10 Best Things to Sell on OfferUp

Spring is finally here, and now you’re thinking about the best things to sell on OfferUp? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

The local selling apps have made it so easy to sell or buy stuff in your neighborhood that we totally understand why almost everyone is using them. You can list an item in less than a minute, and simply wait for a buyer to pay you in cash for the stuff you didn’t need anymore. It’s a pretty great way to get rid of the things that have been blocking your room or your garage, and without having to organize a garage sale in the first place.

When it comes to selling apps, the choice is up to you to find the one that suits your needs. If you’re having a hard time choosing, take your time and review Wallapop vs Letgo vs OfferUp vs Craigslist: best app to sell stuff. If you don’t just want to get rid of a few things but would like to open an online store instead, perhaps Shopify is the best solution. In that case, you’d need 10 best things to sell on Shopify. On the other hand, if you find Craigslist to be more to your liking because it has a wide audience, then you should look up things that sell fast on Craigslist and start earning money.

Best Things to Sell on OfferUp

Constantin Stanciu/Shutterstock.com

One of the most popular and best apps to sell stuff is Offer up where you simply, list an item, write a short description, and set your price. Yes, it really is that simple. As every beginner, you need OfferUp selling tips. To be a successful seller, experienced sellers suggest that you make a great post. That means take excellent photos of the items you’re selling, write a great description, and make your price reasonable. You should also try to respond quickly to your buyers, as a fast response is much appreciated. It keeps buyers interested and your average response time will also appear on your profile. It’s all about the rating and in order to ensure your great rating, you should also rate the buyers, not only the other way around. Don’t forget to always pick a safe location for the exchange. That’s pretty much all you need to know about OfferUp.

Now for the most popular items sold on OfferUp. If you try to look up the best selling items on OfferUp, you may not find a list of things. The truth is that with these tips mentioned above, almost any item will sell well. If you have great photos, people will be more interested in what you’re selling. If you also provide a good price and pay attention to your ratings, you’ve got nothing to worry about. You will probably be successful at selling pretty much everything. But we explored a little to see what the easiest things to sell on OfferUp are to help you get started. We wanted to hear experiences from people who were successful at selling all sorts of things on the app, as well as what they sold the quickest. The results are pretty much similar as for Craigslist and Shopify. People usually sell things they don’t need like furniture and electronics etc. If you’re thinking of giving it a try this YouTube video may be useful to you.

Thanks to all these experiences we read about on Reddit, we came up with a list of 10 best things to sell on OfferUp.

10. Cars

If one of the old things you don’t need anymore is your old car, then list it on OfferUp and sell it. It may not sell in a day, but cars generally sell well on OfferUp. Just make sure you take a great photo of it and offer a fair price.

 Best Things to Sell on OfferUp

Pixabay/Public Domain

9. Clothes

People often sell nice clothes they don’t wear anymore because why simply throw it away when you can earn a few bucks while getting rid of it? You can sell all sorts of things you no longer wear such as leather jackets, nice dresses, etc.

 Best Things to Sell on OfferUp


8. Shoes

We’ve rad about people selling leather boots or other expensive shoes they no longer wear. Instead of giving them away or throwing them in the garbage, list them for a small price on OfferUp.

 Best Things to Sell on OfferUp

Image Credit: Pixabay

7. Kitchen Stuff

We are continuing our list of best things to sell on OfferUp with kitchen stuff which is as popular on OfferUp as it is on Craigslist so you can’t go wrong if you decide to list your used knives or your blender that you don’t use anymore. For a fair price, you’d be surprised how many people are willing to buy these things.

 Best Things to Sell on OfferUp

Angel Simon/Shutterstock.com

6. Sports Equipment

Tennis rackets, snowboards, all sorts of sports equipment sells well on OfferUp just like on other popular apps because people would rather pay half a price for used equipment then buy a new one.

 Best Things to Sell on OfferUp


5. Suitcases

People also sell their old suitcases on OfferUp. Considering not many people don’t want to pay the full price for new luggage, this is a good option both for you and the buyers. Take a great photo of your suitcase, list it, and wait for a buyer.

4. Bags

If you’re a woman, chances are you buy a lot of bags and eventually, you get bored using the same ones. Instead of feeling guilty for buying a new bag, you can sell your old bags on OfferUp! Bags are another popular category, so this is your chance to earn a few bucks.

 Best Things to Sell on OfferUp

Chris Griffiths/Shutterstock.com

3. Bikes

Probably one of the best things to sell on OfferUp are bikes. If you’ve got a new bike or simply stopped using your old one and want to get rid of it, OfferUp is the best place to do that. Bikes tend to sell quickly, provided the price is good of course. This is probably one of the popular items to sell on OfferUp.

 Best Things to Sell on OfferUp

Pixabay/Public Domain

2. Electronics

Another popular category if you’re thinking of selling something on OfferUp. You cannot go wrong with electronics so whatever it is that you’ve got and don’t use anymore, why wait? Take some good photos and list it. Remember, it’s all about the photos, the price, and the description.

 Best Things to Sell on OfferUp


1. Furniture

Old sofas, chairs… furniture of all kinds actually, sell really well on this app, so we listed it as the best thing to sell on OfferUp. If you’ve just redecorated your home or you’re planning on moving, and you don’t know what to do with your old furniture, list it! You can earn some money in no time.

 Best Things to Sell on OfferUp


This wrpas it up for our list of best things to sell on OfferUp.