If you wish to spend white Christmas with your family, but still indulge yourself with a nice and affordable vacation, we’re giving you the list of 12 best places to visit in Central and South America in January!
Christmas and New Year — these are absolute most favorite and joyful holidays all over the world. Everything is beautifully decorated wherever you look. Even if it isn’t snowing yet, the trees, streets, houses and town squares are covered with sparkling ornaments. The lights are shining brightly, and here and there you see a Santa climbing people’s balconies (not the real one, of course). And the shopping! Gift giving is the inevitable part of the celebrations. As the holidays are getting nearer, people are becoming more nervous and running around in a frenzy, looking for the perfect gift (original, most appropriate and most affordable, if possible). At work, the situation isn’t much better either. Managers are anxious about the yearly reports they have to hand in, while the workers are impatiently waiting for their Christmas bonuses and the traditional end of the year party. To summarize, December is one stressful month with carols echoing wherever you go. Not only is everyone around you tense, and (un)successfully hiding it behind a smile, but once the holidays actually arrive, they don’t bring the expected pure joy. Surely Christmas is a wonderful holiday when the whole family gathers around to celebrate the birth of little Jesus. “Christmas ain’t Christmas till someone cries,” as the Donkey put it. As much as we love our dearest, once the holidays are officially over, it is no wonder you feel drained both emotionally and physically.

Therefore, you must admit you deserve a little vacation, don’t you? In that case, here are 15 best places to travel in January in Europe, Asia and tropical destinations! However, if the money is a bit tight after all that gift giving, don’t worry. Our list of best places to visit in Central America and South America will bring you holidays that are more than affordable!
Reasonably priced holidays are what we had in mind after that money-consuming December, so we checked the cheapest holidays in Latin America at Price of Travel. We found lots of places of tourist interest in South America that are perfectly affordable considering the price of decent accommodation, good food, and transport. Which countries are safe to visit in Central America, and down south as well, was the logical question, so we had to exclude Venezuela from our list. Safety first, right? The next step was to check the weather in those cities and places in January, so we consulted with our primary source Holiday Weather, and with Weather and Climates to Travel, too. Naturally, checking the average temperature in January is what you expect to be our criteria, but you’ll be happy to know that we also checked the situation with the precipitation and sunny days. You’d be pretty disappointed if you arrived in central or South America only to see the same gray clouds like back home, no matter how warm the air temperature is. If you want some additional information regarding the best time to visit South America Lonely Planet website provides essential and much needed information, as well.
If you have already splurged on vacation after reading 12 Best Places to Visit in Central and South America in December and are looking for best places to visit in South America in February, we would suggest going to Mexico or Argentina. In case you are wondering where to spend Christmas in South America, the list mentioned above will be of great help.
Without further ado, here are the best places to visit in Central and South America in January. They are given in random order due to the fact that it would be biased to rank them according to what kind of sightseeing you can do there. Some are best countries to visit in South America with lovely beaches, while there are also places with breath taking nature and lively cities. There are no temperatures listed since the weather is great everywhere, but rather some fun facts and information to help you make up your mind more easily. Whatever appeals to you, we’re sure you’ll find it in our list of 12 best places to visit in Central and South America in January!