8 Countries that Produce The Most Cotton in The World

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Yes, in our list of 8 countries that produce the most cotton in the world, we are talking about those little fluffy white balls that are crucial in dressing the world population. Although synthetic fibers are on the rise, they are still far way from providing the quality and endurance that cotton offers.

Cotton is used for clothes making since ancient times, but its widespread use came when cotton gin was invented. Before this invention, cotton fibers were manually separated from the seeds which meant more money and time costs of cotton production. The cotton gin made that process faster and easier, eventually paving the way for cotton to be the most widely used material for clothes making. Unfortunately, cotton gin is also credited for increasing slavery in the United States since, with lower production costs, demand for cotton increased. Now, cotton is picked and processed mechanically.

8 Countries that Produce The Most Cotton in The World

Tracing Tea / Shutterstock.com

We already said that cotton plays an important part in the clothing industry, with most of the socks, underwear, and T-shirts being made from this fabric. Besides that, cotton is credited with absorbing properties which make it ideal for towels and bath robes. One more thing commonly made from cotton are bed sheets, but you probably knew that if you checked our list of 7 most expensive bed sheets.

To find out 8 countries that produce the most cotton in the world, we looked into stats collected by Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations from 2013 and 2014 and formed our ranking according to cotton production measured in metric tons. So let’s check out where did your T-shirt material come from.

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