21 Most Successful, Funniest Tinder Pick Up Lines

10. “Hey, what have you been up to today? I just saved a baby duck from drowning.”

9.“So we’re 5km apart. I’m pretty sure we can find a dingy old bar somewhere between us to watch old people get drunk off their pensions. What’s your number?”

8. “Your Sunday breakfast personality is?

A) Waffles & pancakes, slowly savored.

B) Apple & granola bar on the run.

C) Aggressive mimosas.

D) Sleeping til lunch.”

7. “Tell you what I want, what I really want. A) To know, who was your favorite Spice Girl? and B) Your number?”

6. “I can’t wait for you mom to say, “He/She could do better…” after meeting me.”

21 Most Successful, Funniest Tinder Pick Up Lines

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