10 Crazy Facts about Germany

Here are some crazy facts about Germany you wouldn’t expect from such a no-nonsense country. Usually represented as industrious and hardworking people, Germans do have their fair share of quirkiness. Now, if you take a look at 50 crazy facts about Japan you won’t believe, it makes sense, since Japan is, well, Japan, and very foreign to us. It is to be expected that some of their customs are strange to us, as I’m sure ours are to them. But Germany is a different matter. Up until World War I, German was the second most spoken language in the United States, right behind English. But despite the myth, it was never considered as a candidate for the official language, mainly because the United States of America don’t have the official language.  Germans are also the largest ethnic group in the US today, with some 50 million people claiming German origin. But despite those facts and familiarity, there are plenty of things that can surprise us about Germany.



When you get down to it, what do we really know about Germany? 2 world wars, beer, cars and that’s about it. But there’s plenty more where that came from. The largest and the most populated country in Europe is also world’s 4th largest economy. Made in Germany is a synonym for quality and durability. Germans take pride in their hard work. But despite working hard, every now and then Germans like to play hard as well, as witnessed by some items on our list. If you scratch the surface deep enough, there’s plenty of freaky stuff lurking under that serious and businesslike façade.

Some of these facts are just unexpected, some weird and some are downright crazy. Let’s check them out.

10. Oktoberfest, but not in October

Oktoberfest, held in Munich every year and one of the largest folk festivals in the world isn’t actually in October. It starts 16 days before the first Sunday in October, with a traditional “O’zapft is” cry (the keg is tapped) by Munich Mayor, who taps the first keg. Depending on the year, if you go to Munich in October, you may completely miss it.


9. Beer, bread, and sausages

This is the holy trinity of German cuisine. And yes, Germans consider beer food. There are 1,500 kinds of beer, over 1,000 kinds of sausages and 300 kinds of bread.

Lilyana Vynogradova/Shutterstock.om

Lilyana Vynogradova/Shutterstock.om

8. Autobahn Fast and Furious

Despite the popular belief, not all autobahns are without a speed limit.  About 30% of Germany’s excellent highway system has speed limits. That leaves some 5,000 miles of world’s greatest roads for gear heads to enjoy without fear of being pulled over for speeding. Just 5,000 miles.


7. National anthem

Singing Germany’s national anthem is prohibited in Germany. Yes, you have read that correctly. If you sing the first or second stanza of Deutschlandlied, you can end up in serious trouble. These verses were outlawed to avoid any association with Hitler’s Germany. Third stanza you can sing to your heart’s content, though.


6. Prostitutes per capita…wait, is that even a statistic?

Apparently, yes it is. Since legalizing prostitution in 2001, Germany has risen to the first place in prostitutes per capita. Some 400,000 of them work legally in the country. Things like 12 story brothels and sex booths are a common site in Germany.


5. New definition of free health care

Speaking of prostitution, the German government is paying for sex services for disabled persons. Prostitutes who perform the said service must pass specialized training and get certificates to prove it. Only then will health care system reimburse their customers.


4. Zoos, zoos everywhere

Number 4 on our list of 10 crazy facts about Germany is the fact that there are 400 zoos in Germany, more than in any other country in the world. If various wildlife reserves, aquariums and animal gardens are counted, the number rises to 700.


3. What is your name again?

North, Reignbeau Rhames, Sage Moonblood and Tu Morrow are just some of the most ridiculous names US celebrities have cursed their children with. This would be impossible in Germany, as the government has a right to refuse any name they deem derogatory to the baby. There is a set of strict guidelines when it comes to naming your offspring. In case your choice is refused, you have to pay a hefty fine before trying again. So, choose carefully.


2. Go to school

Education id free in Germany, including universities. No ifs and buts, just simply free. If you manage to enroll, you don’t have to pay a dime. You can even get a monthly payment if your family can’t afford living expenses associated with attending university. By the way, Germany has one of the best education systems in the world. Some countries could really take a leaf out of Germany’s book, nudge, nudge, wink, wink.


1. Is Angela Merkel suitable role model for your daughter?

According to Martel, the manufacturer of Barbie dolls, yes, she is. To prove it, they have designed a doll after German chancellor. We are not sure about the sale numbers, but apparently it is very popular and that is why this is the number one spot on our list of 10 crazy facts about Germany.