17 Examples of First Messages to a Girl on Facebook

Sometimes it all comes down to that first message you’re going to send, so you’d better read our guide on how to put together a decent, responsive first message to a girl on Facebook and go through these 17 examples of first messages to a girl on Facebook for practical study.

True, people have massively started using Instagram along with Tinder and similar dating applications. However, Facebook is still very much in use. Just take a look at its owner. He’s still getting richer every day and even made it to our list of top 10 entrepreneurs in the world in 2018. Why is Facebook so convenient when it comes to dating? An indecisive girl could give you the best answer. Facebook has become the perfect mediator in negotiations. Sometimes a girl isn’t quite 100% sure if she’d like you to have her number or not, but giving you a Facebook account is somewhere in between when it comes to privacy. She didn’t turn you down, so there’s a window open for you. Now’s your time to shine and send her a cool, original message.

Examples of First Messages to a Girl on Facebook


That is one of the scenarios for this article. In the other, you are feeling bored, and you roam through your friend’s friends, and there she is. You definitely wish to contact her, and perhaps even send a message to stand out from the crowd. But such girl receives tons of messages for sure. Luckily for you, we have the recipe for success.

Therefore, there are two situations here. You have either met the girl in person, or you haven’t. We’ve prepared excellent messages for both cases. What exactly should you pay attention to when sending this first message? Our sources provided us with tons of tips and lots of examples. We analyzed the information given by Global Seducer, 123Greetings Quotes, Men’s Health, The Urban Dater, and Tourist Biker. Admittedly, some of them offered examples of funny online dating messages which weren’t necessarily Facebook related. However, we found them acceptable in situations when you have already flirted with the girl in person. Surely she isn’t going to expect your first Facebook message to be about your next classes or something if you’ve spent the night chatting her up.

To fill up our online dating first message generator, we have chosen the messages that correspond to certain criteria. Generally speaking, you should be open and self-confident. Always do your homework before sending her the message. Try to find out what she likes, and work on that. Having similar interests is something you should find. As for the physical appearance comments, our sources were divided on this one. We go along with the opinion you should make a comment on their physical looks, as long as it is original. After all, girls like to be flattered and expect some kind of compliment from a guy who is wooing them. Naturally, they are aware of the fact they’ve attracted you physically, so why would you deny it?

Being witty definitely helps, and you can read some funny first message online dating examples here, but if you really wish to have a laugh, go to our article about funny online dating first message examples that get responses. The same goes for the 10 Best Opening Lines for Online Dating Messages. You’ll find plenty of funny first messages on POF, too.

Now let’s get started with our 17 examples of first messages to a girl on Facebook! The very first one you’ll be reading is meant for girls who still haven’t met you in real life (and found out how awesome you are). One more thing: always proof-read your messages before hitting “send”! Girls love literate guys. That being said, go ahead, read, analyze, and send!

17. It’s me… the crazy guy who walked up to you on the street (Sorry, but you are so beautiful I couldn’t control myself).

Anyway, I really enjoyed our conversation, and I would love to find out more about your passion for “insert topic you talked about” and your personality.

Why don’t we meet this Saturday for a coffee at that amazing café that isn’t Starbucks?

Let me know if you have time or if we have to meet another day.


Basically, you have a plan here how to approach any random girl and what to do afterward.

Examples of First Messages to a Girl on Facebook

Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock.com

16. “Hello, this is Nick, the guy you just met in the library. Thought I would give you my number. So here it is! Have a great day!”

We are continuing our list of examples of first messages to a girl on Facebook with a short and sweet message. She simply has to reply to this, even if it were only out of courtesy. But then it’s your move.

15. “Hey Pam, this is Nick. I just read your blog, and I wanted to personally leave an appreciation note.

I simply loved it! You are an elegant gifted writer. That said, I’m a writer too. Please check out my blog here if you like.”

No, you needn’t hit only on girls with blogs. Just find some project of hers and leave your “appreciation note.” Classy.

Examples of First Messages to a Girl on Facebook


14. “Hi, it’s amazing to find out how similar we are.

Did you just notice we both answered the same for those creativity quiz questions?? Rarely I meet people of my same wavelength.”

Perhaps a bit far-fetched, but if you really can’t find anything else you have in common, go for this one on our list of examples of first messages to a girl on Facebook.

Examples of First Messages to a Girl on Facebook


13. Send her a link.

We don’t literally mean you should write “send her a link” in your message. The fact is that one of the girls in a survey was thrilled with the link a guy sent her. He realized she was into horror films and sent a link for a scary movie marathon. The point is to send her a link with content she’s interested in. It could be said this is one of POF messages that get responses, too.

12. “Hey Gina, seem like a cool girl. We’ll catch up when the time permits”.

Send this when she accepts your request. Nice and smooth, no big promises. Just keep it cool.

Examples of First Messages to a Girl on Facebook


11. “Hey Karen, welcome to my world. We’ll chat later”.

One more message on our list of examples of first messages to a girl on Facebook, to say you appreciate her clicking the “accept” button.

10. “Just saying hi until next time.”

Or you can acknowledge her acceptance in this way, too.

Examples of First Messages to a Girl on Facebook


9. “Has anyone ever told you that you have the cutest, perfect nose?”

Turning to some compliments about her physical appearance on our list of 17 examples of first messages to a girl on Facebook. As we have mentioned before, there’s nothing wrong with complimenting a girl about her looks, as long as it’s a cool message.

Examples of First Messages to a Girl on Facebook


8. “Excuse me, but are you an air hostess?”

Try to associate her with a job that is generally considered to be done by attractive people. Avoid supermodels, though. Too transparent, too boring a reference.

Examples of First Messages to a Girl on Facebook

Tyler Olson/Shutterstock.com

7. “Hey there! Liked what I read here and saw you like Game of Thrones.

Red Wedding… W.T.F!!!?? If you haven’t seen it, spoiler alert, everyone dies!”

If you’re both fans, we’re sure you have lots of things to talk about. It isn’t that hard to write such a message about something that interests you, is it?

6. “I read through your profile, and I gotta say, only my Freshman English Teacher made more use of the Oxford Comma than you.

Oh, my name is Alex! Grammar snob at your service!”

Every now and then there’s a girl like this, so this would be the perfect text for her.

Examples of First Messages to a Girl on Facebook


5. “Look, you owe me 99 cents because your profile melted my heart like a snickers bar in a pocket on a hot summer’s day.

This one’s also one of best copy and paste messages for POF, isn’t it? By the way, 40% of girls are more likely to reply to a message mentioning food.

Examples of First Messages to a Girl on Facebook

Radu Bercan/Shutterstock.com

4. “Between your profile and your photos, I have to say, you might be the prettiest girl in this part of the internet…”

Admit it, “in this part of the internet” sounds much better than “in the whole world.”

And now, let’s see the top three examples of first messages to a girl on Facebook.

3. “Hey there. I’m Alex. Totally dug the profile, you seem cool.

Gotta say, hiking Half Rim was such an escape for me. How did your hike go? Let’s chat sometime.”

Find out her hobby, and ask a question about it. It’s too tempting not to answer.

Examples of First Messages to a Girl on Facebook

Copyright: sam74100 / 123RF Stock Photo

2. “Hi! I noticed that we share a love of the ‘Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants!’ (not really). =)

– But seriously, we seem like a lot of the same movies/beers/things/etc.”

“Yeah, right, a guy who loves “Travelling Pants”…Oh, wait…” are her exact thoughts, followed by a smile.

1. “How did the hipster burn his tongue? He drank his coffee before it was cool…”

Last but not the least, a joke can be one of 17 examples of first messages to a girl on Facebook, too. Just send something fun and interesting, and avoid dirty jokes.

Examples of First Messages to a Girl on Facebook
