16 Most Expensive Cat Breeds in the World

Cats are among the most popular pets but do you know which the most expensive cat breeds in the world are? Cat lovers have now taken the internet by storm to show their love for their furry friends, and judging by the bombardment of cat internet memes and videos of the cutest of videos we experience every day, it is safe to say that cat lovers are now a solidarity in internet community. So much so that the “Crazy Cat Lady” tag is also a badge to proudly flaunt on the social network! But little could we have guessed that the certain ball of cuteness that made our hearts burst with joy in that internet meme we saw could might as well have burned a big hole in our pockets to actually own. A hole as big as $20,000! Insane, right? But, that is exactly what some cats from a specific breed can cost you.

Most Expensive Cat Breeds in the World

Eric Isselee/Shutterstock.com

Some breeds of cats are costlier than others depending on the intelligence, rarity and purity of the breeds. Also, the prices vary across the same breeds sometimes depending upon the training of the animal. Trained cats are generally priced higher than others. However, cat lovers are willing to spend thousands of dollars to own their favorite breeds of cats. Sometimes, cats are also seen as a status symbol for the upper class and the elite. Elitist cat enthusiasts not only prefer to go an extra mile in choosing the costliest cats as their pets but also spend lavishly on pampering their lovely pets. Hence, these cats also prove to be high maintenance with their food and grooming products come from the best imported brands. Of course, when you have an exotic feline as a pet, a lot of them might prefer to choose the 5 Most Expensive Cat Food Brands You Can Spoil Your Kitty With.

Let’s get down to checking out the most beautiful and most expensive cat breeds in the world that every cat lover dreams of petting someday! Check out our list here!

16. Siamese

Price: $ 800 avg.

The famous Oriental cat breed, Siamese is not only one of the most popular breeds amongst cat owners but also one of the prettiest. The distinctive blue eyes and slender built is one of the main attractions of the feline. A rather friendly bunch, which get along with their humans as well as other cat buddies!

Most Expensive Cat Breeds in the World

15. Siberian

Price: $800 avg.

The Siberian aka The Moscow Semi-Long Hair, has been the muse of a number of Russian paintings from where it originally race. Originally it has been a landrace variety but now has been developed into a formal breed. Siberians are quite similar to the Norwegian Forest Cats to which it is considered to be closely related.

Most Expensive Cat Breeds in the World

Massimo Cattaneo/Shutterstock.com

14. Norwegian Forest Cat

Price: $800 avg.

Originating in North Europe, this natural breed of cats is essentially combative to cold weather with their thick water-shedding fur and wooly undercoat acting as insulation. They are good climbers but are susceptible to health issues such as kidney and heart diseases that may reduce their lifespan.

Most Expensive Cat Breeds in the World

13. American Shorthair

Price: $ 900 avg.

The 7th most popular cat in the United States according to the Cat Fancier’s Association, the American Shorthair is also one of the most expensive cat breeds in the world. The quintessential curious cat, it is highly interested in its surroundings and is a great observer. But its calm nature is what makes it a perfect pet!

Most Expensive Cat Breeds in the World

12. Ragdoll

Price: $ 1,100 avg.

The beauty that is the Ragdoll, sports the prettiest colorpoint silky coat! They are often regarded as the “dog-like cats” for their nature that is similar to the friendly and eager doggies. They love to be picked up, and petted and are less averse towards other pets.

Most Expensive Cat Breeds in the World

11. American Wirehair

Price: $ 1,200

The sister of the American Shorthair, is the American Wirehair, rare but well-known! The typical New York cat shares the agreeable temperament of its close relative. They are playful and gentle, and can be pretty high on the funny too.

Most Expensive Cat Breeds in the World

10. British Shorthair

Price: $500- $1,500

The original inspiration of the Cheshire Cat in the Alice in Wonderland, the British Shorthair is known for its chunky body and broad features and also its good nature. They remain the most popular in their native Britain.

Most Expensive Cat Breeds in the World


9. Manx

Price: $ 800 – $4,000

The Manx, best known for being tailless, is definitely one-of-a-kind. That is exactly why they are so sought after. The cats come in different coat colors and varieties, some of them rarer than the others. They are known to be social with their humans but sometimes weary of strangers.

Most Expensive Cat Breeds in the World

NSC Photography/Shutterstock.com

8. Scottish Fold

Price: $200- $3,000

The name Scottish Fold has been derived from the folded ears the cats have, which give them a unique appearance. They are essentially outdoor cats and are known to be playful. But if you are the owner of one make sure to keep it company at all times because loneliness tends to make them feel depressed.

Most Expensive Cat Breeds in the World

7. Russian Blue

Price: $400- $ 3,000

Their soft silver coat makes these cats attractive. They are known to be intelligent and friendly but are shy around strangers.  But if you have children in the house, they might prove to be problematic pets because they tend to dislike a noisy environment.

Most Expensive Cat Breeds in the World

6. Sphynx

Price: $300 – $3,000

Sphynx are known for being one of the hairless breeds. Their prominent cheekbones, large ears and lemon-shaped eyes make them stand out. The cats are famous for being outgoing, energetic and intelligent that separates them from the other moody cats.

Most Expensive Cat Breeds in the World

5. Persian

Price: $ 500- $5,500

Everything about this suave kitty spells class. With their snobbish flair and nonchalant disposition, they make perfect choices for apartment pets. The Persian also happens to be the most popular breed in the United States and has also made numerous appearances in pop culture.

Most Expensive Cat Breeds in the World

4. Peterbald

Price: $ 1,200 – $5,000

The cats of Russian origin resemble in appearance to Oriental Shorthairs. The breed is characterized by a hairless appearance and slim, graceful bodies. By temperament these are peace loving cats and get on along with other pets and even children.

Most Expensive Cat Breeds in the World

Konstantin Sutyagin/Shutterstock.com

3. Bengal

Price: $ 1,000- $25,000

The Bengal is a hybrid variety developed by selective breeding that gives them their distinctive ‘wild’ appearance, vibrant coats and a confident and friendly disposition. However, it takes up to 3 generations from the original crossing for the pets to develop a gentle behavior.

Most Expensive Cat Breeds in the World


2. Savannah

Price: $ 1,500 – $50,000

Savannahs are a hybrid developed from a cross between Servals and domestic cats. They are characterized by slender bodies and erect ears. By temperament they are comparable to dogs for their loyalty and can also be trained to walk on a leash.

Most Expensive Cat Breeds in the World

1. Ashera

Price: $ 15,000 -$60,000

The Ashera is regarded as rare and unique and hence sports a hefty price tag that can go up to a $60,000. The hybrids were created by a company called Lifestyle Pets and marketed to the rich and wealthy who seek a sort of a “limited edition” pet. Even though Asheras are actually no more than a variety of Savannahs, the marketing of these breed sets them up as the most expensive cat breeds in the world.

Most Expensive Cat Breeds in the World

Sake van Pelt/Shutterstock.com