11 Best Rated Documentaries on Netflix Streaming

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9. Little Hope Was Arson

Site Score: 6, IMDb Score: 4 Overall Score: 10
Directed by Theo Love
Year: 2013

East Texas, dubbed the Buckle of the Bible Belt, was shook to the core when 10 churches were burnt to the ground in a span of a month in January 2010. Theo Love set out to make a documentary about these events and the investigation, the biggest in East Texas’ history, which followed them. In such a religious environment, burning a church was a sure way of getting the attention. Burning ten of them has caused such an outcry that even the governor of Texas had to step in and assure people that culprit (or culprits) will be apprehended and brought to justice. Little Hope Was Arson was Love’s first full-length documentary, and it was a resounding success, especially praised for camera work and editing. It won awards at several festivals, including Heartland Film Festival and Hollywood Film Awards.

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