16 Scariest Deadliest Rivers in the World

In many ancient cultures, rivers are considered as “living organisms” for creating the life around them and for having a behavior of their own, and our list of 16 scariest deadliest rivers in the world will give you an idea of how much “alive” they can be.

Rivers are one of the most fascinating yet indomitable creations of nature; they are vital areas for animals and plants as well as for men. It is known that the migration of birds, for example, generally follows paths marked by rivers and some trees use the flowing water to disperse their seeds. It’s undeniable that they have helped the man since the beginning of the human civilization as a source of nourishment, mean of transportation as well as defensive measures and lately as a source of energy. Therefore many important cities in the world are built in the banks of rivers.

Scariest Deadliest Rivers in the World


These streams of fresh water mostly originate high in the mountains from what is called a source and on their journey down to the ocean they transform the nature around them creating breathtaking landscapes. They play an enormous role in shaping the Earth through erosion, creating geological formations. But don’t be deceived by its beauty, many times these currents join other streams — let’s say, for example, thermal waters that cause the river’s temperature to rise even to the boiling point. Hard to believe, right? If you are wondering what is the hottest river in the world, the answer is Boiling River, and it’s located in the jungle of Peru. Another case where perception cannot be taken for granted is the case of the Lake of Death, Italy. What appears to be a peaceful lake, hides a high concentration of sulfuric acid capable of dissolving any object that falls into it.

In order to deepen our research of scariest deadliest rivers in the world, we will focus on the power and diversity of rivers. Precisely that allows us to classify them by many criteria. We have already dealt with similar topics when writing about rivers that grow bigger due to the tributaries joining the mainstream thus increasing the volume of water that they carry, in Top 10 Largest Rivers in the World by Volume. On the other hand, in 11 Deepest Rivers in the World, we wrote about deep rivers and their currents which make it impossible for swimming though they don’t always appear to be that dangerous. Those rivers can be good for navigation and transportation. And finally, we wrote about 11 widest rivers in the world, as well.

It is said that to enjoy the wonders that nature offers, you have to obey its rules. Otherwise, there are consequences. As water helps to create life, it can also destroy it. Rivers can cause terrible floods as it’s mentioned in The 10 Most Dangerous Rivers in the World and man has witnessed their power throughout the times. But rivers can become the scariest deadliest rivers of the world not only because of the force of the water but for many other reasons. For example, many of them shelter living forms that are hostile to human presence, or they contain types of harmful algae that cause illness if the water is swallowed, or even because of the hazardous chemicals poured into their waters. For this article on 16 scariest deadliest rivers of the world, we have researched through the vast range of river varieties, comparing different articles we already mentioned, and by investigating reports from sources such as National Geographic, as well as articles mentioned on the list below. Our ranking goes from the scariest water stretches which can go unnoticed if you are an unwary swimmer, passing by the rivers that have caused the deadliest floods and loses throughout history to finally get to the rivers with the scariest and deceitful currents and creatures. If you like swimming in nature the following list with will make you think twice before jumping into any of these scariest deadliest rivers of the world.

16. Belle Fourche River (USA)

The peaceful appearance of this river can change abruptly into turbulent waters and strong currents, which have caused accidents and claimed so many lives. In 2010 authorities decided to close a mile portion of the river in order to prevent future tragedies.

Scariest Deadliest Rivers in the World

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15. Kern River (USA)

Often referred as “Killer Kern,” the section flowing through Bakersfield looks calmed and inviting, but its currents become unexpectedly powerful enough to overcome the strongest swimmer. This river has claimed so many lives throughout the time; therefore, it’s considered among one of the deadliest rivers in the United States.

Scariest Deadliest Rivers in the World

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14. Red River  (Vietnam – China)

The river is muddied by clay silt what makes it difficult to see debris, depth, and obstacles could get dangerous for swimmers who could get caught in underwater trees or misjudge the depth of the murky water. Therefore, it made it to our list of scariest deadliest rivers in the world.

Scariest Deadliest Rivers in the World

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13. Yarra River (Australia)

It’s among the most dangerous rivers for swimming in Australia. Although it looks like a pleasant stretch of water, after the rains it becomes risky, especially for swimmers as there are a lot of large holes which trap snags like trees and branches and anyone who falls over can easily get caught up in those. Local authorities  have closed certain stretches of the river in order to avoid more accidents to happen.

Scariest Deadliest Rivers in the World

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12. Wharfe River (United Kingdom)

The river number 12 on our list of scariest deadliest rivers in the world is considered to be the deadliest river in England. The fraction of the river known as Bolton Strid which is about 6 feet wide hides the darkest secret. Beneath the river’s tranquil appearance lies a treacherously fast current rushing over a deep underwater channel and undercut, rocky banks that make it difficult to climb out of if you do fall in. It’s the cause of many fatalities and poems has been written about its deadly flow.

11. Yellow River or Huang He (China)

It’s the second largest river in China, sometimes called the “river of sorrows,” it is one of the most dangerous and destructive rivers in the world. Over the years this river has changed course 26 times producing devastating floods, causing human and material loses. The river carries an enormous amount of silt that causes it to become a flowing mudslide when it floods. Through the years people have witnessed its lethal force, making it one of the scariest deadliest rivers in the world.

10. Brahmaputra River (China – India – Bangladesh)

It’s the longest river in Asia, and it can be considered as one of the deadliest rivers in India. Its flow and force are increased every year by the snow that’s melting from the Himalaya, causing terrible floods. This is the reason why entire villages are evacuated each year. Additionally, it’s the habitat of the Bull shark, that’s one of the most unpredictable and aggressive types of sharks in the world.

Scariest Deadliest Rivers in the World

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9. Zambezi River (Zambia)

This river is incredibly rushing and hides many dangers, including the huge stones and trenches hidden under the swirling waves. It’s almost 3,000km long, peppered with unexploded mines, killer rapids and deadly animals such as crocodiles and hippos. The Victoria Falls, the largest waterfalls in the world,  are formed by the rapids of the Zambezi river, the stretch following the waterfalls it is said to have the biggest concentration of grade 5 rapids in the world.

8. Tárcoles River (Costa Rica)

One of the scariest rivers in the world provides habitat to the American crocodiles resulting in the world’s largest crocodile population with about 25 crocodiles living per square kilometer. It’s also one of the most polluted rivers in Costa Rica. There are guided boat tours through the river if you dare to take one. But remember to keep your head and arms inside the boat.

7. Yenisei River (Russia)

According to studies, the Yenisei River has been contaminated, severely in places, by three decades of discharges of radioactive particles from a factory making bomb-grade plutonium. In downstream villages, experts have found a disturbing statistical pattern of illnesses: an increase in children with leukemia, in breast cancer among women and a higher death rate. All are possible effects from radiation exposure and valid reason to be one of the scariest deadliest rivers in the world.

Scariest Deadliest Rivers in the World

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6. Brisbane River (Australia)

It’s the second most deadly river in Australia. It’s the home of a very large population of bull sharks. These aggressive animals prefer the murky, shallow waters of Brisbane. They have been the cause of many fatal attacks in this river. According to studies, there are more than 500 bull sharks in the Brisbane river.

And now, let’s see the top five scariest deadliest rivers in the world.

5. Nile River (Egypt)

We are continuing our list of scariest deadliest rivers in the world with one of the largest rivers in the world. It is habitat to Nile crocodile that is one of the most ferocious and deadliest animals who hide in the murky waters of this river. It’s estimated that about 200 people die each year in the jaws of these animals. Other species living in the waters of the Nile river are snakes — around ten types of water snakes are found along the banks of the river. But the Nile itself is dangerous as it contains treacherous rapids and large rocks.

Scariest Deadliest Rivers in the World

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4. Mekong River (Southeast Asia)

China – Myanmar – Laos – Thailand – Cambodia – Vietnam

Certain stretches of this river have been qualified as impossible to navigate due to its unfriendly currents. It presents swirls and grade 5 rapids. Its waters are home to Siamese crocodiles and giant freshwater stingrays. Over the time the river has been the cause of numerous deaths and floods.

3. Murray River (Australia)

The river number three on our list of scariest deadliest rivers of the world is known as the most dangerous river in Australia — the waters are murky, and it can be deceitfully dangerous to swim in. It is important not to underestimate the strength of the current because once you are suddenly pinned by a tree, for example, it is very hard to pull yourself away since there are undercurrents that cause water to dip, swirl and turn back on itself. Another fact that makes this river one of the scariest deadliest rivers in the world is that the water temperature can drop up to 15 degrees within a meter of the surface, what can cause cramps and asthma attacks in people who jump straight in on a hot day.

2. Congo River (Central Africa)

If you wondered at the beginning of this article where is the deepest river in the world, here it is — the Congo river reaches depths of over 750 feet (230 meters). It’s an extremely powerful river; in fact it is the most powerful river in Africa. It’s one among the dangerous ones because even though it begins peacefully, it picks up speed and becomes turbulent until it enters the “Gates of Hell”, a 75 mile long canyon of treacherous rapids . Additionally, the banks of the river are home to different types of reptiles such as crocodiles and water snakes.

1. Amazon River (Peru – Brazil)

The Amazon’s natural beauty and biodiversity attract tourists in search of exotic adventures, which is why the rafting in the Amazon river rapids is one of the most searched activities. The river and its tributaries possess whitewater rapids from grade III to IV. However, this region can be just as dangerous as it is beautiful. Its waters hide many of the scariest creatures on the planet, like the piranha, carnivorous fish, that may attack livestock and even humans. On the other hand one of the world’s largest species of snakes, Anaconda snakes, is found in the shallow parts of this river and they are particularly agile in the water (there are known cases of attacks to people). Another creature to watch out for is the electric eel, which is capable of generating up to 600 volts through its electrolyte cells. It lives in the murky depths of the river, and there have been reported numerous encounters with human beings. For all these reasons the Amazon river is at the top of our list of the scariest deadliest rivers in the world.