11 States with the Lowest Suicide Rates in America

The 11 states with the lowest suicide rates in America all feature a suicide rate which is less than average. Suicide is one of the most common causes of death in the world, and the same is true for America. It is estimated that suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the country, and in 2010, was deemed to have caused more deaths than car accidents. Many people often believe that there is no way to be happy, and instead, decide that the only thing they can do is to end their life, which is the final solution for them. You can find the 11 states with the highest suicide rates in America, where a significant number of the population believes in the aforementioned final solution.

There are many reasons behind people committing suicide. These include joblessness, being left by the people they love, financial issues, loneliness, pressure regarding a social and professional life and depression among many others. However, there are states which are overall stable enough and hence, the suicide rates are pretty low. We have used statistics provided by the CDC in order to rank the 11 states with the lowest suicide rates in America according to suicides per 100,000 people.

11. Hawaii

Suicide rate per 100,000: 11.83

While Hawaii is one of the states with lowest rates of suicide, you might be surprised to find out that it has one of the highest rates of planning and attempting suicides by teenagers in the country.

However, a strong economy, an unemployment rate of under 7% and a high standard of living means most people can look for solutions to their problems instead of deciding that suicide is the only option.

Michael Warwick/Shutterstock.com

Michael Warwick/Shutterstock.com

10. Texas

Suicide rate per 100,000: 11.69

Texas has an extremely well performing economy, with a gross state product of over a trillion dollars, which in turn reflects the abundance of natural resources in the state. Furthermore, it has an unemployment rate of 6.4% and a literate population, all of which combined have led to one of the lowest suicide rates in the country.

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Dean Fikar/Shutterstock.com

9. Nebraska

Suicide rate per 100,000: 11.64

Nebraska has always realized the importance of encouraging people to talk about their problems instead of deciding to commit suicide. It has a Youth Suicide Prevention Center whose primary task is to further decrease the rate of suicides taking place within the state. Nebraska also has the lowest unemployment rate in the entire nation at 2.5%, so unemployment pressure is not common in the nation, which in turn has led to a relatively decreased suicide rate.

Nebraska - river-landscape-countryside-bridge

8. California

Suicide rate per 100,000: 10.2

While California has a comparatively low suicide rate when compared to the national average, it is also true that this is mainly due to the fact that the suicide rate of people over the age of 55 is extremely low, while the suicide rate of people below the age of 55 is actually greater than the national average. However, suicide prevention programs launched by the state have also led to a decrease in the rate as well.

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7. Illinois

Suicide rate per 100,000: 9.95

As is characteristic of states included in this list, Illinois has a low unemployment rate of less than 7%, while a stable economy has also ensured a prosperous population, whose problems are not generally drastic enough to merit suicide. Furthermore, state run suicide prevention programs have also led to a decrease in the suicide rate where such programs include the It Only Takes One initiative.

Skyscraper, building,chicago-Illinois

6. Maryland

Suicide rate per 100,000: 9.16

Maryland has the wealthiest households in the entire nation with an average income of over $70,000 annually. This in turn lends credence to the theory that the suicide rate is generally low because most of the population is not burdened with financial issues and pressure.

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5. Connecticut

Suicide rate per 100,000: 8.74

The first state in this list to have a suicide rate in single figures, Connecticut is also one of the wealthiest states in the nation, while it also runs suicide prevention programs, which helps explain the comparatively low suicide rate in the state.


4. Massachusetts

Suicide rate per 100,000: 8.18

Massachusetts has established suicide prevention programs for several years, with the primary program, Massachusetts Coalition for Suicide Prevention Website being established back in 1999. The coalition includes members of the community such as people who have actually lost loved ones to suicide in order to further reduce the rate of suicides.

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Marcio Jose Bastos Silva/Shutterstock.com

3. New York

Suicide rate per 100,000: 8.12

The suicide rate is well below the national average for the state of New York. One of the reasons cited behind this low rate is the strict gun laws exercised in the state, which has made it difficult for people to obtain one of the most popular weapons used in suicides. This is due to the belief that people who already possess guns are more likely to commit suicide than those who do not actually have access.


2. New Jersey

Suicide rate per 100,000: 8.04

Despite an increase in suicides in the state, New Jersey still has a low suicide rate mainly due to efficient programs run by the state to encourage its citizens to seek help instead of considering suicide.

New Jersey

1. District of Columbia

Suicide rate per 100,000: 5.74

Washington D.C. is the state with the lowest suicide rate in America, with the rate less than half of the national average. However, this hides the fact that the rate of people considering suicide in District Columbia is extremely high, and is something which needs to be seriously addressed.

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