11 Most Profitable Universities in America

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11. Yale University

Forbes’s rank: 28

Pay scale rank: 16 (early career pay – $61,400; mid-career pay $120,000)

Founded in 1701, Yale University is third-oldest higher education institution in America. The University was named by Welsh merchant Elihu Yale because of his donation of books and goods. This Ivy League institution has done a lot of pioneering work in America’s higher education – Yale was the first university to establish a scholarship for graduate studies, and award PhDs, the first science course was taught at Yale, and it is also a home of the first literary review magazine in the US. Today, Yale is one of the richest schools with assets that include endowment of 25.6 billion, which is one of the largest in the world. The list of its famous alumni includes five US presidents, US Supreme Court justice, billionaires whose net worth reaches the figure of 77 billion, dozens of Nobel laureates. Finally, compared to other colleges on the list, Yale is the most financially generous since it provides students with the average aid of $41,400 annually.

Most Profitable Universities in America

Pete Spiro/Shutterstock.com

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