Top 11 Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed

Here is a new list for you to consider if you’re getting a dog: Top 11 Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed. Shedding can be a problem; it’s not uncommon that people get tired and bored having a dog that sheds a lot. When you’re choosing a dog for your family and household, consider the shedding as a factor because of which you’d have problems later. Your perfectly cute and friendly might shed over your place a lot, and how will you react then? Our list of 11 biggest and friendliest dogs show breeds that are great to have, but must be groomed to enjoy the life with you.



You must be committed to regular caring about your pet. Walks, playing time, and grooming are mandatory alongside food and water. If you have a busy life, and lots of commitments, the dog you get should be the breed that requires the least care and effort for maintenance. Today we bring you the list of dog breeds that don’t shed; the ones that will be easy to maintain.

11. Irish Terrier

The terrier breed has many subclasses; the Irish breed is the oldest one in the family of terriers. Medium sized dog, covered with a harsh coat that protects him from the weather – the Irish Terrier adapted to the rainy weather in Ireland. This breed can live fine in the apartment and the yard as well, and you won’t have trouble grooming him every two weeks.
Irish terrier

10. German Schnauzer

Used as a herder and a farmer’s right hand, the Schnauzer is a versatile, quick, and smart dog. Schnauzer is energetic, and enjoys the yard and open space. Robust coating consists of two layers, usually dark colored with light markings. Grooming needs are moderate, and with one weekly maintenance your schnauzer’s coat will shine.
German schnauzer

9. Irish Water Spaniel

Another one with a waterproof coat on our list of dog breeds that don’t shed. The tight curls offer great protection for the Irish water Spaniel, making him highly resistant to the harsh conditions. Every now and then, this breed needs detangling, since his curls tend to mat. If this condition can be met, you’ll have an excellent companion in Irish water spaniel.



8. Bichon Frise

The Bichon family of dogs came to Europe from The Canary Islands. They brought joy and entertainment to the families, quickly becoming a favored pet of the aristocracy. Soft white curls are lovely to cuddle with, and easy for grooming. Bichons don’t shed much, and they are ideal apartment dogs, earning #8 on our list of dog breeds that don’t shed.
Bichon Frise

7. Portuguese Water Dog

Another “waterproof” dog on our list. The Portuguese water dog has curly coating, which requires regular brushing and clipping, because it tends to mat. If you take care about this, you’ll prevent 95% of possible light shedding, and your Portuguese companion will have a great life.
Portuguese Water Dog

6. The Affenpinscher

Used to keep rats and mice down at the farms, the Affenpinscher is comfortable in this role. Named “monkey-terrier” for its agility and versatility, the Affenpinscher is a dog of great temper. He is generally good with children, and intelligent, but little stubborn. With almost no shedding, and medium grooming needs, Affenpinscher takes seventh place on our list.

Joakim Lloyd Raboff/

Joakim Lloyd Raboff/

5. Basenji

This is the dog known as one who doesn’t bark; the Basenji is a calm breed. A hunter’s assistant dog by nature, Basenji will always be on the lookout. When trained well, they can outsmart any animal while hunting. Basenji breed is a perfectionist: they clean themselves like cats do. Simple brushing every week will make their coat shine, and prevent almost all shedding.

4. Whippet

Fast and agile, the Whippet is a hunter, watchdog, and a good runner. You’ll need a fine fenced yard for this one. They need exercise and training to fulfill their full potential. Light coating and blend of dark and light colors are the whippet’s attributes, alongside blazing speed. You won’t need to watch out for shedding with this dog.

3. Giant Schnauzer

26 inches at the shoulder in average, strong bark, and a lot of strength are the characteristics of the Giant Schnauzer. This is a good watcher dog, who behaves well in people’s company. Medium sized hairs of the coating need weekly brushing, and occasional grooming, which will lead to next-to-nothing shedding. Our #3 dog breed that don’t shed, the Giant Schnauzer is not suitable for smaller apartments.
Giant Schnauzer

2. Chinese Crested

Obvious reasons for the third place on our list: this dog is hairless. Among the smallest breeds, they usually weight between 6 and 8 pounds. Often seen as a toy for women, their role is known, and fulfilled in apartments, bed sheets, wearing dog clothes, and accompanying women everywhere they go in small baskets, or lap. Regular grooming of the haired parts is for the appearance, which is important for this breed. In addition, women tend to put effort in their looks, sometimes with unnecessary things.
Chinese Crested

1. The Dachshund

The Dachshund breed is popular as a “wiener” dogs because of their body composition – long body and short legs. A Dachshund is ultimate low maintenance dog. Light shedding happens only once a year, and this dog can live in almost every surrounding. Low maintenance, low demands, and barely shedding without any problems put the Dachshund to the top of our list of 11 Dog Breeds That Don’t Shed. If you’re on a hunt for a dog who won’t need much effort to maintain a happy and healthy life, and avoid hair coat all over your household, this dog is for you. If you have  friends who look for a dog, share this list with them, they will thank you.

The Dachsund