8 Countries that Produce the Most Tobacco in the World

Which are the countries that produce the most tobacco in the world? If you ever wondered which are countries that are successfully answering to high tobacco demand coming from smoking factories all over the world, you have come to the right page.

Tobacco has a very long history of usage, and there is evidence in the form of carved drawings in Mexico of the Mayan Indians using it. But, Native Americans didn’t smoke tobacco every day as we do it in these modern times. No, tobacco had a special value for them, it was from a simple nicotine craving. They’ve smoked tobacco (through a pipe) just for the medical or spiritual purpose. A lot has changed since then, as it is the best evidenced in many and serious health issues smoking causes every year around the globe. Hence, if you are more interested in learning about some healthier agricultural product, then check our article on countries that produce the most tea in the world.

8 Countries that Produce the Most Tobacco in the World

To find out countries that produce the most tobacco in the world we’ve used statistic data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Even though only the statistics from 2013, are available, chances are nothing much has changed since then, because, as we could see from the same source, these countries below were at the top in the previous years, too.


8. Argentina

2013 production: 115,334.00 tonnes

We start this list with a country that is known in the world, not only as one of the biggest tobacco producers, but also as one of the biggest tobacco consumers. Unfortunately, tobacco consumption in Argentina is constituting the second leading cause of death. They are trying to fight this problem by increasing the prices of cigarettes, and raising awareness about the health issues smoking may induce, but they had no significant improvement for now.

8 Countries that Produce the Most Tobacco in the World


7. Malawi

2013 production: 132,849.00 tonnes

Tobacco produced in Malawi for almost a century now. The biggest production growth was seen back in 1970, and ever since then Malawi has been one of the countries known for their big tobacco industries. For Malawi’s economy, this industry is very important, as it brings a serious income. When the tobacco industry decreased in the West, many of the world famous cigarettes brands, like Camel and Marlboro, became interested and started using tobacco grown and produced in Malawi. Their tobacco is known for high nicotine content.

8 Countries that Produce the Most Tobacco in the World


6. Zimbabwe

2013 production: 150,000.00 tonnes

Zimbabwe seems to be having good conditions and a perfect climate for growing tobacco, which is why their tobacco was considered high-quality tobacco until just a few years ago. According to Zimbabwe Independent, their tobacco dropped in quality because of the new farmers who lack experience for growing this plant. It would be very good if they could improve the quality since tobacco industry in Zimbabwe is very big, it brings significant income to the country, and it employs a lot of people.

8 Countries that Produce the Most Tobacco in the World


5. Indonesia

2013 production: 260,200.00 tonnes

Until two years ago, the tobacco industry in Indonesia including marketing, sale production and use, wasn’t strictly regulated. That allowed three tobacco companies, Gudang GaramDjarum, and HM Sampoerna to rule the tobacco world in Indonesia. Since the new tobacco policies and regulations have arrived, these large companies had to deal with a lot of changes. Another thing that has affected tobacco production is farmers turn to palm oil, and hence, a decrease of tobacco plantations. But, according to recent news, their tobacco production is expected to blossom again in the current year.

8 Countries that Produce the Most Tobacco in the World


4. The United States of America

2013 production: 345,837.00 tonnes

Taking proudly the 4th place on this list of countries that produce the most tobacco in the world is the US. Even though some 30 years ago the US, had significantly more tobacco plantations than it has now, it is still among the top 4 tobacco producing countries. Leading states in the tobacco production are North Caroline, Kentucky, and Virginia.

8 Countries that Produce the Most Tobacco in the World


3. India

2013 production: 830,000.00 tonnes

Indian tobacco is known for its special rich flavor, and with a production this big, it is no wonder that it is being exported to around 100 countries. Unfortunately, its tobacco production has seen a decrease in recent years, mainly due to the government’s decision to cut the production because of health issues smoking causes. Closing some of its biggest tobacco companies, drought, and lower tobacco prices have caused many tobacco farmers suicides in India.

 8 Countries that Produce the Most Tobacco in the World


2. Brazil

2013 production: 850,673.00 tonnes

Even though Brazil has seen a lot of growth in its tobacco production in recent years, things may change pretty soon. Here also, similarly like in India new health regulation may soon change the course of tobacco production, even though this industry is very significant for Brazil’s economy.

8 Countries that Produce the Most Tobacco in the World


1. China

2013 production: 3,148,574.00 tonnes

And, finally, the country that produces the most tobacco in the world is China. Its tobacco production is so huge that summing up all the other countries on this list wouldn’t match it. It is only natural to assume that no other country will be able to take China’s place on this list of countries that produce the most tobacco in the world.

8 Countries that Produce the Most Tobacco in the World