5 Most Powerful Countries in the World

Below you can find our rankings for the 5 most powerful countries in the world. Please see our methodology and data sources here. Most rankings of most powerful countries are accurate in determining the top 3 countries but quite arbitrary for the rest of the list. Ours is a promising list but it also has its shortcomings. This is quite obvious from the #5 country in our list. However, the rest of the list is, we believe, very accurate. Here are the most powerful countries in the world today:

5. Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is famous for providing billions of dollars of arms to the US. Saudi Arabia has a lot of expensive weapons but we don’t think its military is as powerful as British, French, and German militaries. One reason Saudi Arabia made our list is that it has registered one of the highest increases in net spend over the recent years, at nearly 50%. Maybe we should have used total military spending over the last 30 or 40 years as the main factor in our rankings.

Pixabay/Public Domain

4. Russia

Russia might sometimes use sneaky methods such as poisoning its critics, but it has a powerful military as well, though perhaps not as mighty as when it was the Soviet Union. The army is necessary to stave of pressure from the US, and includes nearly 900 fighter jets, 2 aircraft carriers, and 13,000 tanks, which is the highest number of tanks and more than double that of its nearest competitor.

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3. India

India’s army has been in the news recently due to skirmishes with the Chinese army at their border. We should all pray for things to deescalate because if two of the biggest armies in the world go to war, everyone loses.

Pixabay/Public Domain

2. China

It may be challenging to become the new superpower of the world, with a massively growing economy and military. China will definitely need its army though, as it is picking up fights with some of the biggest countries in the world such as the US and India. China also has the highest increase in military spending over the last decade at over 100%!

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1. United States of America

There can be no doubt that the United States of America tops the list of the 5 most powerful militaries in the world in 2020. The country has 20 aircraft carriers, more than the rest of the world combined, also topping the lists of most armored vehicles, most fighter jets and most attack helicopters. The US spends a significant portion of its budget on its military and even now, there is no other country which can really threaten America’s military might. Its military spending has had a steady increase of 7% over the last decade.

See also 7 most powerful navies in the world and top 15 countries that get the most foreign aid from the US (soft power is as important as military might).