Best Poker Players: The Globe’s Top 5

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The best poker players. They have (or had at one point in time) millions of dollars, and their bluffs are stone cold. Curious who they are? At a first glance, one might be tempted to think that poker is just another gambling game. However, unlike other games in this category, there’s more to poker than meets the eye, as it is not entirely based on luck. There is a lot of strategizing, thinking, and patience behind every hand won and anyone who wants to make it as a poker pro has to put in a lot of effort.

There are people who have managed to transform what others view as a simple card game into a career. A successful career, no less. We would like to present you with 5 of the most successful professional poker players around. While they aren’t quite as wealthy as the richest people in the world, these guys can hold their own–and then some.

No. 5: Phil Hellmuth

Photo Credit: Jason Empey

Poker Winnings: $15,821,111

Game of Choice: Texas Hold’Em

Hellmuth started playing poker during his college years, but he ended up dropping out in order to concentrate on becoming a professional; and that is exactly what he did. He even holds one hard to beat and highly unlikely record: three World Series of Poker wins in a row, in three consecutive days (April 26, 27, and 28, 1993).

No. 4: Erik Seidel

Photo Credit: V1LL14N

Poker Winnings: $17,647,446

Game of Choice: No Limit Hold’Em

Erik Seidel first started out as a player in professional backgammon. After 8 years in the industry, he turned to the stock market before finally making it to professional poker. The last hand played by Seidel in his first major tournament, the World Series of 1988, was even featured in a movie called “Rounders.” He ended up losing that hand and came in second in the tournament but he has more than made up since, by becoming one of the most successful pro players around.

Continue reading to learn more about the best poker players in the world:

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