The 14 Most Ridiculous Kickstarter Campaigns

Let’s enter the realm of the weird and outrageous with a list of the 14 most ridiculous Kickstarter campaigns. As you may or may not be aware of, Kickstarter has become one of the best sources of funding online if you haven’t got the budget to support your idea or project. The website and the company itself practically created the idea of crowdfunding, where you present an idea and/or project asking for support from donors and a certain amount of money to be able to complete the idea. We’ve seen a lot of interesting ideas and products that might not have come to fruition without the support of the online masses.

With that said, if there are amazing and intriguing campaigns presented here then there’s also the definite opposite end of the spectrum which are campaigns that are just ridiculous enough to be posted online. This is very interesting because, despite the weirdness of most of these, some have gained support and were funded. Now if you’re looking for the great successes of Kickstarter, check out our list of The 11 Most Successful Kickstarter Projects.

These ideas might surprise you, and others may even inspire you to do your own campaigns regardless of how weird or ridiculous it may seem. In truth, maybe some of the great things in our world today started off as ridiculous ideas.

Let’s move on to the list:

14. French Toast Pancake Waffle

The premise is simple enough. The person that posted this wants to build the perfect French Toast Pancake Waffle so he can share it with the world. Basically, the guy just lacked money to buy ingredients he needed, and he really needed a waffle.


13. PAUL – The Sexiest Smartphone Charger

Who knew we needed sexy smartphone chargers. Basically, it turns your charger into an armless model of a man with just the right holes for you to plug your charger in.


12. Popcorn Strainer

If you’ve ever been frustrated from eating uncooked popcorn from your popcorn bowl, then this is the product for you. What this does,according to the creator, is to separate the good stuff from the uncooked popcorn.


11. Raisin Free Trailmix

For those who love their trailmix except for the raisins, this Kickstarter campaign aims to please by creating bags of trailmix without all the raisins.


10. YourFaceInMyHouse

Yes, it is as creepy as it sounds. Basically, the creator wants to create a new basement or room. For the donors they would have the “privilege” of having their face posted on the walls. So a stranger wants your face plastered around his private basement.


9. Lionel Ritchie’s Head

Funny enough, the project actually completed funding and was paraded on the streets of Britain. The campaign was essentially for an inflatable head of Lionel Ritchie and they needed the funding for it. I guess there are many Lionel Ritchie fans out there, or people that just wanted to see an inflatable head happen.


8. Invisible Panties

I guess it’s not the same as having no panties, since you do have panties, but they are invisible. They even have support for tampons, in case you need them.


7. Floating Pool in a River

So I guess someone wanted to swim by the river but didn’t want to exactly be in the river. This project actually completed funding, and you can find the pool situated just above the river where you can swim without having to worry about flowing water.


Let’s move on to more ridiculous stuff for you in the second half of this list of the 14 most ridiculous Kickstarter campaigns.

6. Flying Bicycle

Looks like someone wanted to recreate a scene from ET. The project aimed to make your bicycle fly, and somehow bicycle wheels and such were needed for flight. The project, unfortunately, did not reach its funding goal.


5. Watermelon Holder

Tired of carrying those large watermelons that you can fit in a bag or under your arm? Well don’t worry, the watermelon holder aims to hold those watermelons easily.


4. Combat Kitchenware

Warrior and cook, the two greatest combinations in combat, or maybe not; the project was essentially cooking utensils that were pimped by adding in medieval inspirations like sword handles for your frying pans. You never know when you’ll enter combat being in the kitchen.

3. Sacco – Coin Sack

Essentially this project was to recreate the coin sack from olden times, with a better quality of course. Surprisingly the project got a lot of traction and many ordered, a significant amount would probably be LARPers.


2. Meat Soap

From wearing meat to having it rub against your skin while you take a bath. Meat continues to have more unusual applications than previously thought with the campaign for making meat soap.


1. Chicken Burrito

Probably the most interesting story in this list, a man posted a campaign for $8 so he could order a Chipotle Chicken Burrito. He ended up receiving more than a thousand dollars in support, enough to buy him more than a hundred chicken burritos.


There you have it our list of the 14 most ridiculous Kickstarter campaigns; proving that even the ridiculous can somehow get support.