25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache

Although you might feel compelled to thank us for providing you with the 25 best foods for a hangover headache, there really is no need; as we have all suffered the consequential effects that alcohol has on our body. Now, you would think that with how common it is for adults to crack open an icy-cold brew after a long, exhausting day at work; pair a complementary wine to enjoy with dinner; or even paint the town red with friends on a Friday or Saturday night, that there would be this magical elixir to cure the dreaded hangover headache that often follows the morning after. Well, we hate to be the ones to burst your bubble, but—there’s really not! Quite surprisingly, there is little evidence to verify that there is actually anything out there that is a surefire way to cure hangover symptoms (besides maybe the obvious, lay off the sauce). In fact, many of the methods you may already be familiar with may even be doing you more harm than good by agitating your symptoms. Yikes! We know what you’re thinking, but there is no need to give up hope on relieving those horrid symptoms just yet.

We at Insider Monkey did a little extra digging when it comes to the best foods for hangover headaches, and have turned to science in hopes of finding a better understanding of the underlining causes of the hangover so that we could then more accurately identify the best foods you can eat to aid in alleviating the symptoms that you can almost always expect after a night of drinking. What did we find? Even scientists are at a bit of a loss when it comes to pinpointing what it is that actually causes hangovers! You look a little concerned, again. Don’t worry; we’ve still got you covered!

Despite the fact that many scientists seem to be baffled when it comes to explaining what exactly causes hangovers, there is still a lot of data to validate why you suffer from certain symptoms the morning after you drink. These may not be the definite causes of the hangover itself, but lest you forget we’re talking hangover headaches, here; and there is a good understanding as to why you wake up with your head feeling a lot like Mount Vesuvius before its infamous eruption.

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache

So, here’s what science does confirm. Like caffeine, alcohol is a diuretic; which is basically a substance that increases the production of urine, thus causing you to have to go more frequently. The more you micturate, the more vital fluids you are losing; and if you’re not replacing the water that your body so desperately needs for proper function, your parched organs begin to embezzle water from your brain. Now, your brain is made up of roughly 73% water, and with your other organs draining off this water, it actually causes it to shrink in size; which explains the throbbing you feel.

Aside from just water, your body also emanates other components such as glucose, potassium, and salt; all of which are required for standard brain function and even muscle coordination. The root of detoxification in your body stems back to your liver. Everything that you consume gets broken down in your digestive system until it is small enough for the nutrients to be freed into your bloodstream. These nutrients first head to the liver for an essential process comparable to a quality assurance check. Once in the liver, enzymes metabolize nutrients on top of ridding your body of any toxins, when necessary. After being processed by the liver, what is left is now safe to venture into your bloodstream.

When ethanol, the intoxicating agent found in alcohol, enters the liver to begin the metabolic process, special enzymes known as alcohol dehydrogenases are responsible for breaking it down. Ethanol is first broken down into its metabolic byproduct known as acetaldehyde. In this state, this organic chemical compound can actually be up to 30 times more toxic to your body than the alcohol, itself and can also be partially held responsible for multiple hangover symptoms! So, enzymes called aldehyde dehydrogenase take over and work with a compound known as glutathione to further break the acetaldehyde down to its harmless and easily excreted state known as acetate.

So, what’s the issue? That glutathione we mentioned it’s actually an essential antioxidant, and there is not a whole lot of it in your liver. Consequently, the more you drink, the more acetaldehyde needs to be broken down; the more acetaldehyde to break down the more glutathione is used up, and with less glutathione in your body than acetaldehyde, this destructive toxin is free to wreak cataclysmic havoc on your body.

Your liver isn’t your only organ working for you, at this point. Your other organs are on the job, as well, working to correct the chemical imbalance in your body. Located at the base of your brain is your pituitary gland. Among other things, this pea-sized endocrine gland is responsible for controlling the release of a hormone simply called antidiuretic hormone. Once generated by the pituitary gland, the antidiuretic hormone journeys through the bloodstream, traveling to your kidneys.

Kidneys are a pretty dynamic organ, but in this case, your kidneys are responsible for overseeing the amount of water in your body and determining whether or not it can afford to get rid of it. When you’re dehydrated, your antidiuretic hormone tries desperately to retain water inside your body by prompting the production of aquaporins in your kidneys. Aquaporins are fundamental membrane proteins that basically act as water channels in your kidney’s cell membrane, and rectify the flow of water–allowing it to be reabsorbed into your body.

So, with less water in your body more of the antidiuretic hormone is released to produce greater amounts of aquaporins to ensure that water is being absorbed back into your body instead of being peed out. Alcohol actually obstructs the pituitary gland from releasing antidiuretic hormone, resulting in a lack of production of crucial aquaporins that are now, especially needed to reabsorb water instead of allowing it to abandon you when you need it most through urination. Here is when your desperate organs begin to frantically search for water in your body, and eventually find it in your brain. Your desiccated organs don’t hesitate to ransack your brain for its water, and can you blame them? They need it, too!

So, now that we understand what is going on in your body as you are consuming alcohol, we can determine the best foods for your hangover headache; and although this may be the most bothersome of hangover symptoms, it may still be in your best interest to check out our list of 8 easily digestible foods to soothe an upset stomach, as your headache is often accompanied by an upset stomach.

Now, finally, let’s take a look at best foods for a hangover headache!


25. Pedialyte

While experts may suggest sports drinks, such as Gatorade, comprised of electrolytes for your hangover headache, a better option would be to go with Pedialyte. Often given to children when sick to prevent dehydration, Pedialyte offers more electrolytes than even the leading sports drinks.

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache


24. Teas

Step away from the coffee, and instead, grab some tea that ranks 24th in our list of best foods for a hangover headache! Herbal teas, like chamomile, fennel, peppermint, and ginger can aid a great deal in re-hydrating your body while creating a calming effect. While different teas provide an array of different health benefits, teas like fennel and thyme are a great way to give your liver a boost. Most teas are also easy on the stomach, and pair well with honey; which you will learn the benefits of later on in this article.

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache



23. Salt

Water wasn’t the only thing your body was getting rid of every 20 minutes in those trips to the bathroom. You were also losing a lot of sodium; which is one of your body’s key electrolytes. A teaspoon of salt, that’s up next in our list of best foods for a hangover headache or really anything salty, will help replenish those lost electrolytes as well as enabling your body to absorb water at its normal rate.

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache

Sunny Forest/Shutterstock.com


22. Sunflower Seeds

Another factor that could be triggering your hangover headache is your riboflavin levels. Riboflavin is a B-vitamin, which is one of the most important vitamins that are depleted by alcohol consumption. Eating even a handful of sunflower seeds (which may be all your stomach can handle) will help get your riboflavin back to normal levels.

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache


21. Milk

The act of drinking alcohol can raise your blood sugar temporarily. However, during the process of breaking down the ethanol in your body, your blood sugar dramatically decreases. A common symptom of low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, is a headache (as if other factors weren’t causing a big enough one, already). Drinking a glass of milk after waking up with a pounding headache can help get your blood sugar back to normal in addition to replenishing your body of nutrients that the alcohol you consumed the night before has stripped away. And now, let’s see what else we have in our list of best foods for a hangover headache.

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache

Africa Studio/Shutterstock.com


20. Toast and Honey

Although you can substitute toast for crackers, they are often full of preservatives which will only add to the toxins lingering in your body at this point.  Toast is a simple carbohydrate that will increase your blood sugar levels, while the natural fructose can be found in [raw] honey to aid in the metabolism of alcohol in your body. Also a powerful antioxidant, honey will aid in the neutralization of the harmful toxins alcohol leaves in your body.

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache


19. Fruit Juice

Another great way to give your low blood sugar levels a boost is to get some fruit juice in you! The fructose, or natural sugars, in fruit juices can kick-start the metabolic process—helping you get rid of the toxins in your body faster. Fruit juices rank 19th in our list of best foods for a hangover headache made up of 100% juice offer a lot of vitamins that further aid you in the recovery process. Be careful of drinking too much cranberry juice, though. Along with its many advantages, it does possess diuretic properties. Stay away from acidic juices (orange, tomato, etc.), altogether! They will definitely help your head, but your belly will suffer from the acidity!

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache


18. Cinnamon

Aside from its high antioxidant activity, cinnamon that ranks 18th in our list of best foods for a hangover headache contains flavonoids which will increase the production of glutathione in your body. It also significantly boosts the activity of your brain and digestive system.

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache


17. Coconut Water

When you consume alcohol, you are putting your body through “oxidative stress”. In short, the alcohol is eating up vital antioxidants needed to not only prevent damage to your body from harmful free radicals but repair it, as well. Even though coconut water is not the richest supplier of antioxidants, the antioxidants it possesses mated with the amount of electrolytes it contains is a great weapon when battling a hangover. Aside from water itself, coconut water is a beast when it comes to hydration; which is what your brain needs at this point to regain proper function (and stop throbbing).

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache


16. Fruit

A great way to raise your blood sugar is by eating fruit that ranks 16th in our list of best foods for a hangover headache. Most fruits contain fructose; which is simply natural sugar. Fructose will not only quickly get your blood sugar levels back to normal, but it actually causes your body to absorb alcohol at a slower rate—giving your organs time to recover and reinforce their ethanol-fighting armies—while restoring your glucose levels, to then, speed up the metabolic process of alcohol. Some great fruit choices include: bananas, as they are also a great source of potassium; watermelon, which will aid a great deal in re-hydration; strawberries and peaches are also a great supplier of glutathione. However, try to stay away from acidic fruits, like oranges. Your stomach will thank you!

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache

Africa Studio/Shutterstock.com


15. Brazil Nuts

These nuts that are up next in our list of best foods for a hangover headache, contain selenium; which is a mineral that plays a big role in metabolism and its antioxidant properties actually shield your cells from harm. Selenium is also necessary for the production of glutathione in the body. Not only are Brazil Nuts among one of the best foods for hangover headaches, but for most adults, eating just two of these nuts contains enough selenium recommended for daily dosage; which is also a plus, considering eating anything when plagued with a hangover can often be the last thing on one’s mind.

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache


14. Veggies

Particularly leafy greens, veggies, the number 14 in our list of best foods for a hangover headache can be a great remedy for getting you back to your normal self the morning after a night of drinking. Often thrown away, the leaves and shoots of asparagus have tremendous therapeutic and medicinal value. In the instance of a hangover headache, asparagus can speed up the process of metabolizing ethanol in your body by boosting the production of alcohol dehydrogenase and aldehyde dehydrogenase. Veggies with similar properties include broccoli, peas, spinach, mushrooms and garlic to name a few.

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache



13. Seaweed

While seaweed that ranks 13th in our list of best foods for a hangover headache, doesn’t sound the most appetizing to some, it is chock full of nutrients. Aside from being rich in calcium (contains more than broccoli), protein (levels almost as high as that of legumes), fiber, vitamins A and B12; seaweed is also one of the best sources of iodine. Although your body does not produce iodine naturally, it is an essential element whose health benefits can often be overlooked. Despite the fact that excessive doses of iodine can cause dehydration along with other health issues, the proper dosage will help balance the amount of fluid in your body and actually aid in the retention of the H20 that your body is missing out on.

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache


12. Soy

A good idea for regular drinkers would be to keep soy products in your pantry at all times! Soy milk, soybeans, soy flour, soy sauce, soy-based protein powders rank 12th in our list of best foods for a hangover headache—they are all are rich in cysteine. Cysteine is an amino acid. Without it, hard-working glutathione could not properly do its job; which if you remember is doing all it can to rid your body of the headache-causing acetaldehyde.

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache


11. Peanut Butter

As if peanut butter wasn’t already amazing enough, it’s a great hangover headache remedy, as well! It’ll help your body reload on important nutrients it’s missing out on, like sodium and potassium; the salt in it will also help your body absorb the water it needs; it offers some much-needed vitamins and is a great source of protein. Peanut butter is just jam-packed with good stuff! And speaking of jam—wouldn’t hurt you to add some to your peanut butter.

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache


10. Legumes

Just a fancy name for beans, this magical “fruit” (yes, beans are technically a fruit) will do more than just make you toot! Another great source of cysteine and protein, beans are also very high in magnesium; which is yet another mineral your body is craving at this point. Studies have shown that low magnesium levels, especially in your brain, will result in a nasty headache, among other things.

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache


9. Eggs

Another great source of cysteine, eggs, the number nine in our list of best foods for a hangover headache also contain taurine. Along with its slew of other health benefits, taurine will help fight against the oxidative stress your body is experiencing and even increase the function of your liver. Eggs are also high in protein; which aid in the detoxification of your liver. Not to mention, other ingredients (meat, cheese, salt, veggies, etc.) can easily be whipped into your eggs to amp up its healing powers and get you feeling tip-top in no time.

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache

Piotr Rzeszutek/Shutterstock.com


8. Turmeric

We bet you never would have guessed how much this Indian spice has to offer. Turmeric that ranks 8th in our list of best foods for a hangover headache contains curcumin; which has been proven to promote a healthy liver. Curcumin will provoke the production of bile, which your liver can use to rid your body of harmful toxins. It also contains similar flavonoid compounds found in cinnamon that will increase your body’s glutathione levels.

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache


7. Meats

There are a number of ways to aid your body in producing the glutathione it needs to break down acetaldehyde. Besides cysteine and selenium, which red meats do possess; alpha lipoic acid is another proven way to increase your body’s production of glutathione, while protecting your body from oxidative stress. It works with other essential antioxidants (such as glutathione) and vitamins to further amplify the positive effects that said components have on your body. Red meats, such as beef and lamb, are also an excellent source of protein. Also high in protein are white meats. White meats offer similar health benefits as red meats, because they are both high in cysteine.

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache

Sea Wave/Shutterstock.com


6. Fish

Among other nutrients, your body is ravished of its essential B-vitamins when you drink. Eating fish that ranks 6th in our list of best foods for a hangover headache is a great way to restock your body of these vitamins. In addition, many varieties of fish such as salmon and cod are also great sources of protein and cysteine.

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache



5. Oatmeal

Oats are actually considered to be a “superfood” due to their massive levels of nutrients and ongoing list of health benefits. Preparing a piping hot bowl of oatmeal after a night of heavy drinking will replenish nutrients such as magnesium and iron along with calcium and B-vitamins. Oatmeal is also proven to improve metabolism, raise blood sugar levels, aid in digestion and will also help balance acids found in your body. And now, let’s see the top four entries in our list of best foods for a hangover headache.

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache


4. Whey Protein

Not just a body builder’s go-to supplement for bulking up, whey protein is an excellent source of high-quality proteins and contains every essential amino acid your body needs for proper function. Compared to other proteins, which take a while to be absorbed by your body, whey protein can be more easily and quickly digested and absorbed by your body. It will also enhance your body’s natural antioxidant defenses by increasing levels of glutathione in your body.

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache


3. Chia

These tiny seeds rank 3rd in our list of best foods for a hangover headache. They can pack a big punch when it comes to alleviating your hangover headache. Literally translating to “strength” chia seeds promotes just that! They’re packed with protein, calcium, potassium, vitamins A, B, E and D, iodine and magnesium along with other essential vitamins and minerals. They are also rich in antioxidants. These properties will aid in digestive and metabolic health. As an added bonus, chia seeds can also hold up to 12 times their own weight in water, making them a powerful way to help your body rehydrate.

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache


2. Soup/Bone Broth

Okay, so maybe it sounds a little unconventional to spend hours making soup when you’re suffering from an excruciating hangover headache, but it’ll be worth it! Sure you could opt for the more convenient canned soup, but it won’t be nearly as beneficial. Specifically, any soup that has been stewed with the bones will do you wonders, as bone broth is packed with health benefits. Amino acids such as arginine and glutamine—both found in bone broths—will enhance protein metabolism; while the cysteine found in it is busy assisting glutathione to do its thing. Bone broth is also an excellent way to hydrate your body on top of restoring its sodium levels; some even compare its hydrating powers to that of H2O, itself due to the electrolytes that can be found in the broth. But, hey! What’s the broth without the meats, veggies, herbs and spices that only add to the nutritional value of this superb hangover remedy? As if soup doesn’t already have enough going for it, it can be made in advance and stored in your fridge or freezer for added shelf life. Do we smell a pre-hangover drunken shenanigan cookin’ here? And now, let’s see the number one in our list of best foods for a hangover headache.

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache

1. Water

If you haven’t already put two and two together, water is your knight in shining armor in the scenario of a hangover headache. Hence, why it is the best foods for a hangover headache. After all, the lack of this elixir of life in your body has a lot to do with why you experience so much agonizing pain; and although guzzling down a tall glass of water after a night of [heavy] drinking won’t give you instant relief, the more you sip the faster your body will recover itself. Also, while keeping a bottle of water close to your bed for immediate consumption in the morning is a good idea, an even better one would be to drink a glass before bed. This paired with the glass you have in the morning will do wonders for that nasty hangover headache of yours!

25 Best Foods for a Hangover Headache

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