11 Easiest Dice Games for Kids, Families, and Seniors

With the various indoor games nowadays, have you ever wondered what are the most common and easiest dice games for children, families and seniors?

In this modern times, our lives move at such a fast pace, and that’s why we are constantly trying to find new ways to entertain ourselves and unwind after a long day. Outdoor activities such as playing sports and going to the gym are some of the ways that they turn to just to revive their energy. Yet many people find it physically tiring so they just end up staying at home.

One good way to relax is to read books and novels in the quiet of your home! Indeed, if you are a bookworm or a novel enthusiast, I’m sure that you wouldn’t miss reading the 7 easiest Dickens novel to read first. However, some will prefer doing or playing some indoor activities or games, which is why we have prepared this list of easiest dice games for kids, families, and seniors.

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To find out which are the simplest dice games for all ages we searched the web and found several suggestions from American Grandparents Association, Family Games Treasurehouse, and Icebreaker Ideas. We mixed it all up and created our list of the best and simplest dice games to enjoy playing with your kids and/or grandparents. Let’s take a look at them!

11. Stuck in the Mud

To play this dice game, 5 dice are to be rolled. Any dice that shows numbers 2 or 5 will be set aside and the same player continues to roll the rest of the dice that shouldn’t show the numbers mentioned. The scores of the remaining dice are added. The player will continue the same process until all 5 dice show 2 or 5, and then the player will be considered stuck in the mud. Then the next player will have the opportunity to roll the dice and accumulate scores until he becomes stuck in the mud, too. The player who accumulates the highest score wins the game.

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10. Yahtzee

In playing Yahtzee, each player is given 3 times to roll 5 dice in each turn. The score is considered in corresponding to each box or category in a scorecard. This scorecard is divided into 13 boxes with different categories. In case that the player is not able to match the rolled dice to any box or category, then it gets a zero point. The player who gets the highest accumulated points in all the categories or boxes is declared the winner.

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9. Fifty

 To play this game, each player is given the turn to roll 2 dice at the same time. The objective is to get the same face number of both dice (doubles). The player earns points only if he gets double numbers in each roll. The score depends on the double numbers of the dice wherein the player will earn five points in every double “1”, “2”, “4” and 25 points for every double ”6″. The first player to accumulate 50 points wins the game. But this may not go as fast as you think because if the player rolls double 3 their score is erased, and they are back to 0 points.

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8. Round the Clock

This dice game follows 5 rules and uses 2 dice. The goal of the gam is to be the first to complete 12 throws by starting to get 1 and ending up to get 12 in correct order.

To play Round the Clock, first, the players need to throw 2 dice and get the total of the dice’s numbers. The player who gets the lowest score starts the roll and followed by another in clockwise turn. Second, the first player throws the dice and targets to have either one or both dice to have number face “1”.

Third, players who were not successful to take “1” in the first round or turn throw the dice again and need to get  “1”. Those players who were successful to get “1” in the previous turn throw the dice and this time aiming to get “2” this time (or two “1s”). Next, the players continue to have their turns in rolling the dice targeting to get the face number they need which is next to the number that had previously in ascending order.

In case that the player gets different face number in rolling 2 dice, the number can be added, and the total can be considered as the next succeeding number needed by the player. To illustrate, a player rolled the dice and got “3” and “5”. These figures can be added to get “8” and could be considered “8” if it is the next number needed by the player to get the succeeding number. Lastly, the players need to complete the face number “1” to “12” in rolling the dice in correct order. The first player to complete this wins the game.

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7. Run For It

There are only a few simple rules to remember to play and win this game. First, players take a turn in rolling or throwing 6 dice and look for a sequence or run based on the face numbers of the dice. The 6 face numbers should give a correct ascending sequence. If the numbers are these,for example, “2”, “3”, “3”, “2”, “5”and “4”. Then, the scores goes like this – 10 points for the run “2”-“3” and 20 points for the run “2” – “3” – “4” – “5”.

Five points are given for each face number of a die which is part of the sequence or run formed wherein thirty points are given in total for the above example. There can be more runs in each roll of the dice. Fourth, the first player who gets to accumulate 100 points wins the game.

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6. Knock Out

Using 2 dice, players take a turn to throw the dice. Before the players roll the dice, each player should choose from 6, 7, 8 or 9 as his “knock out” number. More players can have the same knock out number. In each turn, the face numbers of the rolled dice are added. The luck of the player comes in because the total of the face numbers should not equal the knock out number they chose before the start of the game or else they’ll be knock out from the round. Before the beginning players should also agree upon the number which represents the winning score. The first one to reach it wins the game!

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5. Pig

This dice game got its name from its objective – not to be so greedy in earning immediately high scores or else you lose your points!

The goal of this game is to reach 50 points or more. There is only one die needed for the game. The player can throw the die as many times as they want, but when they roll “1” they loose all collected points in that round, and the dice is passed to next player. They can also stop when they want to make it sure they keep the points they’ve gathered in that round, and let the other player throw.

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4. Three or More

Before the start, players should choose the number of rounds they want to play. The player who gets the highest score in that many rounds wins the game. And playing is simple – the objective of each round is to get three-of-a-kind or more, rolling 5 dice. If you score three-of-a-kind you earn 3 points, for four-of-a-kind you score 6 points, and for five-of-a-kind, you gain 12 points. If someone gets only two-of-a-kind, they can re-throw the remaining dice trying to get some score. If they don’t succeed, they earn zero points. Re-throwing is allowed only once per round.

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3. Going to Boston

This game requires 3 dice. They are all rolled at the same time, and the highest one should be moved on the side. Then, the remaining 2 dice are thrown, and the highest one is placed next to the highest one from the previous throw. The remaining die is thrown, and the then the numbers of all three dice should be added, and the score for that round is calculated. The first player who reaches the number that players set before the start of the game is the winner.

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2. Catch Up

Two dice are needed, one die given to the oldest among the group, and the other die given to the player opposite to him. Counters, which can be toys or any object that can be used as counters are placed in the middle of the formed circle. One of the most interesting parts of this game is the chant or rhythm produced by the players while playing. Before starting the game players should come up with rhythm, and chanting melodies.  Upon hearing the cue “roll over”, the players holding the dice throw the dice and keeping their fingers crossed not to get “6”. If this happens, the player should pass the die over to the person on his left and starts to produce the rhythm and chant. If the person has the dice in his possession and receives another from the person to his right, at the same time, wins the game.

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1. Beat That!

And finally, the easiest dice game for kids, families, and seniors is Beat That! With only 2 dice to use, the rule is very simple, that is to get the highest score by combining the face numbers of the dice.

The players take turn in rolling or throwing the dice. The face number of each dice are combined to come up with the final score. For example, after throwing the dice, the dice have “3” and “5”, which when combined will give a score of “35”. The player then challenges the next player and says “Beat that!” to get a higher score. The next player then takes the turn to roll the dice and needs to have higher combined face numbers to get a higher score. Whoever gets the higher score wins the round of the game.

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