11 Most Profitable Universities in America

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9. Georgia Institute of Technology

Forbes’s rank: 8

Pay scale rank: 30 (early career pay – $63,400; mid-career pay – $114,000 )

First public institution on our list, Georgia Institute of Technology was founded in 1885 with the aim of transforming the state’s agrarian economy into industrial. Today, GIT has a student population of 21,471 and five branches outside America. Georgia Tech is known for its programs in industrial engineering, computer science, mathematics, and architecture and it has been ranked among the best colleges and research institutions in the country and the world. The list of notable individuals who were students at GIT includes former US President Jimmy Carter, many successful CEOs (David Dorman – AT&T Corporation, Mike Duke – WalMart, James D. Robinson III – American Express), military commanders, astronauts, famous athletes – NBA player Chris Bosh, baseball star Kevin Brown, Bobby Jones. Georgia Tech charges the lowest tuition on the list – in-state students pay $11,394 and their peers from abroad $30,698. Also, 72 percent of students receive financial aid which averages $6,289.

Most Profitable Universities in America

Tyler Olson/Shutterstock.com

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