11 Easiest Dice Games for Kids, Families, and Seniors

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4. Three or More

Before the start, players should choose the number of rounds they want to play. The player who gets the highest score in that many rounds wins the game. And playing is simple – the objective of each round is to get three-of-a-kind or more, rolling 5 dice. If you score three-of-a-kind you earn 3 points, for four-of-a-kind you score 6 points, and for five-of-a-kind, you gain 12 points. If someone gets only two-of-a-kind, they can re-throw the remaining dice trying to get some score. If they don’t succeed, they earn zero points. Re-throwing is allowed only once per round.

game-991606_1920 11 Easiest Dice Games for Kids, Families, and Seniors

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