11 Lowest Calorie Beers With the Highest Alcohol

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Not only ten, but we bring you 11 lowest calorie beers with the highest alcohol. Why? Because these are so low in calories that one more won’t hurt. Joking aside, we don’t want you to be fined for DUI or anything else for that matter. Being a responsible drinker is what we fully support. By drinking these low calorie beers you are also being responsible when it comes to your health and well-being.

Regarding the global hype for being fit and healthy and bearing in mind how much people love and cherish their beer, writing about the lowest calorie beer with highest alcohol content is a must. After all, beer is made of cereals, and cereals are super healthy, right?  It seems as soon as the man started growing cereal he somehow thought of a way to make an alcoholic beverage which was to become an absolute favorite. People worldwide enjoy it for various reasons – some say it is refreshing, others love the taste, and there are many reasons why beer is so beneficial to our mind and body. Additionally, see if you are already contributing to the global consumption by checking out our list of best selling beers worldwide in 10 Best Selling Beer Brands in the World Heading Into 2017. Some of the beers also made it into our list. Let us see now how we obtained the results for it.

11 Lowest Calorie Beers With the Highest Alcohol

Ievgenii Meyer/Shutterstock.com

First of all, the title says “lowest calories”, so the focus is on the fact we provide you with beers you will be able to drink more without the fear of getting a beer belly. Actually, all the beverages we named are under 100 calories per serving.  However, bear in mind that these beers do have ones, no matter how minimal they are. Secondly, all beers that are non-alcoholic or have less than 0.5% alcohol did not make it on our list for the following reason. There is a thin line between what manufacturers define as non-alcoholic and alcoholic beer (some advertise beers with 0.5 ABV as non-alcoholic), so we decided to write only about those that are over that limit. They were selected from BeerTutor website enlisting worldwide beers with lowest calories. The number of calories depicts how many calories there are in one bottle or can (approximately 12 ounces). We were very precise. You shall observe that in some cases the difference is slight – one drink has only got one calorie more than the other beer, while the ABV, or alcohol content by volume, remains the same. This should enable you to choose the preferred one more easily – based on its taste, bitterness or whichever quality is the deciding matter for you. To make your choice easier, we consulted different websites (e.g. BeerAdvocate, Untapped, and others) to find more in-depth information on beer’s appearance, aroma, or other features. After a thorough search comparing the number of calories and the alcohol by volume, while giving fair advantage to calories over alcohol, we got to our list of 11  lowest calorie beers with the highest alcohol.

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