11 Jobs with Great Health Insurance Benefits without a Degree

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9. Almost any job related to social networks at a company such as Twitter

Score: 160 points;

Coverage: 100% for employees, 60% for dependents; (160 points);

Part-time eligibility: 0% (0 points);

One of the worlds’ most famous social networks is very stingy when it comes to part-time employees. Still, they provide 100% coverage for regular workers and 60% for all dependents. All open job posts we have found on Indeed require at least a Bachelor degree. So we needed to check additional sources. We have found a thread on Quora, with a post from Trey Johnson, the founder of College Truths, who thinks that knowledgeable self-though candidates have equal chances to get the job in the worlds’ most respected companies, like Twitter.

11 Jobs with Great Health Insurance Benefits without a Degree

Evan Lorne / Shutterstock.com

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