15 Good Debate Topics for Kids

The following 15 good debate topics for kids make an excellent read if you’re looking for debate topics for elementary students or even interesting debating topics for high school students.

Why is debating such an important activity that we are always looking for fun, interesting and age appropriate-topics? First of all, this is how future presidents are shaped. You have to possess great oratorical skills in order to be able to present your ideas clearly and assertively. Also, if you are proficient at debating, you’ll be proficient at supporting your arguments and defending from any verbal attacks. Good negotiating skills are also what is highly appreciated in the business world. Sometimes it’s not about the facts and figures, but it all comes down to the proper presentation. Providing you have participated in school debates regularly, that should be a piece of cake. Therefore, debating for primary students isn’t just another school club fun activity. It’s the first step in shaping future world leaders.

15 Good Debate Topics for Kids


Another great consequence of taking part in school debates is the increased self-confidence. By being involved in discussions, a child is more likely to become laid-back and self-assertive than to turn into a shy and anxious adult. Socializing skills are pretty important when it comes to everyday situations, aren’t they? What is more, having discussed a  list of good debate topics usually makes the child more tolerant of other people and their opinions. That could be one of the greatest benefits of debating. By taking the side which doesn’t actually match his/her opinion, the student sooner or later realizes it is perfectly acceptable to have different attitudes on certain topics, and that no one should be too upset about them.

Now let’s see how we got to our own debate topics list for children. Our sources were  Kids World FunThoughtCo, and Buzzle, but the real challenge was how to pick the very best ones for our list. Firstly, we focused on the fact that these are good debate topics for kids, not adults. Therefore, they should be age appropriate, and that implies they are acceptable for both elementary and high school students. Secondly, we decided to go for the debate topics which the children could relate to. Education, technology and parent-children relationships are things that matter the most in their young lives. Hardly any student would think long and hard if there is life after death in his teens. Finally, if we are to have good debate topics for kids, they have to be fun! Both parents and children wish to be entertained while watching/participating in the discussion.

If you are so keen on debating and our list of 15 good debate topics for kids is too small, you can also check out our 20 Good Debate Topics for Elementary Students. In the meantime, take a look at the topics of our choice. We’ve also provided you with some arguments for and against to give you some extra ideas. Enjoy!

 15. Every home should have a pet

Now here is one of the perfectly innocent debate topics for grade 4 and 5. This is a completely child appropriate topic. In addition, children will have a lot to say about it, considering their everlasting desires and their good knowledge of parents’ excuses for not getting them one fluffy friend.

15 Good Debate Topics for Kids

Kate Grishakova/Shutterstock.com

14. Will computers replace teachers?

There isn’t a student in the world, big or small, who hasn’t asked himself/herself this question. Sometimes the teachers’ job seems so easy as if everyone could do it. Aren’t teachers just repeating things from books, in a slightly different way? Also, robots are bound to be unbiased and impersonal. Hmmm, perhaps a bit of personality isn’t such a bad thing, right? Especially for younger learners.

15 Good Debate Topics for Kids


13. Is it alright to purchase any items you want with your allowance or own money?

Here’s another decent 5th-grade debate.  How many times have you struggled with your parents about the proper use of your money? After all, if it’s supposedly yours, you should be able to use it in any way you wish. Still, most parents say it should be put aside for something special, rather than something trivial such as the latest video games. Perhaps a new school bag would be a better choice, but can it bring the same joy and happiness? Hardly.

15 Good Debate Topics for Kids


12. Which is better: television or books?

As much as this one is interesting, it implies students actually read books they’re supposed to read so they could make the comparison. Those who aren’t avid readers surely will come up with some good arguments. In addition, a discussion on Harry Potter books would be the most appropriate for a similar topic of books vs. films.

15 Good Debate Topics for Kids

Pixabay/Public Domain

11. Grades should be abolished

It’s hard not to imagine a round of applause from the young audience once the supporting teams start presenting their arguments. Life would be so much easier and stress-free, which eventually helps absorbing new information better. Everyone should be learning according to his/her liking. On the other hand, it would be hard to establish a different system for judging who is suitable for certain careers.

15 Good Debate Topics for Kids


10. Androids are better than iPhones

Children are so much tech-advanced these days that this one on our list of good debate topics for kids, will make a great debate. iPhones are easier to unlock, but Android phones keep time better. Androids generally have better photos, but Apple’s Spotlight is better than Google search. Parents might be surprised what details their children will go into during this debate, and probably learn a thing or two.

15 Good Debate Topics for Kids

Radu Bercan/Shutterstock.com

9. Children shouldn’t be allowed to drink soda

Depending on your background, this may seem an ordinary topic, but those of us who remember parents adding some sugar into a Cola or Pepsi glass “to make it less acidic,” this should turn out to be quite fun. Reasons against: it’s too sugary, it’s bad for teeth, you’ll become dehydrated… What are the benefits of drinking soda? Well, firstly, carbonated drinks are healthy. Fizzy drinks can be very helpful in solving bad digestion, and sometimes we all need a proper sugar rush to get us going.

15 Good Debate Topics for Kids

Pixabay/Public Domain

8. Students should not be graded on their handwriting

From the position of a student, the topic number 8 on our list of good debate topics for kids is rather easy to debate about. The never-ending battle continues here. Should, or shouldn’t students be graded according to their handwriting? Every student who struggled with teachers’ attitudes on this will claim once more that bad handwriting is a sign of intelligence. Not to mention, we’re all using computers these days. However, illegibility affects your grade when the teacher misreads something. Not to mention some other consequences with future colleagues.

15 Good Debate Topics for Kids

Pixabay/Public Domain

7. Students should be held legally responsible for bullying in schools

Up next on our list of good debate topics for kids is what we could call one of the 6th-grade debate topics. If parents are listening to this discussion, it will surely get their attention and make them move in their seats. How much is it parents’ responsibility, and should the child be fully blamed for misbehavior and harassment?

6. Prayer of any form should be prohibited in schools

We’re continuing with serious issues in our list of good debate topics for kids. Since we’re all considered equal, why should we point out some religious differences? Isn’t religion something too personal? On the other hand, being able to practice your religion is one of your basic rights. Why prohibit it in schools? Kids are asking for help from above before tests anyway.

15 Good Debate Topics for Kids


5. Has Walt Disney done better for mankind than William Shakespeare ever did?

Once upon a time, there lived a man called Shakespeare and made all students’ lives miserable. Jokes aside, you must admit Walt Disney vs. Shakespeare debate would be pretty interesting to attend.

15 Good Debate Topics for Kids

enchanted_fairy / Shutterstock.com

4. What is the permissible age for tattoos and piercings?

Every child wishes to express himself/herself in some way. If that way is having ears/nose/belly button pierced, why should there be any opposition to this form of creativity? Even when a child is a minor? Age isn’t always the sign of maturity, is it?

15 Good Debate Topics for Kids

Pixabay/ Public Domain

And now, let’s see the top three good debate topics for kids.

3. Should kids be allowed to watch a PG-13 or R-rated movies?

If a child is already witnessing news that parents are watching, with all the horrible details, why should movies be any different? New generations are much more aware of potential horrors and less sensitive to them, some might say.

2. Macs are better than PCs

There are lots of reasons for loyalty on both sides. As we have already mentioned, children nowadays are more into technology than their parents. Or at least more passionate about explaining the advantages.

1. Education is the key to future success

To end our list of 15 good debate topics for kids, here’s one that could be interpreted as: do we really need all this education? Why is it necessary to go to school? History is full of examples of successful people who became millionaires without a college degree. Why should one bother? The team supporting the statement is bound to face challenges with this one. Sometimes the most obvious and logical things are pretty hard to justify, aren’t they?

15 Good Debate Topics for Kids

Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.com