The 12 Biggest Freshwater Fish in the World

We size up the monsters from rivers and lakes in this list of the 12 biggest freshwater fish in the world. As much as we enjoy living in the different land masses of the earth, we sometimes forget that around 75% of this planet is covered with water. Many scientists would agree that the depths of the waters of the earth remain as unexplored as the far reaches of space. Every year we discover more and more species of fishes and other water creatures. There have been incidents of once extinct fish resurfacing. We find fish of sizes that we have never seen before. There are still many mysteries left to discover.

One of the main resources of our food is fish. Since the start of civilization we have hunted and fished in order to eat. Many of the tribes and villages that were near sources of water started to learn how to catch and fish. Fish has become a delicacy and we even have a list of 11 Countries that Consume the Most Fish.

Whether we realize it or not, fish can grow to an enormous size. We rank them all based on all that have been caught and discovered. Let’s move on to the first fish on this list:

12. Nile Perch

The Nile Perch are known to be very aggressive hunters. They can grow up to 6 feet long and weigh up to 500 pounds. They are mostly found in and around the African region. They have also been known as very invasive, and have hunted other fish to extinction.


11. Goonch

Also known as the Giant Devil Catfish, the Goonch is a very large species of catfish that can be found around South Asia. They can reach around 6-7 feet in length and weigh 200 pounds. You can often find them in large rivers. There have been rumors that the Goonch can actually attack and eat humans.


10. Taimen

The largest of the salmon family can often be found in Mongolia and Russia. They are known to eat small birds and rodents. They can also grow up to seven feet. There have been old Chinese tales of the Taimen even reaching sizes of 3,000 pounds but it has never been confirmed.


9. Arapaima

These Amazon fishes can grow to lengths of 8-10 feet. They are actually air breathers and go to the surface every 10-20 minutes. They are also known to be very high leapers. A large Arapaima is very rare nowadays because of excessive fishing. They are known to have existed since the age of dinosaurs.


8. Giant Barb

This fish belongs to the family of Carp, all of which are known to have the potential to grow to enormous sizes. They can grow up to 10 feet and no adult can be smaller than 5 feet in length. Despite their size they’re known to be as harmless as a goldfish and only eat small organisms.


7. Paddlefish

Named after the large paddle-shaped snouts they have, the Paddlefish can be found both in North America and China. The Chinese species are much larger and can grow up to 9-10 feet. They are feared to be extinct because no Chinese paddlefish has been found in almost a decade.

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MP cz/

6. Mekong Giant Catfish

Although most of the catfishes can grow to giant sizes, the Mekong Giant Catfish is known to be the largest among them. They can grow over 10 feet and weigh 600 pounds. They have been hunted very aggressively and are considered endangered.


Even more gigantic fish as we continue this list of the 12 biggest freshwater fish in the world.

5. Alligator Gar

This scary fish can grow up to 10 feet and 350 pounds. They are named after the alligator due to their long snout and rows of fangs resembling the animals of the same name. They are carnivorous species but have never attacked humans.


4. Bullshark

Yes, most sharks can sometimes venture from oceans and seas to rivers. The Bullshark in particular can grow up to 12 feet and weigh 500 pounds. There have been reports of sharks attacking humans in rivers in different areas of the world. A few examples are from North America and the Amazon.


3. Freshwater Stingray

The recent stingray discovered in Thailand was recorded at being 15 feet long and over 1300 pounds. Locals have told stories about bigger stingrays though nothing bigger has ever been recorded since the 15 foot one. They are known to be very dangerous as they carry a piercing stinger that’s venomous.


2. White Sturgeon

The white sturgeon is the largest freshwater fish seen in North America and Canada. They can reach 20 feet long and can weigh up to 1500 pounds. These prehistoric fishes have been around for 175 million years. They are considered endangered.


1. Beluga Sturgeon

These fishes found in Russia are the largest freshwater fish in the world. The largest known Beluga Sturgeon was found at 20 feet and weighed almost 7000 pounds. They are known to live over 100 years and they continuously grow over their lifespan. Beluga Sturgeons are also endangered.

 Korolevskaya Nataliya/

Korolevskaya Nataliya/

Those are the 12 biggest freshwater fish in the world. You might spot one if you’re ever in a river or a lake swimming or fishing.