The doctor is in, and now it’s time for the best states for family and general practitioners.
I have a great relationship with my doctor. We love to chat just about anything. Sometimes about my illnesses–sometimes about the time he took the LSAT for fun. He is an interesting guy, who does not think that getting into law school would be that hard. For him, maybe not.
It took me a while to find someone I trusted. I went through a lot of bad apples. You know what they say, an apple a day keeps the bad apples away. Or something like that. Still, you have to choose your doctors carefully. You need someone who gives you their full attention, keeps good records, and could have gotten into law school if he really, really wanted to.
Family and general practitioners are physicians we go to when we suffer from common illnesses like a cough, colds, and flu. These medical professionals are our go-to people during emergency situations. The US Bureau of Labor Association (BLS) links family and general practitioners to surgeons, as the two usually work hand in hand to solve medical problems, more especially when dealing with sicknesses that are deemed common for the major population.

Becoming a family and general practitioner is not for the faint of heart. From the very moment one decides to be a doctor, no matter the specialization, he has to be ready for tons of setbacks and challenges. The subjects one has to take in a medical program tend to be tedious and really challenging, as most of them involve critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Being a family and general practitioner will take you to a competitive world, where you would not only take more years studying, but will also be required to take a licensure exam. That’s not all, for after passing a licensure exam, aspiring medical practitioners usually have to spend around 3 to 7 years of residency and specialization. It all depends on the path you are going to take, but it will always require hard work, passion, and patience for sure.
What sets family and general practitioners apart from other doctors is how they usually have regular and long-term patients. That is typically why they are called family physicians since families would often consult them in case any of their members get sick. Family and general practitioners take care of most common illnesses including sinusitis, fever, bone injuries, and so much more.
Family and general practitioners, apart from a good education, must also be compassionate and patient–and able to keep my attention while drawing blood. They are also expected to have exceptional skills in communication, problem-solving, analysis, leadership, and dexterity–again for painlessly drawing blood. You know, I’m not even that scared of blood tests–I just have high standards. They should also have a keen attention to detail and have excellent physical stamina. The demands of the job are both mental and physical, that it is only natural for the pressure and stresses to take their toll on you–especially if you’re specifically my doctor trying to gently draw blood AND tell me how you could’ve gotten into law school at the same time.
The responsibilities of family and general practitioners are big–they’re taking care of families. Therefore, everyone expects the wages to be really high, or at least relatively so. The average median wages for family and general practitioners is at $221,419, according to the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA). Then again, wages vary according to work experience, hours worked, and even where they are–which is why this list is so important! This is also why it is important to carefully choose where you’re going to practice.
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However, we also have to note the fact that it is not just the salary rate we should be looking at when looking for the best states for family and general practitioners. The cost of living index and employment rates are also as important in where you will practice. Earning a lot but spending so much on everyday needs, like lattes and extra lattes, isn’t sensible and WILL leave you aching for a bathroom. Don’t drink so many lattes! You’re a doctor; you should know better. You should be looking at states with a great balance between income and expenses.
For out list, we’ve used three points of criteria. One is cost of living index for each state, which was derived from Missouri Economic and Information Research Center (MERIC), and the employment rates and annual median wages for each state, sourced from BLS. Each state ranking was averaged, which brought us to the results reflected in this list.
Read on to know more about the best states for family and general practitioners.