11 Most Profitable Universities in America

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10. Carnegie Mellon University

Forbes’s rank: 27

Pay scale rank: 12 (early career pay – $68,200; mid-career pay 125,000$)

Carnegie Mellon University was established in 1900 as the Carnegie Technical Schools. It changed its name in the mid-1960s after merging with Mellon Institute of Industrial Research. Carnegie is a home to the first degree-granting drama program whose list of notable alumni includes Emmy, Tony, Grammy, Golden Globe laureates and Academy Award Winners. Currently, one of the most famous ex-students is John Wells, director of August: Osage County. Among CMU’s alumni, you will also find Nobel Laureates, innovators, famous artists – John Nash, Java creator James Gosling, Andy Warhol. CMU is known for its efforts in environmental preservation and computer science program, which was one of the first in the country.

Most Profitable Universities in America


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