11 Most Annoying Commercials of All Time

Listen up; our today’s subject is about 11 most annoying commercials of all time, and we are sure that you are familiar with this topic. Advertising has become one the most important things in the modern world, but sometimes companies make bad commercials that make you feel mad for interrupting your favorite TV show or a movie.

angry, annoyed, attractive, beautiful, bowl, brown, caucasian, cinema, corn, disappointed, dissatisfied, eating, enjoying, film, girl, glasses, hair, home, indoor,


Today everyone can have a TV in their house, and the companies know that so they advertise through catchy commercials making the TV one of the best ways to sell their products.  The study released by the California State University shows that 99 percent of the American population possesses a TV. An average person will watch TV for 9 years total during their lifetime, according to the study brought by the Statistic Brain.

Companies use catchy themes, jingles and even animals in their commercials just to make sure that you remember their name and their product. Seems that these methods of advertising are proven to be very annoying to the consumer, catchy repetitive jingles will most likely do more damage than convincing the buyer to purchase the product.

We ranked the most annoying commercials by considering the level of stress that it provokes in observers, and the amount of the repeating projections on-air. Techcrunch reported that TV commercials are the most annoying for viewers after the online ads. There is no way to rank the degree of annoyingness of the commercial; something that bothers one person wouldn’t be that annoying to others, making this subject a hard one to provide the accurate listing. Next, we considered the previously released lists from Telegraph, PreserveThe80s, and HubPages.  The comments and feedback to commercials were also a considering factor; the more the people commented in a negative way about the ad, the higher it can be ranked. Still, there are no units of annoyingness that can be measurable.

But first, be sure to check our previous list, the 11 most annoying toys ever invented to find about which toy came at the top of mom’s nerves.

Let’s start with our list of the most annoying commercials of all time.

11. Boots – Here Come the Girls (2007)

We know that women like to make up and get dressed, and this ad shows how they can be very practical about that.

People found this commercial that shows women who fight for a reflective surface while preparing for the Christmas party a little annoying.

10. Progressive

This insurance company has this cute and cool girl Flo, who does not stick with the classic stereotype of the women who needs to stay at home and cook all day.

In these commercials, she changes her character from a musician to a plumber showing that women are also capable of doing those jobs. But Flo knows to be a little irritating and viewer’s marked these ads to be annoying.

9.  Mac vs. PC

The computer market is growing every day, and the manufacturers are fighting for the supremacy of the market. Apple decided to approach the buyers by making this ad and try to sway them to buy their product rather than a personal computer produced by Microsoft.

This ad was short but still irritating, making this commercial a part of our list.

8. Coca-Cola

During 1979, disco was at its top, and everyone wore jeans. The Pittsburgh Steelers player “Mean” Joe Green had that catchy little phrase “Have a Coke and a smile” in a Coca Cola commercial.

Everyone was happy in the end when the king gets Greens towel, but the tune of the ad stayed in our head and didn’t want to get out.

7.  Snuggle

Miami Vice was one the most popular shows of the 80s, and if you watched it, there is no way you could miss this ad. A stuffed bear called Snuggle tried to convince us to buy his fabric softener brand. Some of the viewers loved the little bear, and some hated him, making this ad on our list of the 11 most annoying commercials of all time.

6.  Calgon

The famous Mr. Lee, who was in charge of our laundry in the 70s, had the most kept Chinese secret for cleaning our clothes. But that was just a trick; Calgon does everything for him.

If you grew up during the 1970s, you remember this commercial for being a pointless waste of time.

5. Wendy’s

This ad was repeated for nearly 30 years, and the old granny still wonders “Where’s the beef?“. The viewers didn’t forget that question till today, which made this commercial just a “little” irritating.

4. State Farm

This insurance company used the phrase “it’s Jake, from State Farm” in every commercial that they ever made. Isn’t that just a little bit annoying Jake, from State Farm?

3. Webuyanycar.com

After watching this commercial, your head will ring all day with the word “Any.” There is no point of discussing why this commercial is on our list.

2. Cillit Bang – (2007)

While watching this commercial your head will BANG. The company’s main phrase “Bang! And the dirt is gone“, used in this commercial, seems to be a bit too much for the viewers.

1. Go Compare – “Go Compaaaaaare, Go Compaaaaaare!” (2009)

This is probably the worst commercial, and a well-deserved first place on our list of the 11 most annoying commercials of all time voted by the viewers; it features the opera singer Gio Compario and after watching this commercial, you will never again compare anything in your life.