5 Bizarre Brand Extensions That Befuddled Consumers

3. Harley-Davidson Perfumes, Colognes, Wine Coolers, and Cake Decorating Kits

Harley-Davidson Inc (NYSE:HOG) is another company unafraid to slap its brand on as many diverse products as possible, which is why it has earned the third place on this list of 5 bizarre brand extensions that befuddled consumers. The long-time tough guy brand made sense when it was on leather jackets and other biker accessories. However, the company launched a line of perfumes and colognes in 2000, with names such as Black Fire, Cool Spirit, Destiny, Hot Road, Legendary, and Territory. Unperturbed by the eye rolls it was getting, the company also offered wine coolers and, get this, cake decorating kits. While these products predictably didn’t ride high on the revenue charts, some of them are still available for sale online in one form or another, which is something you can’t say about the items on the next two pages.

5 Bizarre Brand Extensions That Befuddled Consumers

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