6 Best Injuries to Fake for Pain Meds


5. Strains

Next on our list of best injuries to fake for pain meds is similar to a sprain. But, we are talking about strain and that is what happens when a muscle or tendon stretches or tears as opposed to a sprain referring more to the stretching or tearing of the ligaments. While you could act like you strained your ACL, pretending to have strained your rotator cuff would be a smarter option since the ACL strain would be a lot more obvious to detect just by the look of it. That and the rotator cuff just so happens to be the most common strain. They are a very common injury amongst athletes, so even if you’re not the most athletic maybe you just wanna make yourself out to be and come up with a believable sports-related accident to present to the doctor. Again, you don’t want to overdo it on your performance because although many soft tissues don’t show up on an x-ray, he’ll just order more tests be done to make sure there’s no serious damage and will eventually figure out you’re full of it!

6 Best Injuries to Fake for Pain Meds

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