5 Most-Awaited Products Announced at E3 Conference

These 5 most-awaited products announced at E3 conference attracted the most attention from the tech and gaming journalist this year in the Los Angeles Convention Center.

E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) every year attracts the cream of the electronic entertainment from the entire world. This year’s E3 conference, held from June 13-16, was no exception, gathering a crowd of more than 50,000 people.

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E3 is a massive source of news and announcement every year and picking just five most-awaited announcements is a very stressful task. In order to accomplish it, we went to the experts and curated the lists we found on PCMag, GameSpot, and TechInsider, as well as BGR. Before we continue, a small disclaimer is in order. Project Scorpio AKA the most powerful console ever, did receive plenty of traction on this year’s E3. However, we decided to omit it from our list based on the fact that we already have a Microsoft console down there (and highly placed on the list, to boot). The reason we chose Xbox S over Scorpio is that Xbox S will be hitting the shelves in August this year, while the Scorpio is still at least a year off.

If you are interested in all kinds of tech gadgets don’t miss our article on most expected wearable devices in 2016, too!

Now, let’s see which products caught the most attention this year!

5. Watch Dogs 2

The original Watch Dogs managed to sell more than 10 million copies of the game worldwide. The sequel is poised to surpass that number, with a much better-developed story and a new protagonist. Marcus Holloway, a new hero, roams the street of beautifully rendered San Francisco, while working with DedSec, a mysterious hacker organization. Overall, the game looks polished and Ubisoft seems to manage to add a layer of refinement missing in the original.

4. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

When the next game in legendary Nintendo’s Zelda series gets announced, it’s pretty much guaranteed that it will make a big splash in the gaming community. For the first time, it features an open world, where you are free to roam and investigate and slay scores of bokoblins. The full story of Link’s adventures in Breath of the Wild are still a closely guarded secret over at Nintendo, but what little they reveal promises hours of fun for all true fans of the Zelda. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to enjoy it until 2017, when the game is due for the release.

3. Xbox Play Anywhere

Despite being highly popular among our sources, we had our doubts about including Xbox Play Anywhere on our list of the most-awaited products announced at E3 conference. On the surface, the new Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) service looks great. Buy a game once and play it on both Xbox and Windows 10. Sounds like a great plan and an excellent way to support customers, until you realize that it is Windows 10 we’re talking about. Still, with over 270 million devices running it, there will be no shortage of users for Xbox Play Anywhere. The list of supported games is impressive and it will only increase in the future. Any question you may have are probably answered in the FAQ on the bottom of the this Microsoft page.

2. Sony PlayStation VR set

One of the reasons Sony Corp (ADR) (NYSE:SNE) didn’t announce a new console at this year’s E3 conference is that it has poured all of its resources into designing PlayStation VR set. According to the reviews, what started as Project Morpheus (Sony’s codename for PSVR) has now become a fully developed product. Priced at $399, it costs $200 less than the Oculus Rift, but you will require some additional equipment before you can dive into virtual reality gaming, like Play Station camera and motion controllers. Sony PlayStation VR set is surprisingly comfortable, a crucial feature for any serious gamer. It also doesn’t require a top shelf graphic card to run it, as it comes with its own processor unit to augment PlayStation capabilities. With Resident Evil 7, new Batman, Farpoint, and Final Fantasy XV all supporting it, the future looks bright for the new Sony’s VR set. It will go on sale on October 13th, 2016.

1. Microsoft Xbox One S

Despite the original Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT)’s Xbox being outsold by the Sony’s PlayStation 4 almost two-to-one (40 million PS 4 vs. 20 million Xbox), Microsoft isn’t ready to give up on their flagship console just yet. Xbox One S is without any doubt the most-awaited product announced at E3 conference. Some would say that the only reason behind so much hype about the updated Xbox is the fact that Sony, apart from vague plans for the “high-end PS4”, doesn’t really has anything to offer at this moment. Be that as it may, Xbox One S looks very promising, with a support for 4K video and redesigned controller. It is also the smallest Xbox so far and Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) promises a measurable increase in performance.