5 Most Expensive Coffees in the World

Declare your love for coffee by challenging yourself to drink the most expensive coffees in the world. Did you know that a $1,500/pound coffee exists? Just wow, but how could that happen? Let’s all find out how did that happen.

There are many ways to drink the miraculous beverage (at least for me and some people) called the coffee. As well as the reasons why we chose to drink coffee over wine or hot milk or tea. Coffee is great. It keeps us alert at times of depression, and increases the cortisol rates in our body. Coffee is magical. And saying this is not really exaggerating. It keeps our temper cool and most of the time, it builds up our attitude for the day. For me, it’s my magical drink in a mug. I personally love coffee. Oh wait, who doesn’t?



Goats go crazy over coffee, and so do we! The health benefits of coffee range from saving you from cirrhosis to giving you much longer time to live (so you can drink more coffee). Moreover, drinking coffee regularly keeps you away from Alzheimer’s disease, Dementia, and other memory-related deficiencies. In general, coffee makes us much happier by increasing our energy level whenever we inject it in our system.

Coffee products are embraced truly by the global market. We buy coffee and drink it every day. There’s coffee soap. Coffee cake. Coffee candy bars. Coffee-scented candles. And there’s even a coffee spa in Japan! It’s surprising how we thought of a way to transform coffee beans into daily products we use at home. We have a surprise for coffee lovers like you. Today, we’ll give you the ultimate coffee bucket list by giving you the list of the most expensive coffee in the world!

How many cup of coffees can you consume in a day? Two? Three? Six cups? Voltaire, the French philosopher, drank 50 cups of coffee a day; and we have the list of the 11 countries that consume the most coffee in the world. Is USA on the list? Go ahead and check it out!

So, here’s the 5 most expensive coffees in the world!

Cost: $40 per Pound

Rated as the 2nd best coffee in the world in 2006, the Los Planes Coffee boasts a unique way of bean processing. The inimitable process makes their coffee more appealing. The Los Planes Coffee has been the gate of the Chalatenango region in El Salvador in breaking a world record. Now, the country itself is known as one of the greatest producers of coffee in the world.


4. Starbucks Quadriginoctuple Frap

Cost: $47.30 per Cup

The world’s most expensive Starbucks drink is a Quadriginoctuple Venti Frap. What makes it special than the other pricey coffees in Starbucks? It contains 48 glorious shots of mocha Frappuccino with soy mocha drizzle, protein powder, matcha powder, bananas, strawberries, vanilla beans, and caramel drizzle Frappuccino chips. And who’s the smarty pants behind this ultra-mega-coffee overload? No other than, a local Starbucks customer in Washington, USA. Yep, he is kind of a coffee freak. Can you imagine the dose of caffeine and whip cream you have in your body after drinking this Venti beverage? I lost count either.


3. Hacienda La Esmeralda Coffee

Cost: $350 per Pound

The Hacienda La Esmeralda Coffee is grown on the crowns of Panama. The cherries which become the coffee beans are sweet in nature. This is the reason why the Hacienda La Esmeralda Coffee was voted multiple times as one of the best tasting coffees in the world! Besides the great coffee taste the Hacienda La Esmeralda presents, their coffee prices are justifiable enough. The Peterson family, the owner of the farm, shares 20% of the farm’s total earnings to families of their employees. In every cup of coffee you drink, you are saving lives back in Panama.


2. Kopi Luwak

Cost: $375 per Pound

When mentioning the most expensive coffees in the world, nothing comes close to the amount you have to shred for a pound of Kopi Luwak. This rare coffee comes from the collected and fermented feces of a civet cat. The first Asian countries to introduce this erratic coffee to the rest of the world are Indonesia and Philippines. Do you know why the coffee from a cat’s poop is that expensive? It’s not about the location or weather in the country where coffee beans grow but, it’s more of how they process it. You see, the coffee beans are fed to the civet cat. Inside their stomach, it’s where the magic starts. The acid inside the wild civet’s stomach does the ‘taste make-over’ of the coffee beans. After they completely digested it, farmers will be collecting them, wash them, and get them ready for fermentation. If you’re buying your own pack of Kopi Luwak, boiling them would be better rather than the French Press process or the classic drip.


Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the #1 most expensive coffee in the world! Now go taste it, only if you dare…

1. Black Ivory Coffee

Cost: $1,500 per Pound

The most expensive coffee in the world is the Black Ivory Coffee which comes from…guess what? Elephant’s poop. It can only be found in the Golden Triangle of Thailand. The process of making the best brew of Black Ivory Coffee is similar to Kopi Luwak’s procedure. Let’s move on to the taste test. There’s no bitterness you can taste in the Black Ivory Coffee. Since the coffee beans are tossed into the fruits and grass that are then fed to the elephants, it also smells and tastes the same too. You can even detect the melting chocolate in your mouth once you take a sip of the roasted coffee beans. If you’re not in Thailand right now, you can only buy a cup of Black Ivory Coffee in luxury hotels in the states.

Viktoria Gavrilina/Shutterstock.com

Viktoria Gavrilina/Shutterstock.com