Top 5 Cities with the Most Overall Drug Use

Below you can see the list of the top 5 U.S. cities with the most overall drug use rates (see the methodology and data source here). Please keep in mind that the statistics we share below show the percentage of people in each city who used drugs at least once. So, when we say “percentage of people who use cocaine is 20%” that means one out of every 5 people in that city used cocaine at least once. It doesn’t mean that a fifth of that city uses cocaine on a single day. Here are the worst cities for drug use:

5. Wichita, KS

Percentage of people who use cocaine: 21.8%

Percentage of people who use heroin: 3.1%

Percentage of people who use meth: 13.4%

4. Mesa, AZ

Percentage of people who use cocaine: 22.5%

Percentage of people who use heroin: 2.7%

Percentage of people who use meth: 14.1%

Pixabay/Public Domain

3. Tulsa, OK

Percentage of people who use cocaine: 21.8%

Percentage of people who use heroin: 3.1%

Percentage of people who use meth: 13.4%

Pixabay/Public Domain

2. Oklahoma City, OK

Percentage of people who use cocaine: 22%

Percentage of people who use heroin: 3.1%

Percentage of people who use meth: 13.8%

Henryk Sadura/

1. Omaha, NE

Omaha tops the list of the 20 most drug infested cities in the US, earning the less than desirable spot due to having the highest percentage of meth users, and the third highest users of heroin and meth both. While prevalent drug abuse is not something you would expect to happen in rural Nebraska, this just goes to show that a clear overhaul is needed from top down to prevent such drug infestations in the future.

Drug abuse is one of the biggest problems facing America today. Please see our article about the 10 most important issues and problems facing America that can be solved.

See also 12 Richest Drug Lords of All Time and 14 professions with the highest drug abuse rates.

Steve O’Donnell/