11 Best Rated Documentaries on Netflix Streaming

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10. Hot Girls Wanted

Site Score: 2, IMDb Score: 2 Overall Score: 4
Directed by Jill Bauer and Ronna Gradus
Year: 2015

Another documentary about modern age sex directed by Jill Bauer and Ronna Gradus, Netflix’s Hot Girls Wanted deals with the harsh realities of amateur porn. Top four amateur porn site average about 41 million hits monthly. Those hits translate to a large pile of cash, but only a fraction of it ends up in the pockets of girls who actually appear in those videos. In interviews with girls and producers, the film reveals how new girls are lured by free airplane tickets and cash in hand offers into filming. They discuss their hopes and fears and what it takes to make it in their world. Again, a must see for any parent, especially those with female children.

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