8 Countries that Produce The Most Soy Beans in The World

Which are the countries that produce the most soybeans in the world? Soybean, part of the legume species, is a considerably underrated, undervalued bean which has a lot of uses. Due to the fact that soybeans provide both oil and protein, they are considered to be a very important source of food. Hence, they are widely cultivated in the world as well.

It is grown in the United States as well, where the soybean oil is generally extracted via hexane. Defatted defatted soybean meal is used in order to raise farm animals such as chickens, turkey, and pigs on a scale which could not even be fathomed otherwise. Most of the soybeans grown in the United States is used for this purpose while a very small portion of the total cultivated crops is used as food which is consumed by people. Of course, a variety of processed foods uses soybean as an ingredient as well.

Soybeans were not always as popular as they are now, even though they have been grown for thousands of years, even before written records ever existed. In fact, their importance came under the spotlight after World War II when they were used as a substitute for other protein foods in both the United States and Europe as well. They were further also used for the edible oil they provide.

Furthermore, during the same war, the agriculture department of the United States realized the potential of soybeans as fertilizer. The United States then started making agreements with Europe in order to export soybeans to the continent. In fact, the United States were so prolific at this, that during the 1960s, they were exporting more than 90% of all the soybeans in the world!

Of course, other countries soon got into this business, realizing it as a lucrative as well as necessary opportunity. The United States of America is no longer the leading exporting country in respect of soybeans, let alone exporting 90% of the total global exports. In fact, Argentina became the leading exporter of soybeans, exporting nearly 40% of the total global exports. Meanwhile, China has been the leading importer of soybeans, as the conditions aren’t really welcoming to the growth of soybeans.

The reason soybeans cannot be grown in all countries is due to the fact that they require specific temperatures, namely hot climates where the temperature ranges between 20 to 40 degrees Celcius. Any fluctuation in this range can result in negative consequences for the growth of soybeans.

Soybeans can grow taller than most people, with their height ranging from 1 meter to even 3 meters. The process for growing soybeans is long and arduous, and between sowing and harvesting, 80 to 120 days may be spent.

The yield for soybeans is considerably high, which is why it is a farmer’s favorite to grow. In fact, the average yield of soybeans globally is 2.5 tonnes per every hectare, while the top producing countries can even have a yield of 3 tonnes per hectare. Astoundingly, a farmer in Missouri even showed a yield of nearly 11 tonnes per hectare, which is pretty unbelievable.

However, the growth of cultivation of soybeans has seen its detractors as well. For example, WWF and Greenpeace have pointed out that the increase in cultivation of soybeans has resulted in deforestation in Brazil, significantly affecting the Amazon rainforest.

Another important mineral used in the consumption of food is salt. For more information regarding the production of salt, you can visit 8 countries that produce the most salt.

In order to determine the 8 countries that produce the soybeans, we used a report prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture regarding the growth of various different crops on a global scale. Here is our ranking, starting with number 8:

8. Uruguay

Total production of soybeans in 2014/2015 (in million metric tonnes): 3.3

 Countries that Produce The Most Soy Beans in The World

7. Canada

Total production of soybeans in 2014/2015 (in million metric tonnes): 5.36

 Countries that Produce The Most Soy Beans in The World

6. Paraguay

Total production of soybeans in 2014/2015 (in million metric tonnes): 8.19

 Countries that Produce The Most Soy Beans in The World

5. India

Total production of soybeans in 2014/2015 (in million metric tonnes): 9.5

 Countries that Produce The Most Soy Beans in The World

4. China

Total production of soybeans in 2014/2015 (in million metric tonnes): 11.95

 Countries that Produce The Most Soy Beans in The World

3. Argentina

Total production of soybeans in 2014/2015 (in million metric tonnes): 53.4

 Countries that Produce The Most Soy Beans in The World

2. Brazil

Total production of soybeans in 2014/2015 (in million metric tonnes): 86.7

 Countries that Produce The Most Soy Beans in The World

1. United States of America:

Total production of soybeans in 2014/2015 (in million metric tonnes): 91.39

While it may have lost the number one position in the list of countries that export the most soybeans, the United States of America still tops the list of 8 countries that produce the most soybeans.

 Countries that Produce The Most Soy Beans in The World