The 10 Countries with the Cleanest Air in the World

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Ever wonder what the ten countries with the cleanest air in the world are? If you are concerned about the effects of pollution on your health or simply want to know which countries contribute the least to global warming, the following list might interest you.

According to the World Health Organization, which put forward a report on the global air quality with statistics relative to each nation, factors such as low population density and strict regulations on air pollution were the main factors behind clean air. Of course, certain weather conditions, as well as an abundance of forests also helped certain nations obtain a high score, since these act as natural air filters. Thus, we can expect large countries with huge unpopulated areas covered by trees to be frontrunners on our list of the 10 countries with the cleanest air in the world.

If you have already seen our list on the 20 countries with the best quality of life, you might be thinking that some of these nations will also appear on our list of the the countries with the cleanest air in the world. After all, breathing fresh air and not being bothered by pesky things such as acid rain certainly contributes to a higher standard of living. Despite the fact that life expectancy is higher in countries with cleaner air, we must also remember that quality of life usually takes into account national income per capita, which is increasingly higher in countries with strong industries.

If industry is not well regulated, the effects of air pollution are obvious, thus rendering the upside of higher income irrelevant in terms of better air quality. On the other hand, nations that can afford to implement tougher regulations on industry without crippling their economy or forcing their businesses into bankruptcy, tend to be wealthy. Hence, we shouldn’t expect poor nations to fare too well in our ranking of the ten countries with the cleanest air in the world, much like strong economies which lack regulatory strength also don’t make the cut.

10. Luxembourg

The small European nation has very clean air, thanks to an overall lack of pollution, strict regulations and low population density.


9. Ireland

With so many green hills and open space, Ireland has managed to keep its air very clean. In addition to environmental regulations, the Irish are lucky to be so exposed to strong winds coming in from the sea and swooping the little pollution they generate away.


8. Sweden

On the forefront of innovation in so many areas, Sweden is the envy of almost every country in the world. In addition to their great progress in economic, political, and social terms, the Swedish have protected their wildlife and their clean air very effectively.


Get a breath of fresh air in the seven countries with the cleanest air in the world, continuing on the next page.

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