11 Countries with Highest Christian Population

As Christianity has grown all over the world, we would like to share the 11 countries with highest Christian population. Christianity is a religion based on teachings and practices of Jesus of Nazareth. According to Paul Johnson in his book A History of Christianity, the first political act in the history of Christianity happened when Paul from Tarsus traveled south from Antioch to Jerusalem. During his travel, he met the surviving believers of Jesus of Nazareth. This Apostolic Conference, or the so-called Council of Jerusalem, is the starting point of Christianity.

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Digital Storm/Shutterstock.com

While the 10 countries with highest Buddhist population composed mainly of Asia, the 11 countries with highest Christian population are widely spread in America, Africa, Asia, and Europe. The list is based on the Pew Research Center’s Forum on Religion and Public Life that was published in December 2011, and that was corrected in February 2013.

Take a look at the 11 countries with highest Christian population and see if yours is included.

11. Italy

Total Christian Population: 51 550 000

According to the book World History from Glencoe, Christians were persecuted by the Romans during the first and second centuries. But the growth of Christianity was not stopped with this persecution. This event actually strengthened the growth of Christianity in the third and fourth century. As Christianity spread throughout the city, it later on became the state religion of Rome.

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10. Ethiopia

 Total Christian Population: 52 580 000

In the mid-4th century, Christianity started in Ethiopia. Jon Abbink, in his paper A Bibliography on Christianity in Ethiopia, indicated that the Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity became dominant because of its influence on the imperial rulers. But it indeed played a significant role in the formation of Ethiopian highlands. One important event in the history of Christianity in Ethiopia was the impact of Roman Catholicism brought by the Portuguese in the 16th century.


9. Germany

Total Christian Population: 58 240 000

Christianity among German tribes arises in the third century AD. According to the Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization, Christian soldiers were brought by the Roman army. Christian life, among them, started as the reverence of the martyrs emerged.

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8. The Democratic Republic of the Congo

Total Christian Population: 63 150 000

Last January 2002, a new constitution of the Republic of the Congo brought Christianity and other religions to freedom, specifically from discrimination. Nations Encyclopedia pointed out that Christians in the country comprise almost 50% of its population. Among these, around 90% are involved in the Roman Catholic Church.

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7. China

Total Christian Population: 67 070 000

Christianity in China began during the seventh century. According to Britta Schmitz, in her paper Christians in China – Expansions and Limitations of Churches, the Jesuits sought to establish the Christian teachings to Confucian ethics. But during the Cultural Revolution, any religion was forbidden. Christian missionaries were also expelled. Recently then, Christian churches finally were allowed to continue their teachings. At present, Christianity still remains a minority religion in China.


6. Nigeria

Total Christian Population: 80 510 000

In a study of Dr. Bulus Galadima and Dr. Yusufu Turaki, they discussed briefly the arrival of the Christian missions in Nigeria. The story of modern missions in the country began with the freed slaves in the Americas and Great Britain. These slaves, one of them was Bishop Samuel Ayaji Crowther, started spreading and building Christian missions on the West Coast of Africa. And in the 1970’s, there were around 50 mission agencies which operated in Nigeria. Over 45% of the population of Nigeria practices the teachings of Christianity.

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Bill Kret/Shutterstock.com

5. Philippines

Total Christian Population: 86 790 000

The main influence of Christianity in the Philippines is through the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan. According to Professor Susan Russell, Magellan’s arrival in Cebu represents the Spain’s first attempt for the conversion of the Filipinos to Roman Catholicism. Over 85% of the population of the Philippines embraces Christianity, most of these people are Roman Catholics.

Rice terraces in the Philippines Rice cultivation in the North of the Philippines, Batad, Banaue

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4. Russia

Total Christian Population: 105 220 000

The Christian influence in Russia showed the intact relationship between the ruler and his tribe. The conversion of Vladimir, the Prince of Kiev, to Christianity around 988 was the beginning of the religious history of Russia. Gerald Bray, in Christianity of Soviet Russia, stated that the event was common to barbarian tribes in Northern Europe in which the conversion of the entire tribe began after the baptism of its ruler. Thus, Russian Christianity has been a state religion.

Alexander Smorodinov/Shutterstock.com

Alexander Smorodinov/Shutterstock.com

3. Mexico

Total Christian Population: 107 780 000

For a long period of time, Mexico was a colony of Spain. This event contributed to the beginning of Christianity in the country. As Rupert Eggert, in his paper Christianity in Mexico, stated, almost all countries in Latin America were influenced by Spain especially in the aspect of religion.


2. Brazil

Total Christian Population: 175 770 000

In 1500, the Roman Catholic Church arrived in Brazil through the Portuguese explorer Pedro Alvarez Cabral. Also, Protestantism arrived during the 19th century and Pentecostalism during the 20th century. According to Sherron George, in his paper Brazil: An “Evangelized” Giant Calling for Liberating Evangelism, around 90% of the population of Brazil identified themselves as Christians.

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1. The United States of America

Total Christian Population: 246 780 000

Christianity strongly influenced the country around 16th and 17th centuries. Protestant Reformation was led by Martin Luther, among others, through the puritans and pilgrims from England. According to the Boisi Center, volunteerism is the most influential aspect of American culture in religious practice. As Christian faith then has been common that parents handed down their beliefs to their children, most Americans now understand the importance of volunteerism in Christianity. As a member of a faith community, one understands that his faith is chosen by no one but him. Recently, a report from Pew Research Center identified that the Christian population in the country was diminished by about 5 million. But despite of this fact, United States is still the number one among the 11 countries with highest Christian population.

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