department. HR departments also help with professional development. If you’ve had a job interview at any point, chances are you’ve had an HR phone screening prior to actually going into an in-person interview. Human resources departments do a lot more than you think.

10 Biggest HR Conferences In The World


Not all HR departments are Toby Flenderson from The Office. Rest assured, your future interactions with HR won’t be uncomfortable. HR conferences are held all over the world by HR associations, societies, and professionals to promote and achieve professional development. These events tend to encourage team building, so they’re like the lame summer camps you might have been forced to go to when you were in school, but a lot better because I’m sure people who attend them are being paid while they’re there. I wonder if any of these HR conferences are held in the biggest conference centers in the US.

In order to find some HR conferences, we took a look at Alpha Gamma, Recruitics, Events in America, and Data Fox. The more companies that participate in each conference, the higher it ranks on our list. This means that the biggest conference is the one that has the most participating countries and will therefore be at the top of our list.

Without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the biggest HR conferences in the world.

10. HRTech 2017

Location: Las Vegas, NV

Number of participating companies: 8

This conference has been regularly held for over two decades. It focuses solely on HR needs and requirements for tech-based companies. This is a great conference to attend if tech and HR are your focal points.

10 Biggest HR Conferences In The World


9. Training 2017

Location: San Diego, CA

Number of participating companies: 77

This conference has already happened for 2017, but the topic was the industry best “train the trainer” event. This was about showing HR professionals how they can best be an on-the-job trainer.

10 Biggest HR Conferences In The World


8. HR Directors Summit 2017

Location: Birmingham, GB

Number of participating companies: 94

This summit managed to bring together the largest concentration of HR directors from all over Europe. Over 60 hours of candid information exchange and intelligence was shared among participants

10 Biggest HR Conferences In The World

Matej Kastelic/Shutterstock.com

7. HR West 2017

Location: Oakland, CA

Number of participating companies: 131

This conference that ranks 7th in our list of biggest HR conferences in the world is all about sharing HR wisdom among engineering companies. Engineering firms tend to be the most innovative organizations, specifically when it comes to the R&D departments where practicing HR requires beyond ordinary skills. The HR West conference aims to talk about issues regarding practices in such firms. It takes an individualized approach toward attendees.

10 Biggest HR Conferences In The World

Matej Kastelic/Shutterstock.com

6. Learning Technologies 2017

Location: London, GB

Number of participating companies: 197

If you’re interested in organizational learning and technology used to support learning at work, this is a conference for you. There are free seminars alongside the main conference if you don’t want to pay for the full shebang.

10 Biggest HR Conferences In The World

5. HR Tech World 2017

Location: London, GB

Number of participating companies: 137

This is probably the newest conference on our list of the biggest HR conferences in the world, as it’s only been active for about five years now. It’s grown significantly though, and this past year over 6,000 people attended it.

10 Biggest HR Conferences In The World

l i g h t p o e t/Shutterstock.com

4. Learning Solutions Conference 2017

Location: Orlando, FL

Number of participating companies: 137

We are continuing our list of biggest HR conferences in the world with this conference and expo that is all about changing technology and how it impacts the work environment. It discusses the challenges and how to cope with the rapid changes in HR.

10 Biggest HR Conferences In The World


3. ATD 2017

Location: Atlanta, GA

Number of participating companies: 373

This conference is about sharing knowledge about attracting, retaining, and developing top talents in any given field. Some of the most well-known HR gurus give speeches here. This is where you should go if you’re looking to learn practical wisdom behind gaining highly skilled individuals for your team.

10 Biggest HR Conferences In The World


2. SHRM 2017

Location: New Orleans, LA

Number of participating companies: 478

Those who attend this conference as speakers are redefining modern HR practices right now. You can expect to see leading industry experts at this highly prestigious conference.

10 Biggest HR Conferences In The World

Maxim Blinkov/Shutterstock.com

1. National Facilities and Management and Technology 2017

Location: Baltimore, MD

Number of participating companies: 508

More than 500 companies participate in this massive conference, which isn’t just limited to HR but management in general as well. The main highlights are HR practices and technology.

10 Biggest HR Conferences In The World


That concludes our list of the biggest HR conferences in the world. If you’re interested in HR or it’s your field of work, you should definitely try to attend one of these in the future.