6 Free Photography Classes in New York City

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1. Learn Photography with PhotoManhattan

PhotoManhattan offers a photography seminar a few times per month where those who participate will get the chance to learn as much as possible about shutter speed, aperture, focal length, film speeds, and a light meter for both digital and film cameras. You will get the chance to learn how to use and understand your camera completely in its manual mode and start shooting absolutely beautiful images. You can master your techniques for shooting indoors and outdoors using the greatest backdrop imaginable: the streets of the New York City.

Free Photography Classes in New York City

Jan-Jacob Luijendijk/Shutterstock.com

Thanks for staying with us through our list of 6 free photography classes in New York City. The next time you go on a vacation, support your kids at their dance recital, or attend a holiday party, you’ll be sure not to miss out on any great photo opportunities with your new expanded knowledge of great photography practices.

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