10 Easiest Fiber Foods to Digest

If one of your New Year’s resolution is to help yourself by making your digestive tract working properly, take a look at our list of 10 easiest fiber foods to digest.

Why is fiber so important?

Well, fibers are a basic nutritional necessity of our bodies. They are required for proper digestion and disposal of the remaining food from the body. Since fiber moves through our system very quickly and with ease, it contributes to correct functioning of the whole body. Among many important roles of foods with high-fiber concentration main would be reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Diseases which are considered as one of the main causes of death in the world.

Where can you find fiber?

Actually, in many different fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Unlike fats, proteins oeasiest fiber foods to digest carbohydrates for which body has to work in order to break them down and absorb them, fiber is not something body really digest. It goes in the almost same form from beginning till the end – through stomach, small intestine and colon and out of the body.

Since many serious health problems may arise if consumption of fiber isn’t appropriate it is very important to provide your body with required daily dose of it. Eating too little fiber can cause serious problems with blood sugar and appetite because there is nothing your body can use to regulate the speed of digestion. However, like with everything else, consumption of fiber should be moderate. Our body cannot process and absorb much-needed minerals if it is overloaded with too much fiber.

The Institute of Medicine and Mayo Clinic recommend for men and women under 50 years of age to eat approximately 38 and 25 grams, respectively, of fiber each day. Adults over 50 require less fiber (30 grams for males and 21 grams for females) due to a general decrease in consumption of food.

10 Easiest Fiber Foods to Digest

Ery Azmeer / Shutterstock.com

There are different eating habits around the world. Some countries consume more fiber foods, some less. If you are interested to find out more about food consumption in different areas of the world you can start by reading our article on The 10 Countries that Eat the Most Meat.

There is an abundance of researches on the subject of the contribution of fiber to human health. Some of its most important benefits include:

  • Maintenance of bowel health – fiber lowers risk of developing hemorrhoids.
  • Maintenance of blood sugar levels – fiber can slow the absorption of sugar and help improve blood sugar levels.
  • Lower cholesterol levels – fiber may help lower bad blood cholesterol levels.
  • Achievement of healthy weight – High-fiber foods take longer to eat and tend to be more filling, thus by eating less it is possible to stay feeling satiated for a longer period.

Because of what we have stated above about the importance of fiber in your diet we have prepared the list of 10 Easiest Fiber Foods to Digest cross-checking different sources on easily digestible food and taking information about their fiber content from the USDA Food Composition Database.

So, without further ado, let’s see what we should be eating!

10. Banana

Serving size: 100 g

Total fiber in grams: 2.6

Health Benefits:

Being yellow, green, small, big, or in different shapes bananas, originally coming from Southeast Asia, are eaten with great joy all around the world. Besides being very nutritious, they are also a great choice for food if you are on the road or in a hurry. They are proven to have benefits for the digestive tract, the health of your heart and yes even for the weight loss. With a reasonable amount of fiber, important ingredients are also many antioxidants, potassium, manganese and vitamin B6. Potassium is very important for lowering risk of heart diseases and blood pressure. Along with manganese bananas are the keepers of heart’s health. Accompanied by several antioxidants, they are also vital in reducing the effects of free radicals.

If we are talking about calories, you shouldn’t worry about that either! Average sized banana contains about 105 calories but makes you feel full and energetic for a long time. Unripe bananas are also reservoirs of resistant starch, very important ingredient, when it comes to improving insulin resistance condition. And now, let’s see what else we have on our list of easiest fiber foods to digest.

10 Easiest Fiber Foods to Digest

9. Carrots

Serving size: 100 g

Total fiber in grams: 2.8

Health Benefits:

If you are still deciding should you or should you not include carrots in your diet, here are a few reasons why you definitely should. When it comes to proper digestion, carrots that rank 9th on our list of easiest fiber foods to digest, have a major influence. They stimulate the production of saliva, which in turn helps collection of essential minerals, vitamins, and enzymes that improve digestion. Regular consumption of fresh carrots can prevent gastritis and many other digestive problems. While eating carrots will be helping your digestive tract they will also improve the health of your mouth. They neutralize bacteria that inhabit your mouth and thus prevent tooth decay.

The carrots are rich in beta-carotene, a very powerful antioxidant that, in the process of digestion, converts into vitamin A, essential for maintenance of beautiful and healthy skin. Besides the skin, carrots affect the health of the eyes, hair, nails and help cell renewal. The list of carrot eating benefits can go on for some time. However, we will mention only one more very important fact – they are rich in alkaline elements vital for the balance of acid in the body and also for purification and revitalization of the blood.

10 Easiest Fiber Foods to Digest

8. Sauerkraut

Serving size: 100 g

Total fiber in grams: 2.9

Health Benefits:

Cabbage, whole or cut in pieces and then fermented is known as sauerkraut – typical dish for winter months across Central and Eastern Europe. And why it is so beneficial? It combines cabbage, one of the oldest and healthiest foods we eat with fermentation, one of the oldest ways we preserve food for centuries. As a result of sauerkraut’s fermentation process many beneficial probiotics are produced. In the cold winter months, but in general as well, they offer support for your immune and endocrine system, digestive tract and cognitive function. Cabbage contains vitamin C, vitamin B complex, beta carotene, lactic acid bacteria, calcium, iron, and potassium, all essential for the liveliness of your spirit and your mind, the health of the bones and production of red blood cells.

Even though it is full of vitamins and minerals in any form, red leaves cabbage contains more beneficial ingredients than the green one. Since it is rich in water and fibers, sauerkraut is especially recommended for people who deal with the weight problems and those who have problems with digestion.

10 Easiest Fiber Foods to Digest

7. Pears

Serving size: 100 g

Total fiber in grams: 3.1

Health Benefits:

This inexpensive fruit contains an abundance of vitamins and minerals that will keep you strong and healthy:

Vitamin C – for your stable immune system;
Vitamin K – for preventing blood clotting;
Vitamin A – for the health of your eyes.

We are continuing our list of easiest fiber foods to digest with pears that contain potassium which we have already described as crucial for the health of the heart and muscles in general and copper for protection against cells’ damages. In 2011 American Heart Association found that eating a pear each day can reduce the risk of stroke by an amazing 52%. Due to the high content of fiber and low glycemic index pears are highly recommendable food for diabetics. There is also widespread belief that pears are hypoallergenic fruit. That is why this is usually the first among fruits given to the babies.

10 Easiest Fiber Foods to Digest

6. Cranberries

Serving size: 100 g

Total fiber in grams: 3.6

Health Benefits:

When it comes to antioxidants cranberries are crème-de-la-crème of the whole food society. Since they contain a very small amount of calories (only 46 on one cup!), they will help you with the maintenance of your weight or weight loss if needed.

If antioxidants are what you are after, keep in mind that fresh cranberries contain the most and cranberry juice the least. If only dried are within your reach that is OK too. They are just a little behind the fresh ones in the content of antioxidants. The fiber in cranberries will be providing your body with almost 20% of the daily recommended dose, thus helping you maintain healthy. The most recognized benefit of cranberries is its help in the fight against bacteria causing urinary tract infections. While we are on the subject of bacteria, cranberries can help preventing certain types of stomach ulcers as well by blocking widely known Helicobacter pylori to attach to the stomach walls. They also prevent bacteria in our mouth from causing problems with teeth and general dental hygiene. In general, they have a strong anti-inflammatory effect which is beneficial for digestive problems and cardiovascular system. Due to the high concentration of antioxidants cranberries can be a good support in slowing down the growth of the tumor cells.

10 Easiest Fiber Foods to Digest

5. Artichokes

Serving size: 100 g

Total fiber in grams: 5.7

Health Benefits:

Up next on our list of easiest fiber foods to digest we have artichokes, which contain high amounts of luteolin thus being a natural way to prevent and treat high cholesterol conditions. Regular consumption of artichokes may be also useful in treating chronic digestive complaints like irritable stomach, flatulence, and irritable bowel. They are also very befitting in treating specific liver/gallbladder conditions with elevated blood fat values.

Artichokes are full of antioxidants, many vitamins and minerals like all foods on this list of 10 easiest fiber foods to digest, which makes them incredible protectors against cancer, aging, heart disease, and keepers of good health and wellbeing.

10 Easiest Fiber Foods to Digest

4. Prunes

Serving size: 100 g

Total fiber in grams: 7.1

Health Benefits:

If you are in the search for a food that gives you a lot of energy without making unnecessary rises in your blood sugar than choose prunes. Prunes are, as we have noted here, high in fiber, thus preventing problems with constipation and helping smooth digestion. They are also good if you are trying to lose weight or wanting to keep your good figure as it is. If you have a prolonged problem with shortness of breath, general fatigue or weakness maybe you experience anemia. They would be the right choice for you too, since they are also high in iron, which is a secure helping hand with anemia problems.

Prunes rank 4th on our list of easiest fiber foods to digest. They are also a source of the mineral called boron, which is important for fighting bone density losses and in general, can help in building strong bones and muscles. Some studies have shown that prunes could also be important in reducing plaque in arteries. By doing this, it helps with atherosclerosis and other possible worst outcomes of it – heart failure, strokes, and heart attacks.

10 Easiest Fiber Foods to Digest

3. Avocado

Serving size: 100 g

Total fiber in grams: 6.7

Health Benefits:

Among many interesting and important facts about health benefits of avocado, which ranks 3rd on our list of easiest fiber foods to digest, one is standing out as little known. Even though bananas are considered as the prime source of potassium, avocado actually contains more of it. What is more important, potassium is a mineral most of us do not take in the necessary amounts. It helps us against heart, blood pressure, and kidney problems. Second but not less important is that avocado is full of antioxidants important for fighting against many diseases and aging of cells. They contain 20 different vitamins and minerals, a significant amount of fibers and healthy fats, but not even a whit of cholesterol.

That’s why eating avocados is good if you have cholesterol and triglyceride problems. Avocado have one more very special ability. When added to other vegetables, in raw or oil form, it increases the absorption of nutrients from the vegetables it is eaten with.

10 Easiest Fiber Foods to Digest

2. Raspberries

Serving size: 100 g

Total fiber in grams: 6.5

Health Benefits:

They come in different colors, and each color variation of raspberries has its own unique composition of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
If you eat one cup of fresh raspberries a day, you will be provided with 54%of vitamin C, 12%t of vitamin K, 6% of folate, 5% of vitamin E, iron, potassium, and 41% of manganese needs for that day.

The fiber and water content in raspberries help to prevent constipation and maintain a healthy digestive tract. Apart from being delicious fruit, raspberries are beneficial for the heart, blood vessels, skin and building strong immune system.

They contain potent antioxidants that work against free radicals in the prevention of DNA damage, without having a negative influence on normal cells responsible for the immune defenses of the organism. And now, let’s see the number one on our list of easiest fiber foods to digest.

10 Easiest Fiber Foods to Digest

1. Almonds

Serving size: 100 g

Total fiber in grams: 12.5

Health Benefits:

The king of them all, almonds, are considered as one of the first among the nuts that man began to cultivate. In addition to being very nutritious, they are the favorite healthy snack on the planet. Although nuts are not considered as easily digestible foods, almonds are an exception. When in comes to the benefits of eating almonds here are some:

Only 25 almonds will satisfy 12% of your daily protein needs. They are also a rich source of vitamin E, B vitamins and essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

Almonds which rank first on our list of easiest fiber foods to digest, are among the best sources of one form of vitamin E that our body most easily absorbs. The benefit of vitamin E and its antioxidant properties is the protection of heart’s health and prevention of skin damage caused by the sun. Because of these vitamin E amounts, almonds are considered as “food for the brain”, as you may know, this vitamin prevents mental deterioration, improves concentration and saves memory in the long run.

And this is not all.

Almonds also contain vitamin B2, which helps the body convert food into energy and contributes to healthy skin, eyes, and liver.

Almonds can be eaten raw or cooked. They can be added to salads and other dishes. It is best to eat them on an empty stomach in order to ensure the best possible absorption of their nutrients. And not to forget, like all other nuts, almonds are good for high cholesterol problems as well.

By eating any food from our 10 easiest fiber foods to digest you are not only going to do much for your appearance but most importantly for your long-term health and vitality.

Bon appetite!

10 Easiest Fiber Foods to Digest