6 Best Injuries to Fake for Pain Meds

6. Sprains

We are continuingour list of best injuries to fake for pain meds with a sprain that is a pretty common injury that occurs when the ligaments of a joint are overworked or rolls/twists in an awkward way, but not so much so that it causes a fracture. Although it is possible to sprain your wrists, knees, and other joints, a sprained ankle is probably the easiest one to fake since we’re constantly on our feet and a simple step in the wrong direction can lead to a world of pain. Since sprains can easily be diagnosed and treated by their victims you could claim you tripped over anything or even nothing at all (hey, it happens to the best of us) and sprained your ankle. Don’t forget to mention that you took care of the swelling with some ice and have been taking over-the-counters for pain, but aren’t getting the relief you need with your active lifestyle (or, just throw in whatever ee sounds legit). But whatever you do, don’t play the injury up too much, although it’s really one of the best injuries to fake for pain meds, or you might run into some trouble as the doctor will surely want to run some tests to make sure it’s not more serious than it is.

6 Best Injuries to Fake for Pain Meds

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